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M No mo' Bing bong! A new dragoness appears.



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Jul 18, 2024
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Thirty years of work had finally culminated in this final slap in Baelon Izuni’s face. Brooke McIntosh smiled with no small satisfaction at the blue wood paneled store front she had worked so hard to bring to life. “McIntosh Apothecary” was almost open for business as the busy thoroughfare of Skyladorian residents started their daily routines. Swishing her white tail, Brooke noted a few final checks she had to make before she could officially open, one including a heavy weight starting to cause her chest to ache.

Half an hour later Brooke pulled the small power switch chain of the neon open sign to signal to potential customers that she was open for business. A few people stopped to peruse through the offerings in the window, poultices, tonics, drafts, pain relievers, bedroom stimulants, and white glass bottles filled with a white liquid that made her blush slightly at the thought that she, a Vaigarin, had produced gene mods or no.

She sat behind the counter drumming her fingers on the hard wood surface, eyeing the tables and displays lined with her wares, herbs, and products. . . that were spaced out around the shop in such a way that everything was organized by usage, her OCD had made sure she could do no less. A long heavy sigh slipped from her nose as one, then two hours passed without more than a simple glance in the window. Her tail thrashed impatiently as the small jewels adorning her horns tinkled at the agitated tapping of her foot on the bottom rest of her stool.

Galestrix had been hearing talk of a new apothecary setting up shop in the Undercity of Skylador, and was curious. She admitted, she was more curious since she'd heard tell of it being set up by an Izuni, but she bore a name like a Tumnisian or a Hassani. So she admitted her curiosity was more in what kind of woman this merchant was than any particular products she might have.

She'd also managed to talk Heinrich and Asteri to join her for this, since it could also offer them a chance to see some of the more common remedies for various ills that exist amongst the Sirrisian peoples they lived with. Sure, the medical clinic's were much and above what even their best hospitals could do, but there was still something about a local herbal remedy.

Asteri had accepted the offer gladly- from what she gushed at towards Gale, most of the plants she had dealt with had been from Hassan, or genetically engineered and designed for Andraeste. And for pharmaceuticals… Well, it was exciting to actually hear it done in the old timey alchemist style, instead of the bland dibutyloxylenemethyl- whatever. Bring out the saltpeter, for pete’s sake!

Upon reliving that thought in her head, Asteri sniggered for a moment, before stopping abruptly as she noticed Gale had stopped. Leaning over to the side to take a peek at what Gale was looking at, the foxmod’s eyes widened. “Is this the place?”

"Yes, it is, Asteri." Gale said, smiling at the fox-mod.

Though she tilted her head slightly as she stepped in, the little bell hung over the door ringing as she stepped in. She'd seen a few of those bottles sitting in a refrigerated display, but they weren't labeled with any particular 'brand' of milk producer she could find. Then she got her look at the Izuni at the counter, and couldn't help but blink more. It was very rare for one to forgo the traditional facial cover that Gale couldn't do anything but take a moment to process it.

Realizing what she was doing, she shook her head. "Apologies for staring." She said, giving a quick, polite bow towards Brooke.

Asteri herself had no reservations at staring around, wide eyed. While most of the products looked to be obviously processed and, for a lack of better term, bottled, there were a fair few that were more dry herbs. Asteri’s lips screwed in thought as she stared at one- did it work like in fantasy stories and games? Mixing different ingredients- with mostly different effects- that overlapped with a very certain effect to produce a potion of said certain effect?

Would that affect- another snigger- any side-effects? Maybe it was better designed than the Senior Tome XVII? Surely it had- was that milk in the refrigerator? Blinking, turning to ask Gale the obvious question, she stopped upon seeing the Vaigarin’s stare- Asteri followed it to the shopkeeper, before jumping slightly at Gale’s apology. Shaking herself, Asteri gave a bright smile towards the draconic woman, waving her hand slightly. “Hellooo!”

Heinrich for his part, dressed in more casual Hassani clothing, had treated the trip as more of a mini-vacation. University courses were on hold for the late summer season, and the break, and this trip albeit small was much needed. Much like Asteri, he eyed over the various bottles with curiosity, a few drawing his attention more than others. As the two women took a pointed interest in the shopkeeper for some reason, the man decided on honestly browsing.

Noting those that had got his attention, pulled out his small custom order mini-satchel of sorts. A coin purse and wallet combo given his increasing exposure to Sirrisian commerce, as he now carried both currencies around. Looking over the script and iron coins alike, he actually began to wonder which the shopkeeper accepted.

Picking a few things that were on offer, Heinrich decided to give a few of the bedroom stimulants a try, as well as a bottle of the milk from the cooler.

Brooke smiled warmly and welcomed them all in, two Vaigarin, and a creature she recognized as what the Tumnisian’s called vulpine. Her hazel eyes flicked to Heinrich who had a bottle of that milk in his hands, her face reddened near imperceptibly before she was able to regain her composure. “Welcome to McIntosh Apothecary, you're welcome to browse or if you seek something specific please feel free to ask. I also take specialty work for whatever I don’t sell normally. Naturally there would be a commission fee and perhaps a surcharge for any material I do not currently possess.” she drawled with that silky smooth voice.

“Since you three are my first customers you’ll receive a ten percent discount on anything you purchase today. How does that sound y’all?” Her smile was genuine as she hopped off her stool and came around to stand a few steps away from Galestrix and Asteri.

Galestrix lifted herself from the bow, and smiled. "Thank you, that sounds wonderful." She said, turning to start seeing the goods on the shelves, and couldn't help but grin and shake her head slightly as some of what Heinrich had grabbed. "Plotting some fun in the bedroom hmm?" She asked him, passing by as she began to peruse the products available.

Asteri blinked, surprised, upon hearing the shopkeeper’s words. “W-we’re your first customers?” Had no one seriously been visiting this shop the entire day? Tails swishing nervously, the redhead’s surprised look quickly reverted back to a cheerful smile. “Well, then, I suppose everyone else is missing out!” Turning back to face Heinrich, Asteri cocked her head at him. “Belmes? Is that…” Shaking her head, she lightly scolded him: “We don’t need that, Belmes.” The mock severe face turning into a grin. “Buuuuut… Well, I think I did make a promise to you.”

Asteri let that statement hang for a moment, before letting an eyelid slide down in a wink. She then continued on: “But hold on a minute before buying, Belmes?” Casting her gaze around, her eyes brightened upon seeing the specific- dried- plant hanging in cloves near the ceiling. “I need to get some of that Ethenord for this next project in Elan splicing. It’s probably better-” Asteri reached up for the clove, frowning as she realized she was too short. “-if I-” The foxmod then jumped up, leading to many, many ripples to occur throughout her body as she failed to grasp the plant. “-Get the plants-” One last jump, and one last great shaking, before she gave up. “-Fresh!”

The foxmod sighed, her freckled face in a pout. “Beeelmes. Or Gale? Could one of you grab that Ethenord?”

“With both of you, that’s a daily routine and never just a plan”, Heinrich jested back at Gale’s comment, before stepping over to help Asteri. Reaching up with ease given his height, pulled the plant down gently before handing it to the fox mod. With a cheeky quick kiss on the head, he continued to briefly look around a little more for anything that caught his eye. Satisfied though with his current selection, took the few things he had brought to the counter.

As he put it out to pay for, and brought out his coin satchel Heinrich felt like commenting on an idea to the shopkeeper. “I’ve noticed a lot of your medicinal herbs are dried, or ground, have you thought about boiling, or steeping them in wine? Or even blending and mixing the two? It was a practice in our history way back, for helping patients taking medicianals in a way that cut the bitterness”, he offered idly as he opened it. “Oh, do you take coin or script, miss?”

Brooke couldn’t help but get a chuckle out of the fox mod’s struggle to reach the herbs just out of her reach. Returning to her stool around the other side of the counter, she pulled out a metal lock box and entered a code into the numbered lock dial, stopping on the final number before answering Heinrich. “Yes, actually. The teachers that I learned my craft from often found that mixing the herbs with something more palatable, like wine; more of our kind was likely to take the medicine given to them without the possibility of regurgitating it.”

She rolled the final number and opened the lid to show that she indeed took both coin and NDC script. “However you would like to pay for your items is fine with me.” She eyed what Heinrich, and Asteri both had and with a glass pen scribbled on a two part receipt.
“For the two of you that comes to either seventy one ten coins or 5 script please.”

“If you want to ring up hers with mine, I’ll go ahead and pay for it too as well”, he answered back, referring to what Asteri had collected. He pulled out a bill and with a small kind smile, slid it forward, a hundred script bill, “Don’t worry about change, consider it an investment.”

Gale chuckled, and smiled at Heinrich. There were plenty of times, her husband... Such a strange term she still fought to wrap her head around, did things that just seemed so out of place.

"I wouldn't be able to say much myself. I didn't much have need of a Rweja healer. Though, I must say, I'm honestly surprised I haven't heard of more Izuni herbalists either. Though, I suppose that's as much because I don't think I've ever considered the healing arts as one of the soft craftsmanships." Gale admitted, while she began to peruse the shelves.

She noticed that many of the remedies on the shelves were indeed very common cures both Vaigarin and Tumnisians used. Though admittedly better packaged and prepared than she remembered. "Did you spend time with one of the NDC craft shops, miss?" Gale asked, holding up a box of... yup, that was a headache reliever. In pill form! Most headache relievers she remembered seeing were usually either whole root or powdered!

The fox mod muttered as Heinrich patted her head. Something along the lines of giants. After shaking her head, she took a glance at Heinrich’s gift, and smiled in good natured exasperation. Belmes just being Belmes, and trying to be suave. Admittedly, Astrei’s eyes went slightly cross eyed as Gale started going on about Rweja and Izuni- Vaigarin politics and Families, something Asteri herself was trying to wrap her head fully around.

Blinking, the redhead focused her attention onto… What was her name? Having raised her finger to wag it at the shopkeeper: “Really, everyone likes acting tough and all that, right until they have to take medicine, then they’re all, ‘Nooooo, I’ll throw it up.’ Though, how do you source your medicine, Miss McIntosh?” She frowned slightly upon saying the shopkeeper’s last name- that wasn’t a typical Vaigarin name, right? Did Asteri have all the Vaigarin families memorized? Surely they didn’t sound so…. Mundane?

“I spent some time with some healers, yes and I spent time learning more modern medicine from the NDC so I guess you could say I’ve received the best training from both worlds.” She smiled and memories flashed in her eyes for a moment before she continued with her answers. “My products are mostly grown by myself in a chamber cut to be attached to my home. I use some of the bioluminescent crystals from the deeper parts of the cave to give my herbs the necessary light to grow.”

Her attention came back to Heinrich and she was a bit wary of the generosity he was extending to her. “Are you sure? Do you want anything in return for this generosity?” Obviously there was something in her past that had given her cause to hesitate at kindness but she wasn’t going to reveal that truth to strangers, not yet anyhow.

Gale nodded, and walked over to the counter, adding her box of aspirin to the pile. "Really eager to see how this handles compared to the powder or root. Will be an interesting chance to see more than just our cities merging, but also our medicines." She said, giving a smile to Brooke with a delighted gleam in her eye. Skylador was such a unique place, since the UnderCity, as most started to refer to the Sirrisian made underground portion of the city, was more densely packed than the normal cities of Sirrisian make, because they didn't need rooms to be nearly as tall to prevent smoke inhalation from the various light/heat sources they used. All because they now had the smokeless lights of the NDC. Those 'electrical' systems that now wired through the beautifully carved 'scrapers' of the undercity.

Heinrich offered a sincere smile, as he put another bill to just go ahead and add on, since Gale had chosen something. A flimsy excuse for him to toss more money on to the already sizable donation. “If a culturally unique business such as yours, can grow and thrive, then I have gotten what I’ve wanted. As someone who, not to sound pompous, sees the improvement of the future as an important duty. Well, even now if I can make progress towards that, I will. You’re helping naturally bridge the gap between your people, and mine, the Duskerians,” He stated as he urged her to take the extra money.

Asteri raised an eyebrow at Heinrich, before smiling knowingly, leaning towards Gale, blinking as she realized that wasn’t going to work. Shuffling closer to the tall Vaigarin, Asteri stood on the tips of her dark brown boots to whisper in Gale’s ear: “Well, he’s Noble material, alright.”

Sticking a tongue out towards Heinrich, she dropped back to the flat of her feet as she addressed Ms. McIntosh: “Well, if you’re ever looking into crystals, I know one of the NDC’s colonies, Andrastae, has caves with crystals absolutely loaded with life magic- I dunno if they’re bioluminescent, though…” Putting a finger on her chin, Asteri became unfocused for a moment, before her ears twitched, and she put the questioning hand onto her waist covered by her brown corset. “Annyways! Trust me, Bel- uhm, Heinrich means it when he talks about bridging the gap.”

Looking meaningfully at Heinrich, Asteri remembered something. “And by the way, Belmes. Don’t forget that we need a particularly large, pure, and very, very infused crystal from Andrastae.” Looking back towards the shopkeeper, the freckled redhead tilted her head slightly, and asked: “Well, I guess since you’ve been with NDC as well as Sirrissian methods… Do you also have Hassani plants growing in your caves?” The foxmod then gave a shrug, the slight motion causing a larger aftershock to tremor throughout the woman’s body, as she elaborated: “Like, most Hassani plants I know about tend to either be modified for colonies, or are in carefully curated greenhouses in Obsidian City.”

“Currently I'm studying to one day be able to work with Hassani plants. I don't currently possess the knowledge or means at the moment, but it's a long term goal of mine to one day be able to.” She gave the foxmod the most straightforward answer she could as she eyed the warming bottle of milk in Heinrich's hand.

“You should probably drink that while it's still cold. I think it's best that way, I lightly seasoned it with cinnamon and nutmeg, odd herbs but their taste makes up for it.” That being said, there was indeed a label on top of the lid. “Made by B.M”

Heinrich had gotten so caught up in the discussion that he’d nearly forgotten about it, and took on a look of recognition as she mentioned it. “OH, right, been here gabbing I almost forgot I had this,” he seemed to apologize, before popping the top without having paid much attention to the cap that was now turned over text down in the other hand. He began to generously drink the cool milk, “It’s been a hot one, and soft drinks aren’t really a thing over here yet. So this was a gods send.. Mmm~... surprisingly rich too. These would go great at a local hotspring, or bathhouse for after a soak.”

“You flatter me, but thank you all the same. It's all starting to pile up and you're the first to buy any. I'm starting to think the gene mod I received has made me too productive.” She chuckled nervously.

Gale tilted her head as Brooke said that last bit. "Genemod? Productive? Do you mean to say you made this milk yourself?" Gale asked, now looking between the Izuni and the bottle in Heinrich's hand. "That would certainly be an interesting... Uhhh, product? I don't think I've heard of any Vaigarin voluntarily opting to make use of the services of the clinics for the genemod therapies yet." Gale admitted. Sure, she had helped with giving the NDC scientists some samples of her own to help them understand and learn more about their new neighbors, but she herself had never thought about taking part in the treatments themselves. Then again, Heinrich had himself gone wild with those samples and made himself into a Vaigarin, so she supposed it was only time before someone from Sirris made use of it.

Asteri blinked. And blinked again. She stared at the bottle in Heinrich’s hands, before she said in a dangerously sweet voice: “Belmes? I do think the shopkeeper here may need to be sponsored in a larger capacity if she is in a dire enough situation as to sell her own milk.” And then the realization hit in, causing her to cross her arms under her chest and heft them up petulantly, the action causing a distinct sloshing noise as she almost snapped at Heinrich. “And Belmes. You know I am always available at home. Lae may be greedy, but she knows that I always prioritize you- not that that will be an issue, soon.”

After that moment of brief, hot annoyance, the foxmod calmed down just as quickly with a sigh. “Gale, it was bound to happen; My teacher for Gene Modification liked talking about how biotechs treated Vaigarin DNA as sorta the next challenge to overcome.” Though, how would they produce milk? How would they make it work with dragon transition? How- Asteri’s ear twitched. You know what? She would worry about that later.

Giving the shopkeeper a glance, the redhead smiled sympathetically. “Really, you shouldn’t worry so much- with a shop like this, situated here in Skylador, you’ll have plenty of Sirrisian folk wanting to try out NDC pharmaceuticals, and lotsa NDC people wanting to look at Sirrisian medicine. After all, NDC material doesn’t use Sirrisian plants, for the most part. Scientists are trying to fix that, but, well….” Asteri gave a wave. “Sirrisian wildlife is terrifying, to put it lightly.”

Brooke seemed to tense at the sudden outburst of the foxmod, she rubbed the back of her head and winced. “Sorry I didn't think that type of thing would get such a reaction. If you think I should pull it from the shelf I will.”

“The gene mod was an experiment with a former partner and it was something I found that I liked and kept even after we split. I also thought if I was going to have so much excess I might as well make something back on it.” She looked at each of them in turn a little on edge that she had made a mistake.

There was a lingering awkwardness from the current discussion, as Heinrich simply finished the bottle in silence at first. “I think there has simply just been a misunderstanding, as Asteri is very particular about how she uses her milk… Which to be fair, she also produces a lot of. Personally, I don’t see a problem, but that is my view. At one point, it might have seemed weird, but Duskerians rely on cowmods for a lot of dairy”, he tried to explain after putting the cap back on the now empty bottle. Instinctively licking his lips clean with his long draconic tongue without thinking, decided to maybe break the ice with a longshot. “In fairness, would you like to try my wife 's milk? Asteri’s is very naturally sweet”.

Asteri opened her mouth. Then closed it. And opened and closed it again, before a blush bloomed across her face. She managed to stammer, “H-h-h-heinrich! W-we-... Sh-she hardly knows us! An-and, well, i-it’d be inappropriate for me to j-just, well, t-take off my top and, well, uhm…” Taking a glance towards McIntosh, she rubbed the back of her neck, before setting her eyes on Gale, and giving her a slight pleading look. “L-like, surely you agree, Gale- getting rid of my top in such a public place like this with those huge glass windows is a b-bad idea, right?”

Gale looked at Asteri and couldn't help but laugh. "If we were in Obsidian City? Probably. Maybe even the Upper City. But here? In the Under City? It's just normal. Many a Tumnisian are unashamed of the act of milking, owing they are rather productive when lactating. Is one of the reasons it's considered a easy enough delicacy to enjoy." Gale said while also gesturing at her own outfit. Which didn't exactly leave a lot to the imagination, while still covering all the important bits, but they could be easily moved aside to expose them.

Brooke went bright pink at the offer and started waving her hands. “Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, as she said we hardly know one another and I'm not in the home wrecking business if it would be perceived that way.” She looked at Asteri and gave her an apologetic smile. “That's not to say I wouldn't enjoy anything you made, there would just have to get to know you all better is all.”

“What most people consider home wrecking, Gale somehow turns into a renovation.” It was a wry joke, understanding the concern, but unable to think back to a time when that ever seemed like a concern. He scratched his chin idly, “That being said, I would have just said she could put it in this bottle I just emptied. Or would have even sweetened the pot by saying I’d let her have dibs on my lap when we got home. I don’t want to force anything of course, though we might become regulars, and you’re free to join us at the manor sometime for company and tea.”

Maybe the generous offer of a taste was a bit too generous, his sensibilities seemed largely unfiltered nowadays.

"We Bahum's are quite open to such things. And besides, this isn't like we're asking her to bed us. Just enjoy some milk produced by Asteri." Gale pointed out, smiling.

“Wait.” Asteri’s head whipped around to face Heinrich. “Are you serious?”

“Well duh, you love my lap, you treat that more fondly then the pastries I buy you. So yeah I’m gonna offer that to open you up, plus your rear is comfy on me,” Heinrich answered very matter of factly, yet in a completely casual manner. It was as if she had asked a rhetorical question that confused him wasn’t the direct choice. “Lap, brushing, hugging your waist, all those little pamperings you like with it.”

As soon as Heinrich confirmed it with the first few words, Asteri was already moving, struggling to unbutton her blouse, tails thrashing this way and that. Finally, with the last button undone, Asteri’s breasts quite literally burst out of her top, the heavy mammaries still retaining quite a bit of perkiness as they bounced in front of her, helped in a small part by the black tube bra she was wearing. Face tinted pink, the foxmod took a glance at McIntosh, before taking a glance at the bottle in Heinrich’s hand, before asking the shopkeeper, fingers hooked on the bra: “S-so.. uhm. D’you want it directly, or, well.. F-from a bottle… uhm. What’s your name?”

Brooke stood back and somehow turned a much brighter shade of pink as she held up her hands. “HEY WOAH, HOLD ON A MINUTE!” Taking a towel from a cubby in her counter and tossing it over Asteri's admittedly bountiful bosom. “You lot seem to have really high libedos. And while I'm not judging, God's damn. Take me to dinner first if you're dead set on this course of action.”

"Okay, definitely an Izuni." Gale said, grinning widely at Brooke's reaction. "Go ahead Asteri, you don't have to milk yourself." She said, making the words sound like it was the plan all along. Hey, she didn't get many chances to tease the foxmod with Sirrisian culture so upfront, so yes she was going to take the chance when it presented itself.

Heinrich stepped over before pulling down the strip, and began to squeeze one of her peaks, beginning to fill the bottle. “Welp I could use a refill, oh Gale hon.. Wasn’t there a really nice restaurant in this section?” he asked while casually refilling, and leaning over to give Asteri a gentle kiss in recompense for her opening her shirt without reward. “Does it count as a triple date if it's someone new with three people, or is that just a foursome party?” he also added, mostly jokingly to hopefully lighten the situation.

Asteri just blinked as the towel slid into her cleavage, before giving a needy, nervous glance towards Heinrich. “W-well, I mean. I WAS sorta designed with a high libido in mind. Gale IS a Bahamut. And Belmes pretty much had to get used to… uhm. Me. Gale. Lae…. Uhm, Sutes… I guess Draco counts… As well as the Elder… Am I missing anyone? No?” Shaking her head, she continued on: “And even then, with the six of us, Belmes is now always raring to go. Which is good!” Internally, Asteri winced. It was still a slightly sore point for her that even though the mind was willing for her, she always fell asleep after doing it for so long.

She twitched again as Heinrich pulled down the bra and filled up the bottle, the action causing the towel to become dislodged from between her mammoth mammaries and falling onto the floor. Seemingly more at ease now, she continued: “And allllso, Belmes, I think your success with Lae has made you very bold! Asking someone out after meeting them only, what? Thirty minutes?” Sticking her tongue out towards Heinrich, she turned her head to face Ms. McIntosh.

“Buut. If you really must…” Raising a finger and putting it on her chin thoughtfully, now oblivious to the fact that a breast was hanging out, nipple bared, Asteri continued on: “Belmes wishes to invest in your business, yes? A good business decision requires a good meal- that’s why you have business lunches! So, with Belmes here wishing to invest in your business, this seems like a great opportunity for you two to get to know each other! And since Gale and I are saddled with Belmes, that includes us as well!” Asteri grinned, so much so that her eyes shut. She seemed inordinately proud of herself for coming up with that explanation.

Brooke had to sit there a minute and process everything that had just been word Vomited into her ears. “Okay so your not originally a Vaigarin, cool to know, bet your first Mating season was a doozy wasn't it? And I also can't decide if the fox is trying to say you wanna fuck me, or what. But I'm game for an investor.” She dotted her brow with a handkerchief and looked at Heinrich with a wary tint in her eye. “So stud, what's your angle?”

Gale just smiled while she stood near the counter, watching the three-way conversation going on now. "I won't deny that I had some part in that evolution, Asteri." Gale pointed out, smiling. "As for his first Summer Heat... Well, he had to put up with myself and the Tiamer Elder at the same time. And I think he did rather well." Gale said, sure, stroking Heinrich's ego a bit, but also being honest.

Asteri blinked, slightly confused. “Heinrich is good for any angle. He’s good on the lap, doggy-style, mating press, missionary….”

Heinrich couldn’t help but lightly grimace, as the weights on the scale were increasingly stacked against him it felt. “You all are starting to make me sound like a gigolo. She said take her out to dinner first, so I was taking the offer. I wasn’t necessarily trying to bed her, even

though.. I do admit she is very beautiful, milk tasting good was a definite bonus.” The man gave a small sigh, exasperated by the wacky, wet, and wild antics of his family.

“My angle was what I said earlier, that hasn’t changed. If I’m going to be a regular investor, yes it would be great to get to know each other, at the very least as possible business partners. Gale seems very eager to make that to a wife as well, but that end of things is entirely your choice,” Heinrich tried to clarify, hopefully clearing up the awkward mess this all had become. As he had done so, the bottle was filled and recapped, before he gave the teat a light yet gentle flick for her comment. Finally, he scooped up the towel and wiped off her teat before covering it, another kiss in apology to her now pouting lips.

"Oh I'm just enjoying the moment. I only push when it seems like they'd enjoy being part of the group. Besides, I don't get to tease Asteri nearly enough." Gale pointed out. "As it is, I do recall a rather nice restaurant in this part of the Undercity. They strive to, if I recall correctly, to find ways to blend both Sirrisian and Hassani dishes together, but I can't say I've heard much about how successful they've been at the idea."

“Wife? Dear me, I didn't think I was wife material. Ah- My name is Brooke by the way. That's with an ‘E’, but uh- if you're looking for a business partner then I'm sure we can talk.” She straightened her hair and fixed an invisible wrinkle in her dress. Running a hand over her face she couldn't believe she was gonna say this, but “You have a harem? I mean it's not an uncommon thing but you're so young. It's usually the much older males that have them.”

“I’m chronologically like over two hundred if that helps?” Heinrich said with a nervous chuckle. “But yeah, big family, lots of wives…. Lots of kids. Last little over ten years of my life have been a busy one, especially after the species change. Originally I was a regular old human, but I bet my parents never would have seen me becoming a dragon, heh.”

“My full name is Heinrich Oaklen, I am the son of Archduke Mark Oaklen of New Dusk Conclave. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, even if admittedly we kinda made it all really awkward for you.”

Gale had to snort to keep from laughing too hard. "You should know us Bahum's. We just roll with what our Bond Mate's choose. So long as we still get some of the attention, and aren't prevented from doing our own things, we're happy."

Upon hearing Brooke- that was her name!- say she wasn’t wife material- Asteri placed her hands on her ample hips, though she waited until Heinrich introduced himself before bursting out: “Don’t say something like that! I mean, look at me!” Stretching her arms out wide, Asteri spun around, tails trailing behind her as her top flapped in the artificial breeze. “I’m pretty sure no one would call me wife material!” The foxmod then pointed towards Heinrich. “And Belmes! I’m hoping for at least twenty more batches!”

She made to continue, but then was stopped by Gale’s snort. Giving the dragon a sidelong glance, Asteri calmed herself down, and then commented in what she thought was a quiet tone, with a deadpan face: “Sure, Belmes chose this… but you sure escalated it quickly.” Belatedly, she realized her blouse was still off, and she made a move to put it back on, struggling with the string that tightened it- that was necessary in order to help get the buttons to actually button up.

Brooke herself snorted and the blush that had made her freckles stand out like neon stars faded slowly. She stood and came around to stand with them. She stood slightly shorter than Heinrich but still was a whole head above Asteri. She placed her hands on her own curvy hips and rolled back on her heels before she extended a hand to Heinrich. “Then it's a date then prince? I have no clue if that's a correct moniker for your status, but we can talk business over a meal. As for becoming one of your wives, you'll have to talk up a pretty big game to bag me Mr. Heinrich.”

Taking the proffered hand, he shook it firmly, “Crown Prince, but you can just call me Heinrich, or even Hein for short. With the other two talking me up, and encouraging you, I guess I’ll have to actually try now. Because you very much are wife material, especially now that I can appreciate those freckles of yours up close.”

At that comment, Gale rolled her eyes, while Asteri pouted, before letting loose a groaning sigh and telling the others, her top finally fixed: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get started on this business date."


The restaurant was certainly hoping that its concept was going to draw in well-off customers. Unlike so many others, it actually took up two whole floors of the building, set on the ground level. The air was of the sort to encourage coming here actually dressed for a nicer meal, as opposed to more quick or informal hurried meals.

The Tumnisian maitre'd looked up as the foursome arrived. "Greetings Honored Ones." He said, bowing his head in respect to the three Vaigarin present. "I don't believe I have a reservation for you, but we've open seats. Am I to assume you'll only have four in your party, or should we expect more?" He asked, looking at the group with a calm normal expression.

Gale shook her head. "Just us." She said. She looked around the interior with an appraising eye. The chandeliers that hung overhead, once would have been fitted with kraken oil lamps, now gleamed down on the dining space with the perfect steady light of electric energy. The tables weren't set with dozens of eating implements, but they still had nice cloths and well made chairs. The shape of them hinted to them having steel cores in the artfully carved wood meant to hold up Vaigarin more steadily.

Brooke had been a little late for their appointment but she thought her attire made up for it. She wore a seafoam green gossamer dress accented with gold trim that hugged every lucious curve around her leaving a diamond shape opening around her navel. The skirt was tied in such a way that it left her feet exposed where she wore flat bottomed sandals that strapped a bit higher up her calf.

The top of her dress rose in two shafts that managed to cover most of her ample bosom that tied around her neck and left an open back leaving well taken care of skin and as many freckles as the stars on display across her exposed skin. “I hope this isn't too much of an ensemble for this type of gathering.”

Heinrich for his part, was wearing a dress shirt with tie, and a pair of slacks with dress boots. A Duskerian sun made of metal was clipped at the midway point of the tie of a black and red checkered diamond pattern. The shirt and slacks were white and black respectively. “No, you look gorgeous, fit for a red carpet walk I’d even say,” he praised, taking in the look with appreciation. “I was studying the place on the net, and they have a pretty thick menu, with a huge desert menu section. Dinner is on me, so feel free to get whatever you like.”

Taking the entrance to cling to Heinrich’s arm, Asteri herself was trying to blend sensuous and casual with her kimono- the top section left her cleavage bare for all to see, and one could wonder how the top even stayed on, with how low-cut it was; though the string making the collar of the dress gave a clue to that secret, as the ribbon wrapped down and around her waist to form a bow around her back. Her sleeves left her shoulders bare, but flared out in a bell shape around her wrists. Her skirt, or more accurately, loincloth, left her thighs bare on the side, and trailed down until it ended at her ankles, the back far wider than the front.

Despite the extravagant design of the kimono, the design on the kimono itself was simple- no fanciful threadings, no butterfly designs; the kimono was largely just a purple shade, with the collar of the top, hems of the skirt, and ribbon-to-bow complimenting it with a brown color. To finish it off, Asteri elected to wear her black ballet flats- she hated heels.

The foxmod was shooed off of Heinrich’s arm as her husband approached Brooke. Having taken the time to get used to the fact that Belmes was making a move on another woman, Asteri seemed much more at ease around Brooke, smiling at her as she clasped her hands together in front of her, though she whispered to Gale: “I do hope they have cheesecake.”

Brooke’s cheeks headed and flushed, highlighting every freckle across her nose as she smiled nervously, but accepting the compliment in the spirit it was meant. “I appreciate your generosity in your compliment and your generosity. You all look lovely yourselves.” She approached Heinrich and brushed off a piece of invisible dust from his shoulder, “There, now you're good to go stud.”

Gale smiled, her own gown wasn't nearly as daring as she usually opted for, though it did leave an entire leg bare. The fabric hugged her bust and waist nicely, without actually revealing anything, with a belly window showing off her stomach neatly. The little capelet that hung over her shoulders and down her back clasped to the high collar of the dress. "A table or a booth for the four of us will be fine." She told the maitre de.

The Tumnisian nodded and picked up a bell, ringing it. Soon another Tumnisian approached, a young woman in a bunny suit with fishnet stocking and high heeled shoes. She even had the headband with fake bunny ears on her head. Once she reached the podium, she turned to the group and gave a half bow. "Greetings Honored Ones. I'm Victoria, I'll be your hostess for tonight." She said, collecting a selection of menus offered to her by the maitre de. Once she had them, she straightened up and gestured with her free arm towards the dining room proper. "If you'll follow me."

As she began walking towards an empty booth table, it was hard to miss how the back was, well, designed to show off how much jiggle there was as she walked, though it was fairly firm for her level of thickness.

Normally he might have enjoyed that, but he was keeping things respectful with current company, however…. Damn, they were definitely coming back again sometime. Following the hostess to the table, Heinrich offered Brooke the first choice of seat, and moved to the one across from her. He took a menu as they were passed out, taking in the list of drink selections, before settling on a large pint of Plasma Jet. “Shall we get appetizers, their mozzarella sticks and baked raviolis look pretty good?” Heinrich offered with a skim of the most short term options they had on the menu. “Also feel free to start on the discussion at your leisure Ms. Brooke, and lay out your current business setup.”

Asteri took a glance at the waitress, and raised an eyebrow. Bunny girls were fancy? And how did bunny ears fit with goat horns? Despite her thoughts, she was mentally filing the outfit away- she would have to make one for Belmes. As she trailed behind Heinrich and Brooke, the foxmod was moving her head this way and that, taking a look at the restaurant itself. It followed the norm with most Vaigarin builds- trying to mix the ornate style of bricks, arches, embellished woodworks, and airy interior with the more earthen and sturdy feel one desires when underneath several thousand tons of dirt. Columns were aplenty, and the arches themselves were substantial- it was clear that any design was not etched into the structure itself, but rather added onto, in order to avoid any weakness.

Of course, Asteri only knew these terms because Cindy, a classmate, was an avid- almost rabid- Sirrisian aficionado. All Asteri knew by completely her own terms was that the place was very spacious, but at the same time, kinda overbearing. The tables were nice, though! They weren’t too fancy, but there was obviously some effort put into the seatings. Which, speaking of, they were sitting down in themselves.

After taking the proffered menu, Asteri took a glance through the menu, and blinked. They had Auroch-meat? But, what was this… ground Vakari? And it was topped with what Asteri presumed was a mushroom, but they called it… Nectar’s excess? The foxmod saw an asterisk by that name, so she knew, according to the little note on the bottom, that the translation wasn’t exact, buut…

Shrugging, she flipped the menu closed. Oh well, it was a while since she had Auroch steak. But as for the appetizer… Asteri put her chin on her hand, and hummed for a moment, eventually saying: “I think the mozzarella sticks will be fine, as long as they have some of the sauce to come with it.”

Brooke stayed close by Heinrich til the they were seated, taking a seat across from Heinrich and closest to the wall she too perused through the menu and couldn’t help but notice some of the items were those she weren’t familiar with. Probably some Duskarian meals that she hadn’t really bothered to learn about she guessed. “I’ll have a glass of whatever best mid-shelf wine you have, I don’t often drink but I see this as an occasion to celebrate with good company”

She offered her friends a shy smile as she glanced over the appetizer list. “What’s a fried green tomato?”

Gale looked over the entries. She'd been getting to enjoy a lot of Hassani meal options while living with Heinrich, so she was feeling a bit of a taste of 'home' so to speak. "I'll have the Selphmoon steak, medium, with tusli sauce. For a drink, I'll go with... an Normen Crystal." She said, some of her choices might be a bit on the 'odd' side, but they were all good options. Plus tusli was not easy to get this time of year, so that they had a sauce of it, oooh. And the Normen Crystal was what the Hassani would call a 'champaign'. Crisp, clear, and a bit bubbly. And also not very heavy on the alcohol either. She was going to enjoy tonight, she wasn't planning on getting entirely hammered though.

The prince had decided on a good ole tried and true cowboy steak, with a side of seasoned steak fries. He also ordered some baked ravioli for a hope of a nostalgic taste from his youth. “Fried green tomatoes are a sort of fruit that is very juicy, and a slight bit sweet. They lightly fry them in oil to get them crispy with a bit of breading on them. I think you’ll like them,” Heinrich offered to Brooke, happy to explain about food of his own culture.

As they finished up their orders, the waitress gave a subtle bow before heading off with their recorded order. It was at that point that the prince figured they could get into the meat and potatoes of their outing here. “So, how about we talk shop, and I can see what I can do for you that is within my power to grow your business. Outside of a regular donation to your finances of course as you need. Assets, sourcing supplies, marketing avenues, economic networking, possibly some customer service help, and some additional service to expand your revenue if you’d like?”

Brooke had ordered a basket of those ‘fried green tomatoes’ to try and had opted to follow in Heinrich’s footsteps and order the same thing as he did. She figured whatever he ordered was bound to be good, prince’s had good taste, maybe, perhaps. She leaned back in the booth and thought about what Heinrich had offered, it took her a long few minutes to respond but she compiled everything as neatly as she could for him.

“Networking, marketing, another set of hands, and honestly some business connections would be great. I’m only one person trying to do the work of a small team. As much as I want to be self-sufficient, there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything. And that doesn’t include the time I have to relieve my body of one of my products.” She sighed and the swell of both breasts heaved against the fabric of her dress.

Asteri’s face slid on her hands, to where she was no longer resting her chin on the palm of her hand, but now rather her cheek, as she considered what Brooke said. “Well, I know from university that there are plenty of people who want to have a job around Vaigarins and Tumnisians, but don’t take the step because, well, the big problem of getting to a Sirrisian village unscathed. You made a good call with Skylador, what with it being probably the easiest place to get to from Obsidian City.”

Drumming her fingers against her cheek, the foxmod continued. “And I dunno how to help you with many other things, but at least I can with the relief…” Giving a meaningful glance down, Asteri continued: “NDC has had to tackle this situation before, especially much more recently now that cowmods aren’t forced into the dairy industry, but still have to deal with such stuff. They have miniaturized tools that are essentially flexible vacuum tubes, with the actual containers attached to, well, anything. I have one, and originally I had to keep it attached to a couple of big bottles- they were a bit bulky to carry around on a belt, but larger sizes tend to require a much longer line, because, well, they have to be stored on the ground at that point.” Asteri grimaced after saying that, but didn’t explain further.

“Well people are the easiest for sure. I have an associate called Madame Ebony who runs a home for wayward girls, or simply no place to go. Some of her girls will work the shop with you, and therefore game work experience. Ebony only asks that a small advertisement for the home, and its services be added outside.” Heinrich laid out the first item brought up, knowing it would be the simple one to deal with, and one of the biggest help. “A small monthly amount to Ebony would suffice,” he added.

The prince gave the other matters some thought though for a moment, particularly in which was best to handle next. Connections weren't terribly hard, but a bit time consuming to go through in person. “The marketing I can handle, both as a supplier for supplies for our medical courses at the university, and commissioning various ads here in Skylador, and in Obsidian itself.”

"I'm surprised you aren't thinking over leveraging your history chops for it as well. A chance to present a peek into historical medicines during the changing of a society's era." Gale mused, now leaning forward to rest an elbow on the table and a hand on the elbow. Was it 'diginfied'? Nope. But one thing Tumnisian's knew not to harp on, unless it was absolutely important, was a Vaigarin's sense of formality. And this was just a really nice dinner, not some formal gala or affair. So she wasn't going to be all prim and proper the entire time!

“I have to say I’m not familiar with the Ms. Ebony, but I’m all for helping some females get some experience and get back into the world. If you're willing to help on those fronts I’ll take all the help I can get.” Brooke turned to Asteri and gave her the same dip in look and winced sympathetically. “Come back to the shop and we can discuss our shared problem more in depth, yeah?” She too placed an elbow on the table to rest her chin in her open palm.

“Leveraging history. . .” Brooke looked at Gale a little confused. “What exactly does that mean?”

“Well, of course!” Asteri answered that promptly, before giving a sly grin towards Heinrich. “I’ll talk with you a bit, after we get this deal sorted out, k?” After grinning towards Brooke, her face morphed into one of slight amusement. “Well, y’see, in addition to being the archduke’s son and all that… Belmes is also a history teacher, something he is very, very qualified for. Trust me, I know. I was student of his- it was an elective!” After grinning cheekily, she then added with a shudder: “Heinrich does know how to provide me incentives to get me to study around him.”

Heinrich gave a small exasperated sigh at that, “While yes, the history of another civilization is fascinating and a valuable resource for our own interstudies. We as a people are still trying to salvage and catalog.. Not only our history, but the culture of the old world, what’s left of it rather”. It was around this time that their surprisingly bouncy waitress briefly returned, appetizers and drinks on a tray, and sorted them out among the four.

“I’ll arrange a meeting with her aid, to help discuss anything further on her end later, or if you need anything particular from her potentially. Networking and connections will take time to work up and form, but I’ll start sorting names for anyone who can offer a boon to your business. Speaking of which, how about we talk about potential ideas to expand your shop’s services perhaps?” the prince added, hoping to scoot things along from the suggestive nature of what Asteri had brought up. Awkwardness was going to be a bit distracting potentially, however they had made good progress so far in the discussion.

Gale nodded. "Indeed. And history for Vaigarin has always been a... lesser desired aspect of our traits. Certainly, most of the histories we have recorded were done so by the Tumnisians rather than ourselves." Gale acknowledged, giving the waitress a warm smile as the appetizers and drinks were brought out. Once said hostess was away once more, she began to nibble on some of the food she'd picked up to enjoy. "So having a chance for cross-reference and interaction on such things is liable to be of great benefit to both sides."

Brooke nodded in agreement to Heinrich, “Then I thank you for your efforts in advance. I will do everything in my power to make this investment worth your time and resources.” Brooke looked to Gale and rolled her eyes, no in disgust or annoyance at the other female but in agreement at the ignorance of their forebears not retaining their histories on their own.

Taking a sip of her fruity wine Brooke sighed and took one of the fried tomatoes and popped it in her mouth, the semi-tart and savory flavors melding in her mouth in small explosions of deliciousness as she chewed. “Yeah. Okay, new favorite food here.”

Asteri took a mozzarella stick from the basket, and dipped it in the marinara sauce, before plopping the sauce-slathered tip in her mouth and taking a bite, smacking her lips experimentally, moaning in delight, pulling the bit away to reveal a cheesy, stringy core underneath as she began pulling in the cheese with her tongue. She then blinked, and then nodded. “It’s good!”

Taking another bite- double dipping was bad!- Asteri took a moment to swallow the food before speaking again: “Well, it’s not like Hassani have been the greatest in keeping our history, either. Pretty sure there’s not much history in our own archives before the Exodus.” She shrugged empathetically, the motion causing waves across her poor kimono. “And the survivors…” At that, she gave an inadvertent glance towards Heinrich, before looking back at Brooke, “Aren’t particularly willing to relive the events that caused the Exodus to happen.”

The next moment passed by in silence, before Asteri decided to break the silence with a somewhat forced cheeriness: “Anyways! What should we market your apothecary shop with… To be honest, there’s probably a ton of… um…” Taking a moment to remember what Gale said earlier, Asteri brightened as she remembered: “Right! There’s a ton of other Izuni and Rweja who offer very similar services. So, we just need something that’ll settle you as a niche that people want to go to compared to others. Which, honestly, you’re a step ahead of, already.” Taking a moment to sip on her sweet tea, Asteri resumed: “I mean, not many Vaigarins or Tumnisians can say that they know both Sirrisian and Hassani methods of medicine!”

“Why not organize the shop as a soda fountain? Basically way back, they were pharmaceutical stores with a counter or bar, which sold fountain drinks. So things like sodas, slushes, milkshakes, minor confections or snacks, and other such treats. Was great for general customer revenue, but to occupy kids while parents did their medicinal shopping,” Heinrich offered, having tried to avoid looking too embarrassed. It was increasingly hard, especially as their waitress who had been passing by, tried to mask a look of lustful envy towards Asteri. She truly is living up to her slutsune nickname, he thought to himself, internally mortified.

“Well you're both right in your respective ways, and this soda fountain was something common once upon a time?” The idea of having multiple avenues of revenue interested Brooke, she had always liked the idea of creating a safe space for anyone to come to as well as ply her trades so that might actually work out to be the best course of action she could take. “Also was it just confectionaries and sweetened drinks or were there other options of enjoyment that could be sold?” Seemingly Heinrich might have sold her on the soda fountain idea and her not even know it, a certain focused gleam had entered the female's eyes as interest and proposition took hold.

“Particularly they also sold small things like candy. I guess you could say it was an odd mix of pharmacy and candy shop really, with the soda and ice cream products just kinda added in. Simple candies aren’t hard to make either, especially if the old timey stuff which was made from natural ingredients,” Heinrich said, expanding on the details of the shop’s concept. A small smile having crept into his expression to see her so interested, in an albeit small bit of nostalgic history. “I remember during the war, they were one of the few places to buy even normal candy bars and such, for the longest time it felt like. Mom used to take me and my two siblings there for an occasional treat on the weekend.”

Gale nodded. "I can think of some confectionaries we could even use to further her selection. After all, if it's a store highlighting both peoples... Why not bring in things from both? I know of a Fucon who loves to bake, he lived with an Izuni family a while, and has been wanting to try something sweet. I could point him your way Brooke." Gale said, smiling as she spoke.

Asteri smiled gently towards Heinrich upon seeing his own smile of reminiscence, before turning her head to face Brooke. “And I supposed if Belmes remembers such places with fondness, a lot of other veterans in the NDC will as well- and who knows? Maybe getting them to the surface of another planet, interacting with other people, might do them some good.”

The foxmod’s ears folded down as she considered something. “Though, with all this talk about bringing in sodas and baking, it’s almost making this idea turn from a pharmaceutical to a more medicinal bakery.” Placing a hand on her mouth, she attempted to stifle the unladylike snicker to a more elegant giggle- unsuccessfully. Once she finished the round of sniggers, Asteri elaborated: “I mean, it’s certainly interesting to have a scone that one eats in order to cure themselves of a cold!”

Brooke's lips turned up in a soft smile at Asteri's snickering fit but shook her head. “As much as I would like to believe I could mix culinary arts with medicinal cures I'm not entirely certain the way you're thinking it would work would, or at least not to the same effect. While I do believe food cures the soul, the mortal body is a different matter entirely.”

Brooke sat and thought for a moment then looked at Gale. “If you can get me in contact with this male I would be more than happy to speak with him and try to incorporate his ideas. I want this shop to be a one the people look fondly upon”

Gale nodded and smiled. "I can see what I can do about it. Especially if you do this 'soda fountain' idea." She replied, looking over as a cart with a covered tray was pushed towards the group. Soon the hostess settled the cart next to the table, and lifted the lid, letting the smell of the food waft over the entire group present and letting them all enjoy the scent of the cooked and prepared foods.

Asteri blinked. She didn’t want to sound like that kind of person, so she withheld her explanation on functional groups, bonding, and activators. Besides, that might be a no-no- the NDC was very particular about what knowledge and technology they shared with the Sirrisians. “Well, getting a Vaigarin- sorry, should say Fucon- is a good start for that end, if you want it to be fusion of Sirrisian and Duskerian stuff, might need to have someone who knows our bakeries as well.”

They also probably should steer the conversation back towards medicine- it wouldn’t be very good if Brooke’s shop was only focused on-

-FOOD! Asteri practically drooled as her Auroch steak was put in front of her, along with the mashed sweet potato and gravy mix. She didn’t recall gravy having a blue color, but that was probably Vaigarin! Or Tumnisian. Regardless! The foxmod picked up her fork and knife, sawed off a bit of the steak, and began nomming with gusto.


With dinner having been consumed, and ideas passed around, the group soon found itself outside the restaurant. "I shall definitely have to recommend them to others, Sirrisian and Hassani alike." Gale mused, a contented smile on her face.

Even as they had parted after desert, Heinrich was still more than curious of Brooke, but that would come later. For now it had been a productive day despite the original intent of a vacation. “In due time, should let the renovation settle first, and the business model adjustments. For now we have a couple days left of our vacation, remember, so how about we make the day up in the hotel room,” he only playfully chastised, before throwing an arm around either woman and pulling them close. “Besides, it’s been some time since we’ve had a bed for just the three of us, and Asteri is looking a tad full up top. Shouldn’t we help her out Gale, just like old times?~”

Asteri couldn’t help but blush, then giggle. “I mean, I’m never going to say no to that~. But just remember, save some for the milkfiend who calls herself Lae, alright?” She leaned up on her toes to whisper to Heinrich, although Gale was close enough to hear it: “Just make sure to get it alllll out, alright?~” Asteri fell back onto her feet, leaning into her husband to continue: “I seem to remember asking us to go to the beach a couple of days ago. Maybe we don’t have time now, buuuuuuuut~. Maybe we could ask Brooke to join us, see us when we’re trying to be family and not business!”