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M [Fallen Shrine] Keeping things Sanitary



Vaigarin Elder
Nov 3, 2021
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Sophia was scrubbing her hair as she stepped out of the shower. Unlike if it was in her personal quarters, which were currently needing fixing as the water was basically nil, it was the 'crew' showers. Which honestly, it wasn't a big issue for her. She was used to public showers anyways. It was all she knew before after all. So thinking nothing of it as she opened the hatch, she started to step to the side as Sarah came towards her. "Morning." She said, pulling the towel down to hang off her shoulders.

Sarah had been heading in to do much the same, but she paused with a small smirk as Soap strode out in her unabashed glory. “Well.. someone stays well trimmed, I can definitely appreciate that. Surprised that Kayla lady, or the demon haven’t tried to pin you down and style it”, the raven haired woman offered with a small teasing chuckle.

Soap snorted. "It's a sanitary thing. Reduced the chance of us getting something or another lingering around. Seemed kind of stupid to me, since we were basically isolated outside of the combat exercises." She said, shrugging. She would have glanced down, but she was already pretty well familiar with all of the bits and bobs she had down there. Well, all but that silly new addition. Stupid Orias. "As for styling it, never really thought about it, and I sure ain't planning on giving them a chance to."

“Oh? Yet you keep it so well kept that it looks soft, a little personalization never hurts, especially if you’re going to be seeing it in the mirror every time you undress. I guess it’s more about taking a small bit of pride, or fun in your private appearance is the best way to put it I guess. Especially if it makes you feel good to look at your body.” Sarah’s eyes did linger on the mark just above said patch, the gold accents of the mark almost seeming to match up with that of the foxmod’s modest private hair.

With a small relaxed smile, Sarah opened up her pants, before peeling the unzipped front back to show her own as her thumbs pulled her panties down to expose it. It was also well kept, smooth raven hair with a nice sheen, trimmed into the shape of a heart. “It’s also a fun teasing thought to think most people would never be worthy of seeing such a little surprise”, Sarah said giggling a little, not even shy herself it seemed. There were some scars here and there that were also exposed, of various origin and cause from their shaping and pattern of scar tissue. As well as what looked like an older unit related one that had been marred by one of said scars.

Soap snorted. "Yeah, well, never much thought about it because it never seemed to be something important. Better to keep it functionally trimmed than try and go fancy." She said. "Speaking of things, you need me to step over so you can get into the shower?" Soap asked, thumbing towards the room. They could probably continue the chat in it, but she figured she'd check right quick considering.

“Well I'm not in any rush, the conversation seems enjoyable. Unless you want to join me in the shower so we can keep it going?” Sarah replied politely, finally taking her hands off her open pants, even if not actually reclosing them afterwards. Instead she opted for resting them on her hips casually before continuing, “As for being important, well yeah none of that meant a damn back then of course. But these days, it’s perhaps a wee bit more important given we’re free, and able to think about other things more casually and expressively.”

“I’d even be willing to help you with it if you want, given I had to learn it all myself after the war too. Who knows, maybe you find some joy in learning to womanly pamper yourself”, Sarah added with a small encouraging grin.

Stepping aside, Soap let Sarah into the room. "I mean, I can talk, you can clean. I ain't gonna try and get myself through another round of blow drying with all this fur involved." She remarked, grinning as she made sure to sway both tails in different directions as a point. Both were a bit extra poofed up due to being dried so aggressively by their owner. "As for what you're suggesting? Maybe? I mean, I don't really think much about it, and honestly, I'd rather keep working then trying to do such things, even if they're just on the side." She replied, settling herself against the combo sink/toilets along one wall.

"As for pampering, I get enough of that outta Kayla and Orias. I still feel weird as hell about it every time."

Stepping in, Sarah began to fully disrobe now, exposing more of the same as before… but far more. Nothing massive, but definitely numerous, spread across a good majority of her body as it became increasingly exposed. There were even a few other small tattoos of military nature, placed in sensible spots. A few stood out however, some being one or two places where there were signs they existed at one time, but were removed for one reason or another. Including one that left a slightly darker patch of skin between the shoulder blades, only visible when her long hair was moved aside. The only other piece of note was a little larger, and longer, being a rose vine design that traveled from hip to calf, with changes clearly made over time.

Various colored roses along the thorny stem, but most of them having been altered to be wilted and dying, with this non-rhythmic pattern being incoherent along its length. Ending in a small bouquet at the top, but most of those there were also changed to be wilted and dead.

“Shame, if we weren’t both jarheads, I’d almost want to put curlers in it and see just how curly both could get”, Sarah chuckled as she finished stripping, then began to adjust the shower settings to her liking as they talked. “But in all seriousness, if anything else, I would at least strongly recommend giving that kind of stuff a try at the very least. Live things up, try things you’ve never gotten to before, wouldn’t your comrades want you to live and see all the things their hard work lead towards?” Having gotten the settings, and the water running, she set aside her toiletry supplies before stepping into the shower proper now that it was heated and running. “I’d be more then happy to help you take care of all the fur, I know some good shampoos for that kind of thing. I can even help brush it”, Sarah finished up by adding casually as her cleaning of her body began.

"What, and give up private shower time? That's just too high a price!" Soap jested, grinning as Sarah spoke. Seeing the way things were on Sarah, Soap simply accepted it as the price they all paid for doing their work. War was not a pleasant or friendly thing, and the scars it left were numerous. The tattoos though, she more shook her head about. Most seemed to be of military nature, but that big ol' rose? Yeah, that was probably more than she'd want to get ever. "Wouldn't even know where to start on 'trying new things'. As for what they want or would want to see... Couldn't tell you. Just know most have gone on to do their own thing now." She replied, shrugging. "Hell, one of them keeps trying to catch me to try and talk me into going back into the military. Even going so far as to chase me to Tortuga."

“I know a drill instructor like that, ha. Another fox mod actually, though he has two fur colors. Good officer, bit glum, so I told him to smile more, it scares the recruits more into thinking there’s surprise PT that day hahaha”, Sarah joked and laughed. “I was hired to pass on my marksmanship training to the instructors, as well as some other things. Think his name was Fredrick?”

Soap couldn't help but lift and eyebrow. "Sounds similar to the one I know, but he wasn't exactly glum. So maybe someone similar. Not like I knew every foxmod that came out of the damned Zoo." She said, shrugging non-committedly. "I just know Two-Tone seems to think it's his job to keep us on the damned military line. Even if some of us don't want that anymore." She replied, thinking on the matter. It sounded similar enough to her Fredrick, but she never knew him to be glum. Straight laced, and dedicated sure, but glum? Just didn't seem to be in him. "That said, I probably say more to One-Eye than I do any of the rest. If only because One-Eye doesn't usually give me grief over the drinks she's pouring me at the Reach Out and Touch bar on Tortuga."

“Maybe glum wasn’t the right word… I’m not great at reading emotional stuff at times. Still an area I’m working on, more used to reading movements. Though I can’t say I’ve ever been to tortuga, maybe you can show me that bar when we go?” Sarah was enjoying the hot water on her skin, taking her time to scrub herself down. She still smelled Soap’s… well soap, lingering from her previous use, it was pretty generic in scent. Her eyes easily eyed the bland mass produced bar that was still sitting on one of the soap holders.

"'Pose I could. Gotta drop off Armora there anyways. Just don't piss off One-Eye, she's still a crack shot even after all this time." the foxmod replied, shrugging. "As for the bar, definitely. Gonna be likely hammering away a few while we transload cargo. But that's the yard rats’ problem, not mine."

Sarah gave an amused snort of sorts, before it turned suddenly into coughing sneeze. “Ah damnit, I snort-laughed soap up my nose..” The raven haired woman cleared the unintended intake, before properly replying, “Sounds like a nice fellow, someone I can trade stories with. Though is the nickname the roughly earned kind, and they took one eye open one closed too literal? Or the ironic kind like yours?” Sarah, despite the small interruption, was now rinsing her body, methodically making sure to clear as much leftover soap as possible. Her hair was last, more of a ritual then any particular reason on her part.

"Spent more time peering through a sniper scope and squeezing the trigger than she did most other tasks. So she earned that one for her role." Soap replied, chuckling at Sarah's mishap. "Also, that's all on your missy. Not me. I didn't make you laugh." She pointed out, despite having done that very thing. Not that she'd own up to it.

“First off, feck off. Second, oh it’s a she, sounds like my kind of girl”, Sarah seemed to coo a little, faux flirtatiously before giggling. Now that her body was done, she began working on her hair, giving it the preemptive thorough rinsing, then applying shampoo with a sweet floral scent and washing it as they continued. “Though my woman’s intuition is saying, either they’re a little bit of a loner like I still am a little bit, or they got taken by another in the unit?”

"If you mean are they single, no. They hitched up with a dog-mod and they run the bar. Most give her wife a bit of trouble, with how personable she is, but Bailey is a decent sort. Last time I talked to them, they talked about how they were trying for kids." Soap said, rolling her eyes at the scent of the shampoo. "Jeeze, you have scented soap and shampoo?" She said flatly, not getting the point of having such fancy things. Seemed kind of a waste, and liable to get one picked out in the field.

Sarah gave a laugh from within the shower, “Well I wish them the best, kids can be great, and a reward all their own to come home too. Also yes my dear, some people actually like to smell nice, and not like mass produced industrial cleaner..” Sarah paused her hair cleaning to grab the bar, and hang herself suds and all out from the shower, holding said bar. “Did you go for the linoleum scent number two, or bakelite number 3”, she jested with a small poke of the tongue mischievously.

"Neither. 'Trench Line Bravo.'" Soap said completely nonplussed by the question. It was like she hadn't even considered it. Which, considering she smelt like nothing at all, was probably a point of pride she had. "Seems kind of stupid to make yourself smell like something is all."

“Nah, not enough earthy or metallic scenting…” Seeing the joke fell flat, she petered out on the humor, almost apologetically. “I guess it would if you don’t care about being around other people… Besides, I was always deployed to the edge of an area, so it’s not like that mattered as much. Though I didn’t have time for any sort of luxury back then, but this is now, and I’ve taken a liking to enjoying all the small embellishment.”

Having leaned in, almost as if recoiling from the blunt return, Sarah got back to her cleaning after respectfully putting the bar of soap back where it belonged. “I would have made a joke about scenting you, but I don’t think you find me very funny.. Sorry”, she offered as she got back to it.

Soap tilted her head. "I thought you were being serious?" Soap asked, a little confused. Sure, she wasn't completely ignorant of things, but there was a lot that still sailed over her head due to her own version of closed-minded-ness. "Just, never crossed my mind to go with anything that was scented. We were being trained to deploy behind the lines and ravage 'safe areas' of enemy nations, so we always just tried to remove scents when possible." She explained, shrugging.

“Fox in the hen house so to speak. But that’s fair, rules of war were a joke before it ended, and I’ve done my fair share of unsavory tactics. And no, I had been trying to joke with you for the most part the majority of the conversation Soap, other then being serious about the whole bit with trying new things alongside my other suggestions.” She wasn’t used to feeling melancholic like this again, she remembered feeling socially stunted like that, learning to not take everything so bluntly. Much less the recurring topics of the past, and what they used to do.

“I can see why that demon took such a fond obsession with you. You’re so blunt and dull at times, no offense, but there could be a lot more there. Expression, maybe not necessarily getting people, but more understanding at least intentions in mannerisms. It would help with your work too at the least.”

"I mean, I do well enough getting the contracts. Though I do keep getting told I'm too direct and uninteresting by a lot of them. But they never seem to really see it as a problem since I keep finding work." Soap said, shrugging with a grin. "As for that demoness, I have no damned clue what she was thinking. Just that she was more than happy to take advantage of me when I didn't even know the rules of the game in the first place." Soap grumbled, huffing a bit as she lifted and rotated the foot that had been used to try and kick Orias that time. There was a bit of phantom pain from the recollection is all.

"I guess I just don't get to do a lot of 'normal' social interactions. That's all. It isn't like I'm some scary monster!" She retorted thinking on it. Then again, she probably didn't realize how stand-offish she was and how it made it hard for others to be willing to engage in conversation naturally.

“Perhaps that’s still better then ramifications for breaking the leg of someone trying to help you up instead”, Sarah said with a brief humored hmmph. She was starting to rinse her hair now, the sinking feelings of their topics seemingly unable to wash away with the soap. “Aren’t we all of a sort, though I guess, that’s more true for those of us unlucky enough to have been also deployed. I’m sure most ex-service who saw deployment for extended time, in the mirror as wolves in sheep’s clothing. It’s why I’m out here instead of around my family most of the time.”

Sarah sighed a bit at her own words, “Maybe I’m starting to sound like a hypocrite though. Socializing is still important, to a degree at least, so getting comfortable and learning from it is more help then hindrance. I can’t say for anyone else, but for me, it at least helps me feel like a person again.”

Soap shrugged, walking over to the rack and getting a towel in hand. "Yeah, well, still learning how to be a person and not a loaded weapon being pointed at people sometimes." She said, hanging the towel on the hook next to the shower stall. "Getting there, Doc's helping with that. But still forget that at times." Soap finished, stepping back to the sinks and leaning on them once more. "So, breakfast once you're clean?"

I’m going to be honest here, being around doctors makes me feel guilty now…” Sarah having finished, stepped out, hair brought together in long wet ponytail of sorts, and draped over her shoulder as well as front between her breasts incidentally. “You’re supposed to ask a girl to dinner, after emotion dumping with her. Not breakfast, that comes after taking her to bed”, she attempted to joke with Soap again, after stepping out and taking the proffered towel.

Beginning to dry herself off, Sarah sighed relaxed, enjoying the after effects of the shower as she now smelled all nice and pleasantly with her skin glowing from the treatment. “To be honest, he’s… not more blunt, but perhaps more crude and cranky I would say. Reminds me of a cantankerous grandad then a doctor, but given his background, well… I suspect he has his own regrets and self loathing to tackle.”

Soap snorted. "Yeah, well, last I checked, Oh-eight-hundred hours makes for a poor dinner hour, so breakfast it is. If you got a problem with it, shoulda done the emotion dumping closer to dinner." Soap fired back, grinning.

Sarah leaned in with a smirk, having closed in slightly, “Is that an invitation?~”

"As for Doc? Well, owing his research got used to make me and who knows how many others that got thrown into the furnace of war without a thought, well, I don't' blame him honestly. In a weird way, he is kind of the grandfather of genemods." She said, pointedly ignoring Sarah's little jab at her. Okay, maybe not pointedly, but she definitely wasn't taking the bait at least! "Oh right, should probably get dressed so we don't scandalize the rest of the crew." She muttered, looking down at herself and remembering she was nude.

There was a snorting laugh out of the raven haired woman, “And yet, the twins seem so free of fabric despite the compartments they work in. I hardly think saving on detergent would add to any scandal heh.” Her half joking advance brushed aside, Sarah sighed a little internally. “I need to give him a thank you for that too, which might do some good for him to hear. I have a large family as you see, and quite a few genemods have been adopted by my kids. I want to thank him for giving me them.”

"Yeah, but the twins do that as a point of fact to rebel against the idea of having to be clad head to toe in PPE. I'm more thinking of our would-be angel and the deer." She said, shrugging in response to Sarah's statement. "I know that Cate would be pretty upset about it, and Olyv would try and exploit it somehow." Soap clarified. She herself though, started walking to the hatch for the room. "And I suppose that's nice? I mean, not really sure how to feel about it. I mean, technically, I got 249 brothers and sisters since we came out of the same blender."

“If it means anything, I’m thankful to him for getting to meet you.” Sarah wrapped her hair in the towel without elaborating further, and followed after. A small chuckle did emanate from her as she did, “Sorry, was just thinking she couldn’t steal anything of us if we didn’t have anything to steal on us. As for Cate, her clothes seem to be trying to free themselves off her most of the time, so maybe it would do some good to try being more free. I’m more worried about mortifying the prudish doctor, and that poor boy Drake.”

"Not worried about Drake. He brought in the twins after all. And Olyv. As for Doc? I don't think he's prudish so much as dedicated to his vision of work. Honestly he barely seems to notice much outside of that most of the time." Soap remarked, shrugging as she walked. "As for Olyv, I'm sure she'd find something to strategically transfer to an alternative location somehow. The only question is what?" She stated snorting in amusement. "For a peace model, she's not half bad at sticky finger work."

“Maybe she’d start sneaking clothes on us at that point, if only to prevent us from tempting Drake hahaha”, Sarah laughed jokingly, given the deermod’s equal obsession with said man. “I mean, wouldn’t you think this would be pretty distracting?” Sarah cocked a pose with a smirk, showing off her figure, now that her hair was bundled up under the towel and out of the way of viewing her wholly. “What is it about seeing Kayla and Orias that gets you so flustered, but none of the other girls on the ship? They more your type?~”

Soap nearly stumbles as Sarah asked her question about the two other women who seem hell-bent on throwing her life into such a wild loop. "I'm sure Olyv would figure out something. Distracting is one thing, obsession is another." She remarked. Though she was focusing on working her way to the stairs so she could go up to the next deck up to get a change of clothes. "It's more... That they don't seem to really understand personal space. And are assertive about invading it." She said, trying not to think on the whole thing.

“So you’re not attracted to them? Or is it just annoyance from that form of pestering?”, Sarah asked curiously as she continued to follow Soap casually.

"I mean, I won't say they aren't attractive. Just, I don't know how to cope is all." She said, trying to dodge the further hounding of her interests. She wasn't exactly one for going after sexual excitement anyways. So why the sudden interest?!

Sarah seemed thoughtful, pondering that answer a little, “Do you find me attractive… my wreck of a body and all?”

Soap opted not to answer but instead coughed. She was still trying to unwrap her own feelings about things. She couldn't help but think of Spark, her old RTO back in the Zoo... Jessica Smith. And the one that she'd found herself getting close to only to have her torn away because of the damned officers. Honestly, part of her being flustered was just how similar all three of these women who seemed intent on dragging her into sexcapades weren't that different from how she looked.

“Sophia…”, Sarah said, more then clearly being able to tell she was being brushed off and ignored. Even if poorly so, if mildly annoying in how half assed the attempt seemed. “This is important, I have a point I am trying to get to here. But I’m trying to talk to you about it, and not cram in like you so fondly disliked. So at least have the courtesy to hear me out, and talk about it face to face.”

With a heavy sigh, Soap did in fact turn to face Sarah. She didn't like using her chosen name. It felt like she was trying to forsake the pain and the ones she lost. "There, I'm facing you, okay?" Soap stated, looking Sarah dead in the eye and waiting to see what came next.

“Do you want to learn to cope with it? If you want, I can help you. I want to, I really do, and I am trying to be gentle and pace trying to so its not just shoving you into everything. You seem amicable so far at least, and I want to help you with all this in earnest if I can.” Sarah didn’t break her gaze, and it wasn’t angry at the brush off from before, but soft and welcoming. “I’m offering is all….”

"Alright? Listen, I'm just trying not to be reminded of painful things, and between the three of you, I get enough reminders of them. Especially with the other two being so damned forceful about it." She said, shrugging like it was hopeless for herself. "I still don't get what they see in me to be so assertive about though."

“Because while you’re trying to hide from the pain, you can’t hide that you’re feeling the pain.”, Sarah said simply at first. “They, despite doing poorly in their approach, likely just want to help if even to just ease it for you. If we are really so much of a burden in reminding you about it, would you rather that we went away instead?” She didn’t want to feel hurt that it was because of someone else, but at the same time it was all starting to make sense, sort of. She had to fight back the urge and curiosity, of asking who she was, this woman who Soap was trying to outrun the memory of.

"It's not like it'd make the whole thing go away." Soap replied, glumly. "It's half the reason I am the way I am." She said, crossing her arms and leaning against the bulkhead next to the elevator. "Hell, the fact that One-Eye'll still give me the time of day is surprising because of how I got in the Zoo." She stated, in a way sounding like she blamed herself intensely for how things turned out. Which, in a fashion, she did. She was the reason the one person who made that hell worth surviving died. And then others died because of her... She was still carrying the pain of her hurt and the loss of so many on her shoulders, and in a metal case in her cabin.

Yeah it all made a familiar kind of sense now, to a point of seeing her old self in the foxmod to a degree. “I know how that feels, and I’ve been through it too. I lost two husbands to the war, the first drove me to enlist, the second to regret getting attached to those in my unit. I took the anger, the guilt, and I let it be an excuse for doing things that I should have known were wrong. It took me a long time to accept, and cope, before moving on and taking it as a reason to do better going forward.” Sarah couldn’t think of anything else to say immediately, so she offered something physical and gentle, her open arms in offer for a hug if Soap chose to accept it.

"And how many people that you cared about did you order to their deaths, knowing that's exactly what you were doing? What you were made to do? And how many died trying to save you, because they thought you more important than themselves?" Soap retorted, almost immediately regretting it as she said it. She wanted to get over the pain, over the agony, but... but she'd made it so much a part of who she was, she couldn't see how she'd still be herself if she just... let go. Let the dead finally have their peace they'd already earned. Found a place to bury the tags that were the only markers of their even having existed in the first place...

"I'm sorry..." Soap said, head hanging as she hit the control for the elevator and stepped into it as the door opened, expecting Sarah to be no longer even interested in talking to her for some time.

A hand stopped the door from closing immediately, but she didn’t specifically move to stop her, or the elevator ride to follow once the doors would finally be allowed to close. “Yes, and yes…. My late second husband died, shoving me out of the way of a mortar round. I’ve lost both family and friends, also enlisted, knowing it had to be ordered, and regretting it even now. I can’t say it will all magically get better, and I’m sorry I pried into it all, but I will be here when or if… you need me, even if just to talk”, Sarah finally offered before removing her hand gently and stepping back, her expression that of a sad apologetic nature.

Soap sighed. "Let's, just have that breakfast after we're dressed, okay? We'll see how we're feeling then." She said, hitting the button for the bridge deck, and by extension, her quarters. Walking into her room as the door opened again, she just got herself into a pretty bland pair of combat pants, a crop top, and her boots. Okay, and some panties and socks too, she wasn't that much of a freak. Still, once she had everything on and in order, she spared a glance to the box on her desk before walking back to the elevator to go the galley.

Sarah hadn’t gone for quite the complete outfit, opting for only a tank top, and a pair of shorts in tomboy fashion. She was already waiting in the galley, she was currently munching on a bagel with cream cheese, and a small ration of bacon with eggs. To her side with one hand loosely coddling the mug, was a cup of coffee with something sweet smelling added. The other hand was holding a pad from which she was scrolling as she read something on. Her hair was dryer now, but still in the towel.

Soap walked over to the counter and started making herself some toast and an omelet. "So, good read?" She asked over the counter as it heated up and she started getting some diced ham, a few greens, and the three eggs she was planning on having ready.

“This just in, I’m a cliche, who… I guess likes romance novels. I don’t know, I mostly started trying them to see what normal bitches read”, Sarah offered back as she continued to slowly scroll, eyes scrolling the text. “I also am just checking my email as it comes in.”

"Email out this far? Damn, didn't think we got that good of a signal." Soap joked, grinning. "As for the cliche, eh. One of my scouts, Rainbow? Pastel fucking colors of the rainbow in her fur and hair. Excellent scout. Whenever we got access to the entertainment links, grabbed the hardest sounding songs. And I don't mean by titles, I mean the absoutely most heavy metal shit. And if you offered her anything kind of cutsie, she would rip you a new asshole." She said, laughing in memory of the one time someone tried. "I don't even know what she does now."

Sarah tried to rein in a snort of laughter, gently dropping the pad before putting her face in both hands, as the raven haired woman tried to suppress her laughter. After a few moments, it lowered to a containable low giggle, as she picked up the pad again and began to search something up on the media network. Pulling up what she was after, turned the audio up on what was a music video of a pop number, before propping up the pad to face Soap in both hands where the foxmod could see. “Her- snort by ch- giggle chance?”, Sarah inquired while trying to contain her amusement as the video played.

Soap finished up cooking her omelet, and raised an eyebrow as Sarah had to fight from laughing. "Okay, the fuck is so funny?" She said, before Sarah pulled up the video. And Soap's jaw just dropped. "The actual fuck? That's definitely her voice... Her fur... What the hell?"

“Diamond Glen, NDC Idol representative of the recon corps!”, Sarah said almost cackling from the amusement of it all. “Leaderboard runner as a pop hit too, can you fuggin believe it, hahaha!”

"I have to wonder how the actual fuck they talked her into doing that shit. Because the only way I can think of is that they held a damned gun to her head." Soap said, laughing at just how cutsie Rainbow was being all through the video. "Seriously, she must hate doing this stuff every single second."

“Might be because the whole metal thing was taken, which is more the forte of an idol called Moehammer. The part that tickles me about that one, is she’s an ex-chimera”, Sarah offered, before sliding the pad over to Soap to look through further videos if she wished. Her sappy and steamy rom novels could wait, the idols topics was more interesting for now… Well, and she would never admit it, but she had a small thing for idols in general.

"Never heard much about the Chimera's honestly. Wasn't the kind of thing we were expected to face." She said, before loading up the next video. "Oh my fucking god... They actually talked her into that outfit?!" She said, unable to help laughing harder at seeing Rainbow in a magical girl outfit that was maybe a little on the risque side by some's standards. It looked like this was intended for some kind of show. "Damn, did they really get her to act in a show? And you said recon corps? So she's still doing our Recce shit huh?"

Sarah smirked, “Acted as a lead role, and she’s top of her unit.” She wouldn’t mention that Armora guest starred at one point, mainly as a villain of the week type deal. Picking up her bagel again, she started to munch into the sweetly topped food. “Chimera were juiced up tank killers in neural tethered armor. Not many of them survived the war due to… a few reasons… Mainly two, being that the drugs they’re juiced with lead to their body depending on them just to run. The other being.. They were suicide units.”

"Oh that sounds familiar. Since we only had a field life of only 2 years. Which was enforced with a lovely little bomb in the cranium." Soap said, sighing heavily. "And good to hear she's still taking wins in being amongst the top scouts." She continued, smirking. Flipping to the next video, she managed to resist giggling. Just a little bit. "God, she has time to do this stuff while also still doing scout shit... She's gotta be exhausted."

“Probably helps its a time of peace, though from how things sound, that might be sort of changing soon. You keep up with… well as odd as it may sound now, galactic events?” This time, Sarah withdrew a mobile device from her shorts pocket, before laying it down for the foxmod to see, a headlined article on the screen. IRIS Pact ratified, joint nation alliance for security of the gates, was the headline, a photo of a small group of almost eclectic leaders signing what looked like a charter under said title.

"Well, that's gonna make travel more interesting." Soap muttered, already thinking of how much headache that could cause. Handing over the pad back, Soap grabbed her plate and settled it on the table. "Still, she goes by Diamond Glen now? I'm just gonna call her Rainbow." She said, grinning. Well, guess she learned what another of her unit was doing these days. Still military, but apparently side-lining it as something she would have utterly despised back in the Zoo.

"Sounds like you might be a fan, all things said though." Soap posed, the statement voiced as a question.

“I got tired of men, and pretty girls are pretty, fight me. Jokes aside, yes, begrudgingly I admit”, Sarah admitted with an exaggerated sigh. “Why, got a growing interest since you also like you some pretty girls”, she added with a smug smirk. Since it had been awhile, Sarah had gotten up for a moment, and undid the towel to let her mostly dry hair down now. Albeit slightly frazzled by being bundled, she brought a brush from her other pocket before beginning to go through her long hair as the conversation continued. “Though to no surprise to no one in particular, Armora is quite the fan girl, hence her whole witchy passion.”

"Yeah, still gonna make her clean up her mess when we get to Tortuga." Soap grumbled, thinking about the 'magic circle' the girl had done on the deck of the storage bay. "As for the whole girls or guys thing... Not implicating myself further." She said, snorting as she cut into her omlette. "Not sure I'll pick up watching Rainbow though. I might if only to tease her if I ever get the chance. Not likely though. I ain't going back into service just for that chance."

The smug smirk returned, “Oh but that’s the beauty of her being an idol, she has to make public appearances and events, to meet with her fans. I’m sure she’d love to give you an autograph, and hear all the praise from a comrade.” Sarah truly could be a mischievous and evil bitch sometimes, her smile not lessening as she sat back down, adjusting the pad to continue reading as she worked on her hair.

"I'll bet. Still not gonna push it. Don't want to get that kind of BS on me." Soap replied, snorting. She could just imagine how flustered Rainbow got doing all that. Sure, she was probably the most personable of the unit, but even she had a limit. Even more so with being such a cutsie idol in contrast to her love of heavy rock and metal music.

"Especially since I can just see her trying to pull a Two-Tone and pull me into the military again." She muttered around a bite of her omlette.

“I’ll just let her know you said hi, and to keep up the good work, also to stay cute next time I go to one of the meet and greets~” The raven haired woman gave a nonchalant faux shrug with the smile, even if said smile had eased up some. She had her fun, so she supposed it was time to ease off being the gremlin. “I have no idea what happened to anyone I knew back during the war for the most part, most are either gone, or long moved on elsewhere. Another reason I don’t stay still in the cores much.”

"Yeah well, not a lot of things for me to fall back on, and since doing military was right out, I ended up deciding having a ship and just having the option to get away from it all was the best course for me." Soap said, polishing off her plate. "Having a crew to look out for definitely not something I expected to have for a lot longer, but eh, here we are. Hell, bet you we'd make for some sloucky trideo show. Or some kind of BS holodrama." She said, snorting at the idea. "Though I feel they'd be hard pressed to get things right. They'd probably make me some tower of a foxmod to 'look up to', in some way."

“Big tall domme fox ship mom, hot, I’d watch for that alone hahaha”, Sarah said giggling deeply, unable to hold back the smutty joke. “At least it would be something entertaining maybe, televised programs just don’t know what to do anymore. And it’s mostly new stuff, and a few saved restorations of some old ones from way back.”

Soap shrugged. "Wouldn't really say. I just feel like they like to stretch the truth a lot when they base it on something factual. And I'm quite certain you know I wouldn't pull off that image even if I wanted to. Too damned short." She said, vividly reminded that she was amongst the shortest of those on board.

Sarah chuckled a bit, “Don’t worry, I like short girls too, they fit in the lap nicely.”

Soap rolled her eyes. "Yeah, apparently the other tall bitches agree with you considering they keep putting me in their laps too." She said, huffing.


With the ship laid up in dock, collecting the cargo that had been paid for to get shipped to another NDC world, most of it 'grey' at best, Soap was unfortunately unable to take Sarah to the bar her unit-mate ran, since her focus and presence was needed to make sure the cargo got loaded correctly and actually fit in the hold.

So, Sarah was left to ask for directions to the bar in question, and after a little while, found the spot. IT was almost the definition of a dive bar on it's exterior, with the sign over the door even having a neon rifle under the words. The sound of people talking and having a good time could be heard through the 'swing' door that marked the front (though a second door was noticable to Sarah, clearly intended as a hatch to seal the bar if needed).

Western bar at the end of the world vibes much? A small raised eyebrow to no one in particular, considered her first impressions carefully, before finally deciding to enter. Her nose tried its best to get more sensory first impression then her ears, or her eyes would get after actually fully entering. From the vibe, she was almost expecting a biker or gang bar, or just a bunch of old gun nut coots sipping whiskey while playing cards.

Entering the bar, Sarah was presented with... A pretty normal bar. Sure, you had the rough and tumble types in their little cliques, but there were workers and your typical blue collar guys and gals too. Moving through the crowd was a trio of waitresses, though one seemed more active than others. Spotting Sarah coming in, said waitress dropped off the order in her hands, and worked her way over to the newcomer.

"Heya! Welcome to the Reach! Single or party?" She asked, pulling out a pad from her apron with practiced ease, even as someone called out 'Hey Officer Wiggles, I need a refill!' from the back.

“Single, friend of the owner mentioned the place, and I figured I’d give it a try. You got’a barstool open?”, Sarah replied, raising an eyebrow yet again, more at the nickname. The exterior definitely felt slightly misleading, though oddly comforting actually being inside.

"Sure! Lyan'll handle you right over there." The waitress said, pointing to an empty stool near the near end of the bar. "If you'll excuse me, I need to handle the refill request now." She said, smiling before turning around and walking towards the back, giving Sarah a lovely view of her panties due to her ever wagging tail keeping the skirt back lifted. Of course, a few folks tried their luck with copping a feel, only to get a firm smack with either hand or tail by the waitress as she continued.

She would sure appreciate it though, a small smile at the view, unashamed of not hiding it. Once it was gone though, she headed to the bar, and found one of available stools as directed. She took in the other clientele, as well as the other waitresses, though none of them seemed as pleasantly careless with their wardrobe malfunctions. Oh well, the one was enough, and if she was lucky might get to see more.

The fox mod manning the bar gave a nod to Sarah as she sat down. "Anything specific I can get ya?" She asked, giving the woman a quick up and down look. "Got some of the gut churners from the war if you want that Vet."

“Let me guess, you’re one eye right? Also ew no, I am not going to drink the jarhead drink,” Sarah chuckled as she made her guess, before reacting to the suggestion. “I’d rather have a bourbon with cherries, or some sort of wine with fruit added in the glass if you have that.”

"Okay, got that for ya. Also, where'd you hear that handle?" Lyan said, grinning as she started getting the drink ready. "Not upset, just curious. You ain't one of the regulars, so you musta heard it from someone." She said, soon putting the drink in front of Sarah.

“A mutually fond soap guzzler, I’m on her ship now, so you might seem more when Soap visits too,” Sarah replied with a smile and a chuckle. “Sarah by the way, nice to meet you. I was also a marksman during the war, from what she’s told me about you.”

"And I'll bet she still doesn't use our actual names either." Lyan said, sighing. "Lyan Virtia. And yeah, I was a marksman back in the day. But I was our third platoon leader too. Worked with her regularly since she lead 4th." Lyan said, having picked up a dirty glass and began cleaning it.

A small nod before taking a sip of the drink, humming from enjoying the taste. “United Imperial States 3rd frontline corps, I mostly ran single during the later years due to personnel shortages though. And yeah, she didn’t like me using her name either. So which one is Bailey, the peppy waitress if I had to make a guess?”

"Yup. And before you ask, she was a combat medic. She just really likes attention." Lyan said, chuckling. "So, how's Sophia doing these days?" She asked, figuring she'd get an answer other than 'fine', okay, maybe she still would, but she'd be able to get more info this time around!

“Mopey, depressive, bitter, and all around the stubborn kind of grumpy. She has two girls doting on her almost forcefully, and maybe a third who’s just wanting to help. A doc too trying to give her therapy, and a crew pulling their hair sometimes, at just trying to get her to not grump at them.” Sarah said it mostly in a jokingly venting kind of way, which may have been a lot more then they wanted in an answer. Though something told her it was a far cry more then what was likely a blunt and short one from Soap herself. “Also you say she likes attention, just in general? Because it seems like the clientele don’t mind ogling”, she added, with a curious eyebrow raise to the statement.

"All sorts. So long as you respect that she's not gonna jump into bed with just anyone. Only one she does that for is me. But oolging, touching, petting, she's fine with." Lyan said, grinning. "And that sounds like Sophia in a nutshell, though, it's good she finally has people helping her. She, never did get over losing her RTO. Jessica was good, and damned invaluable to Sophia." Lyan said, shaking her head in sadness.

Taking a generous drink, set the glass aside for this leg of the conversation. “She mentioned losing someone who reminded her of the girls in her life I mentioned, and why it's causing her to push them away. So it sounds like there was more then appreciation of her skills going on. Was she and Jessica close in your opinion?” Sarah had another question related to her previous one from before, but that seemed a little out of order, and maybe not as appropriate in the immediate moment. “It seems like she hasn’t been able to let go of losing her.”

"Never did. Losing a Bed Buddy is never easy, and when you had one with you damned near all the way through the program, well, close is an understatement." Lyan said, shrugging. "Sophia basically started shutting all of us out after Jessica lost everything from the bottom of the ribcage up." Lyan explained, using the term the unit used for those who were close enough to sleep together for more than just comfort.

Sarah couldn’t help but grimace at the description of what was left of this Jessica woman. “Yeah, that would have left her traumatized… I’m assuming no one managed to get in to talk to her about it, or let anyone help her talk through the grief of the loss?”, she asked, wanting to learn more about the development. “I can relate to that a bit, I lost two husbands in the war. First one brought me in to enlisting for revenge, the second one while deployed together. I’ve been trying to think of ways to get her to maybe open up, or at least vent, release, cry and mourn. Something…”

"Are you kidding? Why should weapons get counseling? Much less time to grieve?" Lyan said, shrugging in a helpless fashion. It was clear those weren't her words, but rather, the trainers words. "We just had to suck it up, carry on, and survive the fucking training. We tried, but none of us were getting training to keep each other sane, just how to fight, die and hopefully take our enemies with us in the process." She continued.

“You still had each other, sometimes when banding together is all you have, it will unfortunately have to do. You survived because of each other, and not alone. Sorry, I must sound like some sort of team building preacher..” Sarah gave a sigh, before picking up the drink, and drinking deep this time. Sure she had been prepared for this, but fuck was it never a fun ride to discuss such matters. “I think the hardest part so far is that despite seeking help from our ship doctor via therapy, she still acts like she doesn’t want to be helped.”

"If she's still referring to us by our callsigns, than she's still not really opening herself up. Sure, she might be getting help, but she still bottling it all in. 4th Platoon, Sophia's platoon, wa usually the hardest hit of us because hers was the speartip." Lyan replied, sighing. "And like I said, we tried, but she pushed us out too. Jessica was her anchor, and losing that left her hopeless, adrift, and believing there was no floatsom to grab onto." she finished. "She basically became an entirely different person after Jessica died."

“I think I’m going to need another one of these at this rate, if you would please,” Sarah asked politely, running a hand through her hair as she began to feel some of the stress. “I want to help her, maybe if not get over it, because I know that’s almost impossible. I want to at least try and offer her an avenue to at least move on, or finally cope with the loss. Maybe a goal of some sort, I don’t know…”

Lyan gave a sympathetic chuckle as she prepared the second glass. "Well, dye your hair blue, pop on a set of fox ears, a fox tail, and you'd be close to a shoe-in for Jessica. But I don't imagine you want to go that far for her." Lyan said, shrugging apologetically. "Beyond that? I can't really say how to help her."

“As much as I’d be willing to dress up for her, I don’t think it would feel right to try and become a stand in.” Starting to nurse the new glass, after downing what was left in the previous one, began to try and pick up the topic some more. This time with a little lighter of tone to help the dower mood, “I did get her to laugh earlier this month. Showed her some videos of rainbow, who’s a pop idol now of all things. She was giggling…”

Lyan snorted and smiled. "That's good. She, didn't really laugh much when we went into the pods to await our deployment. And Rainbow's a pop idol huh? That's something I didn't expect to hear. A metal idol, sure, maybe. But pop?!"

It was an opportunity to giggle with the woman, which Sarah gladly took, “I can show you the music videos if you want. Maybe I’ll get a giggle out of you too.”

"I'm sure I can find them. What's she going by? Because I can already bet Bailey's gonna have a blast." Lyan said, smiling widely. "Because if it's as out of place as I expect them to be from her tastes, it'll be a grand ol' time."

“Diamond Glen, the recon corps military idol”, Sarah answered simply. “Also since things are more lighthearted for the moment. I do have a personal question. Would you and Bailey, maybe like having a third when I’m in port on occasion?~”

"So long as you don't mind us using a blender between us. Been trying for a while to have kids." Lyan said, nodding. "Neither of us wanted to get a dick, but we didn't want to force it either." She said as a way of explanation. "Beyond that? Certainly open to having more with us."

“Between you and her specifically, or are you asking me to help donate?”, Sarah asked curiously, more just for clarification based on the phrasing used. Thinking on it some more as she resumed sipping her drink, another question came to mind. “Do you want to try and include Sophia sometime, or would that be a bit awkward?”

"Would love to add Sophia. As for you donating, nah. Just the two of us on that front. We just use a blender between us for the chance of it."

“Ah that’s fair, I just figured I’d ask for clarification sake. That being said, I can get you some fertility aids from the capital if it would help?”, Sarah was casually smiling now, just enjoying the company, while also seeing if she could help any. If they were going to be partners, she wanted to help, even if it was a more casual arrangement. “Also capital sourced alcohol too if you’re interested.”

"Having fun with things as is. So, how's Sophia's bed life? You mentioned two other ladies getting her flustered and busy. So I'm curious if she's actually getting any these days." She asked, curious.

Sarah chuckled briefly, “More then she’d like from how she complains about it. A tall exotic woman, and a short stack milf have dragged her to bed between them once already. She gets all shy and grumpy when you bring them up too. Plus they keep sending her gifts and such. I haven’t quite gotten there yet, but only because I’m trying to ease her into it in comparison, and at least try and make her comfortable.”

Perhaps that was also unintentionally making her job harder in that regard, both from her more gentle efforts, but also their forceful ones. It was becoming a balancing act of coaxing their mutual fox girl out of her shell. “I think she might also have a more casual arrangement with the male merc we have on the crew, and my daughter has seemed to have had at least a little fun with her.”, Sarah explained further. ‘So yes, but also a work in progress.”

"Sounds about right." Lyan said, chuckling and sighing. "Though, if you're anything like those ladies, sans their aggression, I'm gonna be honest, you're gonna do well. Just, get her outta her shell however you can. And work with her. She's basically pushed all of us away, and I don't think we'll be the ones to help her. But if you can help her, maybe she'll open up to us again."

‘I’ve got my work cut out for me, that’s for damn sure. But if it helps, it’s all worth it.” Sarah sighed before drinking from her glass again, now unsure where to take the topic, or what to broach as one next. Despite having been here a while, she had no urge to leave as they’d be in port a while, and something was telling her she should order a few more drinks before leaving… or staying the night. “By the way, I'm curious, why do they call Bailey officer wiggles? Was she ex-blue or something?”, Sarah suddenly thought to ask, maybe from the alcohol starting to kick in a little.

"Nah, she just likes to wiggle a lot and was technically an officer. Yeah, I know, I married up." Lyan said, grinning. "She's good at what she does though, so can't really complain too much. Especially when you really get her going and she just wiggles so much she starts to jiggle."

“I look forward to it.~ So, since we’re bed buddies, am I allowed to kiss you? I’m a very affectionate girl when I get to be, despite this tomboy exterior. I can also be another sexy waitress when I’m over if you want?~ Let me know how, and I’m more then willing to pitch in, or help with my connections, seems only fair if we’re going to be lovers… especially once we can drag sophia in.~” Sarah gave a playful wink, a small blushing smile given, and she wasn’t even drunk yet. But hey, the serious discussion was over, now was the time to maybe express having a bit of fun.

"Oh? Think you can handle the load as a waitress at a bar like this? I mean, I still have a damned good eye for shooting trouble." Lyan said grinning, while pointing over her shoulder at the heavy sniper rifle hanging above the bar. "As for kisses, well duh. Bed Buddies get to be all kind of affectionate with one another."

“I’ve worked at a cafe before, so I can definitely service, and I’m an ex-hard ass so I can usually make trouble regret it. I still even have the maid outfit,” Sarah offered with a giggle, enjoying the little back and forth. “Is there anything special you and bailey like to wear, or style of lingerie I should keep in mind?”

"Keep the outerware classy, but underwear is your choice. Not gonna say you can't be spicey, just be aware, it does mean it's an encouragement for them to get extra handsy." Lyan warned, grinning. "We do, howevere, do 'themed' nights on Saturday, which can get, spicy. Especially if Bailey is feeling extra hungry for attention. The customers know, or learn real quick, that touching is only at the waitress' allowance. If they don't want to be touched, they're off limits. Same rule applies to you if you work here."

Sarah giggled more, “But dear, have you ever met such a desirable deterrent?~ I don’t mind people getting handsy, as long as they aren’t rough or too daring, especially if it keeps any over-handiness off the other girls. That being said, you and Bailey obviously have free access as you please.”

“That being said, that doesn’t answer my question on in private though. How would you like me dear?~ Surely you have some preferences I can help fill, I like my girls to enjoy me anyway they want. Maybe even I can be your gun bunny?~” She was very interested in their tastes, and what kind of trouble she could happily jump into. Being desirable and kinky for her partners was a joy to her, a part of her more spicy adventurous spirit. Hmmm, now that she thought about it, maybe Soap would enjoy her as a gun bunny.~

"Oh fuck yes on the Gun Bunny thing. Sexy lady in mil-kit and posing with guns? Who wouldn't want that. Oh, and doing up the knight look with those bodysuits. Hmmmmm." Lyan said, making some almost perverted happy noises as she spoke, eyes rolling up in imagination. "Sorry, sorry, I should stop drooling now." She said, wiping at her chin to clean off the non-existant drool. "But yes, show off in sexy outfits just in general is good enough. Sure, I like my gun and mecha bunnies, but I can respect a sexy other things." She said, to explain herself.

She smiled at that, before asking as well, “What about Bailey? Does she have any sort of preferences?”

"Treats and being very hands on." Lyan said grinning. "She's not as much for the outfits as I am. But her love of attention follows her into the bedroom too." The foxmod explained, eyes flicking to one patron getting a little handiser than the usual... Only to smile as he's sent tumbling over his table by Bailey giving him a kick without jostling either tray in her hands.

“You mentioned no dong, but do you two use a strap at all, or is it all natural cherry bobbing?~”, Sarah asked, leaning back, in a somewhat flirty tone as she saw the show of the patron getting their just desserts. She wanted to know so much more, her curiosity, and her arousal peaked which was a rare find indeed. “One of these days, I’m going to take you both on a nice expensive vacation where I can pamper you both.”

"Double ended strap. Usually on me." Lyan said. One of the more ironic things about genemods that seemed to be unbothering in the NDC, their openness about sexual activities. And with what history Lyan had managed to learn before moving out here, there were a lot more prudish mindsets and cultural baggage before the war.. Now? Everyone had to suck it up and get used to the idea that sex was gonna be a common thing, and shit was going to cater to it. So Lyan honestly didn't think twice about speaking on it. "Bailey would prefer she gets the child, but we agreed that since we're doing it this way, it was only fair we both share in the chance."

“If the strap is the blender, will you still use it on me, or vice-versa? I wouldn’t say no, but if tots with me isn’t something you want, it’s not a problem as I have the aegis medical system. So pregnancy and fertility are a consensual choice on my part to control myself.” Sarah leaned in against the bar, more then happy to talk horny shop as it were, and the kind of things the three would get up to. “Also do you mind if I send pictures and such on occasion? I’ll even include some normal ones to show things with Soap are going.”, she added.

"If you want to take that chance, we can make sure to have extra juice ready for it. Then again, Bailey might not be happy with the idea either. So that'll have to pend her voicing." Lyan said, smiling, though she does step away to handle a couple of customers at the bar for a moment, before returning. "Apologies. I think you mentioned pictures as well?"

With a giggle, Sarah waited for her to get back, “Yes, spicy pictures, videos, and such for you two. As well as just casual ones to send back on how things are going with Soap in general. Calls can be delayed, or distorted by distance, but I also don’t think there are many comm buoys running between here and the settled systems.”

Lyan nodded. "That'd be good, especially with how Soap's doing." She said, grinning at the idea of getting more than the once a blue moon visit from the other fox. "I would ask if you would be interest in some, decorations of a sort on your form, but I wouldn't want Soap to get too uppity." She continued, before straightening up and smirking as Bailey returned.

"Back honey, seems like the worst of the rush is almost over. So, who's this? Been seeing you two talk long and hard from the floor." She said, tail wagging actively as she looked over Sarah.

“Sarah, I’m a friend of Soap’s, and someone who’s interested in being a lover to you both if you’d have me. Me and Lyan were talking interests, and what you’d might like from me in the relationship.~ Also planning for helping Soap with her problems.” Maybe she was being a little too chatty, she was starting to realize how readily vocal and wordy she was becoming. Maybe she should ease up on the alcohol, but also if things started getting interesting tonight, maybe she could afford one more drink.

Bailey 'hmm'ed as she looked over Sarah. "Pleasure to meet ya Sarah. As for what I might like... Well, you can start with those hands on me." She said, smirking. "If your touch is right, than we can think about further." She said, walking to the bar proper and leaning over it to kiss Lyan deeply.

Sarah stood up and gently pulled Bailey into an embrace after she finished kissing Lyan. Holding her close, she felt along Bailey’s figure as hands crept towards eager points of interest. One feeling and rubbing around the base of that energetic tail, while the other followed up the curve of the small of her back. Before resting at a cradle of the neck, then rubbing behind the ears. “Just the hands? I want to give you everything's attention, because I want to fully appreciate you.~”

Bailey laughed. "I did say to start. Wanted to get a sense of how you touch before I decided further." She stated plainly. "So, a friend of Lyan's friend huh? Well, if it's that two tailed fox girl who keeps coming in, drinking a ton, and bitching out Lyan every time she tries to talk to her, hopefully your having better luck." The dog mod said, thinking of a few of the times that fox in question had come in and tried to drown herself in booze practically.

“Well it’s a work in progress, but we were also hoping to eventually include her as well. That being said, I’ve also offered to help around the bar when I’m in port, and over with you two. Hopefully I’m making a good impression so far? I hope to please however you wish.~” Sarah continued the standing cuddle, giving more to playing and rubbing, with both the base of her tail, as well as her ears. She really wanted to just scoop her up and kiss her.

Sarah smiled kindly, leaning in to boop noses, “I assure that I am not wanting to force my way in, but offer myself.”

Baily nodded and she continued to let her tail wag in happiness as she was being pet and touched. "Guess we'll have to see. As for helping around the bar, always need more waitresses." She said, smiling. Picking up a tray that Lyan had been preparing while she stood there. "Speaking of, back to work I go!" She stated cheerfully.

Lyan snorted. "Gotta give my wife one thing, she's always on task even when she's slacking off."

Sarah watched her wiggle off, a content smile played out on her face, “Best way to do anything really. You do it better if you can do it in a way you enjoy.” Turning back around to the bar itself, and by extension her drink, Sarah thoughtfully took a sip. “Now the question of the night. To stay here and have some fun if you're willing, or should I go back and check on our girl?”

"That's your call. I ain't gonna be your, or her, conscience. Ya'll both grown women." Lyan said, smiling as she started preparing another table's order to be sent out. "If you wanna stay, I can find a uniform for you and get ya started though." She teased, smirking.

“As spicy as you’d like, I’ll be your waitress doll, ribbon and all~”, Sarah replied, before sliding her glass over for safekeeping. Gotta hold off for now, she had some waiting to do.

"Alright. Lemme grab one of the other girls to help you get dressed." Lyan said, smiling as she took the glass in question and then whistling at one of the Sykian waitresses. "New girl to help with tables. Take her into the back, get her fitted and dressed, and show her the ropes of our bar. She's got experience, so don't kids glove it." Lyan explained when she came up.

"Right. Follow me then." The Sykian said, gesturing with her head towards the door leading to the back rooms of the bar.