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[Eselberg Station] Troubles with Divine Siblings


Nov 3, 2021
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Eselberg Station:

As a nondescript shuttle touched down, two passengers disembarked. Both wore large white robes with hoods pulled low.

"He's here... I can sense him." The first of the two figures stated.

"I can't believe it... It's been so long." The other replied as they began walking into the station's interior.

They were attempting to remain incognito... the problem was they were radiating energy. Energy that most of the people on the station were able to pick up on.

Elenor was lazily sitting behind the counter of the Herrick Coven's Sundry Services with Abigail when her comm pinged with the notification of a personal shuttle arriving. Thinking nothing of it, since that happened on the regular, and she was, as the owner of the station, supposed to be kept aware of such things happening, it wasn't until she stiffened as the sense of 'holier than thou' and 'stick up their ass and proud of it' that she'd learned typically came with Angel's. Intentionally (usually) or not (very rarely).

"Fuck. Abigail, you have the stall. I have... things to work on now." She said, standing up and immediately thinking about the protective wards she'd placed around the station. They were far from complete or comprehensive, but she was now worried they wouldn't be enough to properly protect the station residents if these, beings, had hostile intent.

Makoto was patrolling on a lower level of the Station went she sensed the presence of angels. “The fuck are..” She did a u-turn and shadow stepped through doorways and upstairs as she made her way to the docking area of the station. “This is Security Chief Makoto, we may have unusual guests in the station. “ She said through the inter-station coms.

The pair stopped in their tracks. “We have company. Get behind me.” The first figure commanded. The second got behind the first and began looking around.

“Why are they…?” The second asked.

“Quiet. They're coming.” The first responded, shushing the second.

"Excuse me, folks? You need to keep moving along. This part of the station isn't to loiter in." A UNS worker said, gesturing for the pair to climb the stairs or take the elevator to the main level and continue on to the rest of the station. He was wearing a standard working overalls, marked with one of the dozen of mining corporations within the UNS, and honestly seemed more concerned with keeping things running as they should than trying to combat or stop the pair.

“Excuse us, sir. Where might we find Tarkus Zoren?” The second asked in a soft voice as she peered past the first.

"Uhhh, not sure. I don't live here. I'm just one of the miners in the area at the moment." He said, shrugging. "You'd be better off asking folks in the living section. Up to the main floor, past the industrial and hydroponics bays." He said.

Makoto arrived in full Chief Security uniform and she approached them calmly. The name they asked caught her attention. “I might be able to assist, Ladies, it seems our medical officer is famous” She said with a pleasant smile. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why are you looking for him?’ She asked them while making sure she didn’t look threatening to them. She could tell they were angels she could sense they were powerful, but something about their faces reminded her of someone.

“We need to see him.” The first angel replied tersely, dropping the hood. They had been found out. No point in hiding it any longer.

As the hood was pulled back, angelic light spilled from behind her head. A halo shining behind her head.

The second angel did as well. She was slightly shorter than the first, and looked timid behind the first. Her halo’s aura was also slightly dimmer than the other’s “Sister don’t be rude…” She warned.

“No… We are here to see Tarkus and I won’t take no for an answer.” The first replied.

"You might get a no anyways. Depending on the reason you're here." Came the voice of one of the joint owners of the station as she stepped out of the stairwell. "If you're here to cause trouble, we'll kindly ask that you leave. If not, then you will be treated the same as anyone else coming to our station." Elenor said, before gesturing her head to the elevator. "So declare your intent now. If hostile, leave. If peaceful, we'll continue when we've reached the living section."

Makoto frowned and was about to speak when Elenor spoke and began stepping back though she waited to see how the two angels would react. She didn’t seem affected by their aura, which was evident in how calm she was.

The first angel seemed to get agitated, but before she was able to mouth off, the second angel stepped forward towards Elenor. “It’s peaceful. I promise. My name is Verena and my sister’s name is Lotara.” Verena said, a determined look on her face. “Tarkus is someone very important, and we need to speak with him right away.”

“Verena!” Lotara chastised.

“Lotara, you can’t solve every problem with a sword.” Verena shot back in a rare act of defiance as she began moving towards the elevator.

Makoto was about to speak when she was interrupted by a certain cyan-haired bundle of innocence charging past. “You two! Verona and Lotara definitely looked like them too.. eee!” She squealed with glee before turning to Elenor. “Tarkus is their little brother, he told me about them, She” here she points to one of the angels “is the oldest, and from what I have seen she’s had her hands full keeping him and his brother from fighting. “ She chuckled. “I can take them to him, we do not worry because no way would a sister want to kill their brother”

Makoto facepalmed at the innocent naivety of Sachiko with a sigh.

Verena smiled excitedly and stepped over to Sachiko. “You know him!?” She asked, taking Sachi’s hands in her own.

Lotara just looked confused. “How do you know who we are?” She asked, cocking her head to the side in pure bewilderment.

Sachiko held Lotara’s hands in her own”yup! He taught me some stuff on how to be an Artificer” she said then glanced at Lotara. “He spoke of you when I was showing him a new invention I made. He also showed me a bit of his past too.” She said “I can't wait to reunite you two, I think he’ll be so happy!” She said as she thought about what might happen.

Elenor eyed the pair. "Promises can be broken by even Angels. I want you to swear to me, bind in an oath if need be, that you have no hostile intent. I ask because this station is meant to be neutral ground. Even if that means I have to be the utter bitch about it." She said. Sure, technically, Setsuya should be handling the diplomatic things like this, but since this was a pair of angels on a station with a bunch of demons, Elenor was taking the front for the sake of safety.

Lotara looked to Elenor. “I don’t make oaths.” She replied as Verena stood.

“I swear we have no ill intentions. We are simply looking for a long lost little brother.” Verena replied, side eyeing Lotara pleadingly. “Please Lotara… If this gets us to Tarkus then do it. Please?”

Lotara looked annoyed, but finally relented. “Fine I swear…” She finally replied.

Elenor eyed the pair for a few moments, but also at a sigil that lay upon one of the walls, lost in the jumble of other notices and signs. "Very well. You have to understand, there's a sizable magical population on the station, and Angel's are... infamous for their cut and dry view of things." She says, gesturing to the elevator. "Now, let's get to the living section. And show you to the med-wing." she continued, stepping into it herself.

Makoto waited for them to enter as she didn’t feel she should with Sachiko right there, and the two angels so close. Sachiko began leading the way into the elevator, with her hands holding onto Verena’s hand as she did so. Once Lotara followed, Makoto would follow them into the elevator. She kept an eye on them as the elevator soon moved.

Verena gasped and Lotara tensed as they heard they were going to the medical wing. “Why is Tarkus in the medical wing?! Is he hurt?” Verena asked, worry now on her face.

“That idiot probably got himself into a fight and got his ass kicked. It’s not the first time…” Lotara replied, yet despite her words she still was worried as well.

Elenor shook her head. "No, he runs it." She said simply. "One of the best docs I've known." She said, shrugging.

Sachiko nodded ”yeah he’s one of the doctors here, my aunts another as for fighting he sparred once with Makoto here.” She replied.

“HE’S A DOCTOR!?” The two angels cried in unison.

“How…?” Asked Verena before she was cut off by Lotara.

“Tarkus… The battlemage… is a doctor?! There’s no way that’s true.” She replied.

“You’d have to have known Tarkus when he was younger… He never had such aspirations. He was a feared warrior and powerful mage, but he only knew basic healing magic. It’s hard for us to believe that he’d ever become a doctor. Let alone a good one…” Verena added.

Makoto blinked as she listened Battlemage, huh? That explains things She was about to speak, but Sachiko beat her to it. “Battlemage? No wonder that fight you two had was amazing!” She turned to Elenor. ” it should be on the security cams. You should have seen it!” She then turned to the sisters. “I’m sorry for bringing up history, especially distressing ones, but I think it began during the last battle on your world... When he couldn’t save his brother, I think he focused on healing since then so he became a doctor. “ She replied with a frown “Speaking of..” she said, then stopped herself. She wanted to ask them if they had seen him when they became angels. Their brother was a Paladin, so she was certain he might have become an angel too, or at least an Archangel.

Elenor shrugged. "Not really a thing I bother with. I'm not running security. I just own the place." Elenor said, tails flicking behind her as they walked the halls, the storage and industrial area visible through the hallway roof to floor windows. "Elenor Herrick, of the Herrick Coven." She said, figuring she might as well introduce herself now since there wasn't likely to be any attacks from these two. And if they weren't gonna cause trouble, no one on her side of the station, meaning non-UNS folks, were gonna give any either.

Verena enthusiasm waned at Sachiko’s words and Lotara looked more grim than before. It was finally Verena that spoke. “We saw the aftermath, but we… we weren’t quite sure what had happened.”

Lotara answered Sachiko’s unanswered question. “Only Verena and I became angels. Our sisters… they didn’t survive when the castle fell, and Thule had already fallen. We had heard rumors that Tarkus survived, but we couldn’t find him.” She replied. When Elenor introduced herself, Lotara’s face remained neutral as she added. “Lotara Zoren.” She replied formally.

Verena smiled. “Verena Zoren.” She added. “This is a lovely place you have made.” She said looking out at the station.

"Well, found and tweaked. Took it from some pirates that set up shop here. Then folks started showing up." Elenor said, watching the for hatch to cycle to let them enter the utilities section, which housed the hydroponics bay on the left. "We don't really get involved in the day to day running of the place. Not why we took it. It was well away from any other covens, so I wasn't at risk stepping on any other witch's toes." She admitted, chuckling.

Verena nodded. “From what I’ve gathered, Witches don’t work well together. At least separate covens don’t. It was a good idea!” She replied. Lotara remained silent, looking around the hydroponics bay as they walked.

"They do on occasion. Mostly though, your right. It's especially bad when it's found out you managed to pact with a powerful demon." She mused, not really gloating or boast, just being upfront.

Sachiko just frowned in response to their words as they walked, but brightened as they spoke “like my clan, and Tarkus of course.” she said happy for a change in topic. “Tarkus and my aunt joined the medical side of the Station and I was the engineering, manufacturing, and Artificer studying side. Sachiko grew even more excited at the prospect of reintroducing his sisters. She thought maybe he had seen that the castle fell and had assumed his sisters had died with it, but with that now not being the case she thought he’ll be happy.

“Hey.. do you two have healing skills?” She asked as she thought of the possibility of them working together. If they had skills they could use, she was sure they would be welcome.

Makoto remained silent as they walked since Sachiko basically was speaking for her too. She had joined Lotara in the silence club. She smirked when Elenor spoke of pacting with demons, her being one of them in the line.

Verena nodded excitedly. “I use light magic for healing! It’s what I specialize in!” She replied saying a silent prayer.

Lotara shook her head. “I use my magic for combat. I only know basic healing magic.” She replied tersely, pretending not to hear the demon comment. She was going to have to tolerate it.

Soon they reached the main living section passage. "So, you might want to steel yourselves." Elenor said cryptically, as she approached the door leading to the basic dining room and the medicial bay. Promptly turning right and going through the door, she walked down the steps. "Doc! You got visitors. Old, familiar visitors." She called out.

“What now!?” Tarkus called from his office. As the door opened the angels stopped in their tracks, as did Tarkus. All three stunned into silence.

“Lotara… Verena…” Tarkus said quietly, taking a stutter step forward.

Lotara flew forward, wings unfurling and backhanded Tarkus sending him sprawling to the floor. Tears were streaming from her face. “You idiot! How dare you! You made us…” Verena flew forward next but only to join Tarkus on the floor sobbing, tears in her eyes as well. Her face buried in his chest.

A few seconds later Lotara joined the two and hugged the both of them. “You made us worry about you...” She whispered.

“What… how…?” Tarkus said, completely ignoring the fact that he was now on the floor. Bloody tears streaming down his own face.

Elenor crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, chuckling. "So, still pissed at me calling for you Doc?" She asked, watching as the pair of angels sobbed against the demon. Talk about peculiar family reunion. Of course, she was also waiting for any possible acknowledgement of pain that could arise. Hey, her field was brewing and ritual circles, not how the hells and heavens interacted to each other. Much less what happens with physical contact.

Sachiko gasped in surprise when Lotara suddenly unfurled her wings and backhanded Tarkus. She was going to move forward, but Makoto’s hand rested on her shoulders with a shake of her hand. Seeing them cry brought her to become saddened. She moved forward and found herself beside them, placing a comforting hand on their backs as they cried. She tried not to look at Tarkus as it bothered her when he cried tears of blood. She did hope that Heaven and Hell wouldn’t be bothered by the sibling's reunion.

Makoto gritted her teeth when Sachiko ignored her warning and just watched awkwardly.

After several long moments the angels stopped their crying and truly took in what Tarkus had become.

Lotara stood, wiping the tears away. “Show me... “

Tarkus looked confused as he helped Verena to her feet. “Show you what?”

Lotara looked sternly at Tarkus and commanded “Show me your true form now!”

Tarkus sighed, then unfurled his own black wings and tail. His horns grew longer as well. “Yes Lotara…”

Verena didn’t seem to care, holding onto Tarkus protectively. “Lotara it doesn’t matter! He’s alive and that’s what matters.” She said putting herself between the two. Her wings unfurled as well.

“We can’t… This is…” Lotara tried to come up with a response but couldn’t. Ever since becoming an angel, she was sworn to fight the demons. But, this was a morally grey area. Tarkus was using his powers to help, but that didn’t change facts.

Tarkus for his part was unusually silent.

Elenor continued to wait. After several moments of silence, she sighed. "So, you see part of why I demanded that oath Miss Aggressive?" She asked, looking at Lotara. "I had no intention of letting you hurting him, since he helps everyone on the station. Even if his bedside manners are shit. But honestly? Blunt is nice at times."

Makoto spoke” There are a great many demons in the United Alliance of Neutral Systems, but all of them except for 1 are pacted, and contracted, they won't be hostile to you or the other nations of the universe. Like the Doctor, they are citizens of their own right. I think I know what Sachiko’s up to, the innocent adorable girl. Do not harm the doctor, no matter his race and your own race rules, and you’ll be left alone, even the succubus will leave you be.” She left it unsaid unless the angels sought out the succubus for a good time, but she kinda thought that they wouldn't.

Sachiko piped up” yeah I was thinking one could join as part of security while the other could be a doctor like auntie, and Tarkus’ She said as her purity shone through.

Lotara was silent for several moments then finally spoke. “Fine… I’ll overlook it for now. But I will be watching, Tarkus. If you show any signs of evil intent I will have to stop you.” She said sternly before closing her wings and tucking them back close to her body.

Verena did the same, looking at Sachiko and patting her affectionately on the head. “I would like that very much. That is if you all will have us.”

Tarkus looked to Elenor pleading. “I promise they won’t cause trouble. I’ll keep Lotara in line.”

Lotara looked agast. “You keep ME in line? You have become over confident in your old age.”

Elenor shook her head. "You'll stay in visitor quarters for now." She said, raising a hand to halt any objections before they started. "I cannot just decide 'yes' or 'no' alone. I have to talk to Setsuya, who is the station administrator, and Lucas, the demon I'm pacted with, and the other owner of the station. This has to be a agreed upon thing. If either feel it's too likely to cause strife and trouble, we'll politely ask you to leave. Yes, I'd like to have you stay. Not because I think we absolutely need to have angels, but it would be a valuable proof that we are a station that tries to be neutral ground. If we can get angels and demons living in the same place and it not turning into a turf war, than that cements it further." She explained, since she felt she needed to as it is.

“Before you make that decision…” Tarkus said calmly, taking Verena’s hand then Lotara’s. “Let them know that if they leave, I will leave as well…” Both of the angels looked at him in shock.

Sachiko felt her head getting patted. It always made her feel great to get a head pat. She thought it had to do with her Nekomata half of her heritage. It made her wonder if Elenor, her mother and Aunt Sparrow will like it too. She didn’t think to ask as she got distracted. She was shocked by Tarkus’s words and she tried to think of a way to change his mind, but she couldn’t as that would be selfish.

Makoto remained silent and nodded her head in acknowledgement to Elenor’s words as well as Tarkus’s words as well. She understood, as they were his sisters, he’d want to be with them.

Elenor nodded. "I'll be sure to bring that up when we talk about it. For now, they're to be handled like any other visitor Makoto. Keep them out of the industrial areas besides the passage to and from the docks, and if they cause trouble, again, they're just visitors. I don't imagine Setsuya or Lucas will say they have to go, but it's still possible." She said, pushing away from the wall and waving to all of them as she stepped out, already working on contacting the pair in question.

Verena simply smiled and hugged Tarkus once more. Lotara looked away. “You didn’t have to do that, Tarkus…”

Tarkus laughed. “For my big sisters? Of course I would. We won’t be separated, ever again.” He promised, smiling bigger than anyone on the station had ever seen him do.


Nov 3, 2021
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Later that day…

Verena, Lotara and Tarkus waited outside Setsuya’s office, awaiting their meeting with her. Since the angels arrived Tarkus had not left their side. He proudly showed off the station (at least the parts they were allowed to see) and caught them up on what had happened since the siblings had been separated.

Makoto nodded her head” understood” she said simply then glanced at Tarkus and his sisters and nodded as he confirmed what she had been thinking. She thought this would be new and definitely make them famous Angels and demons living together in harmony. But with Tarkus leading the way Makoto didn’t need to worry so she went into silent observation mode observing their behavior and interactions. Now at the office, she disappeared since Sachiko could handle it.

Sachiko on the other hand was all smiles of happiness. She’d made new friends and that pleased her. She couldn’t wait to introduce them to everyone, including Vivi, her love. As she waited outside the door, she tried to control her excitement.

She was pleased to tell them about her spot on the Station.

As the workers of the administrative offices buzzed about doing all the paperwork and such to keep the place productive, and going as a port of trade and shipping. There was the muffled conversation of the administrator with one of such workers who had brought by some reports, the doors only opening as they were on their way out. “And tell them, as much as I want to accept a new rotation of their new tactical cotton tails. I will not until the current rotation schedule as per agreed upon prior, has gone through until its end date as agreed upon. I will not disrupt security, logistics, and posting schedules just for their PR game.”

To say she was annoyed from the tone, was an understatement, but was smooth with the practiced professionalism of command. Her old officer habits kicked in again it would seem, but what came next was a casual, “Enter please”. As the group entered, the raven haired nekomata was hard at it as her husband waited with her lunch, a twin tailed blonde fox in her lap that she stroked and petted. “Please excuse overhearing that, old military habits die hard it would seem. I try to avoid the drill sergeant tone when I can, but the UNS defense department offers seem to like pressing it. The station is quite abuzz with your arrival, and your aura has… been felt for roughly the last hour moving about the station.”

Golden feline pupils examined the sisters closely, a small voice in her mind wondering how well Lucas was going to handle these two. She gauged the interaction at 50/50 of going either way from what she heard so far. She’d thank Kyoko for discretely keeping tabs on them for her while Makoto escorted them initially.

Klaus smiled as he stood to Setsuya’s side, a tray loaded with several types of sushi (nigiri, aburi, uramaki, etc.), having come to feed Setsuya. He looked towards the new arrivals, noting that aparts from the wings and halo they were quite similar to Tarkus. Apart from the smell of course. Elven spiritual sensitivity manifested through one of the 5 senses, and in the case of Klaus’ was smell. The two angelic sisters smelled of rosewater and velvet, quite unlike Tarkus’ brimstone and blood scent.

Clearing his throat, Klaus set down the tray in front of Setsuya. “Hello there. I hope you don’t mind, but my hard working wife can be zealous in her work ethic and forget to eat lunch. Would you like anything to drink or eat?”

The siblings stood and walked into the room. Tarkus and Lotara flanking Verena. Verena smiled politely. "No trouble at all, ma'am. We're sorry about the aura. We are both just… excited to find our little brother. We'll keep it in check." She said looking over to Lotara, who nodded.

The two sisters shook their heads at Klaus. "No, thank you." Lotara replied. Tarkus leaned against the wall. "Alcohol…" He said to Klaus.

It was definitely not how he thought today was gonna go. At that comment, Lotara turned and smacked his shoulder. "Behave yourself in front of a superior."

Tarkus rolled his eyes, smirking. Verena giggled at the interaction before she turned back to Setsuya and Klaus.

Rolling his eyes, Klaus walked to a nearby mini-fridge and retrieved a small can of beer which he tossed to Tarkus. “You’re lucky you’re not on duty, Doc.”

Sachiko eeped as she heard this “uh oh, mommy is mad,” she commented. It was mostly to herself, but she’ll be heard by the others. As the interaction before her continued, she couldn’t help but pipe up” got new friends, mommy! They are so pretty! also Verena said she could heal so she’ll be able to work with Tarkus and aunt Sparrow, and Lotara will be able to join the station security!” She said happily before she turned and waved to the fox,” hiya Mama Alex!” She said with a smile before she focused.

Makoto reappeared from Sachiko’s shadow, making it much smaller than before. “I’m willing to work with Lotara, that’s if she will have no issues working under a Sentient variety of Isferatos.” She knew that Tarkus, the sisters, and the others in the room knew what Isferatos were, and the fact that a Sentient type was very rare. She didn’t mention that they could even get Whiskers to check them out since the robot dog was some kind of gatekeeper apparently.

“That is implying that I approve, which I have not just yet. I will however with the concession that you make sure to follow our rules, and laws here. We take the security of staff and residences very seriously. Angels are generally lawful good anyhow, so I expect it to not be a problem, but if it does, your punishment will be in equal measure to your crimes. Said outcome may not be practical or conventional, any further query of explanation of that can be directed to either Miss Herrick, or Mr. Arturius, the other station owner.”

Setsuya eyed them both seriously without faltering, a golden steely gaze giving a piercing judgment as she sized both of the angelic beings up. Her elbows rested on the desk, her hands clasped before resting her chin atop them. “That being finely understood, and more than one reputable member of my staff vouching, then I will agree to the assignment on my end. Do not make me regret it, and on a kinder note… Welcome to the family.”, Setsuya added finally to the topic. With the welcome, her expression and demeanor softened, “Get your other clearance from Arturius and you’re in the clear. Now Sachi honey, come give mamas hugs.”

Tarkus had caught the beer and cracked it open. "Yeah I'll be taking the rest of the day off. Not often siblings you thought were…" He looked back to the angels, taking a moment to really appreciate that they were alive. Not only that but they had managed to track him down. "...lost, show up on your doorstep."

Verena and Lotara listened to Setsuya speak. When Sachiko spoke up for them, Verena smiled warmly. "I would love to work with Tarkus in the medbay."

At Mokoto's words, Tarkus eyed Lotara warily. This all did hinge on her decision. The angel in question stood a little straighter and bowed her head slightly. "I will work with you for the protection of the people in this station." Lotara answered diplomatically.

Tarkus let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding, then chugged the beer. Verena giggled and Lotara looked aghast at Tarkus's display.

Alex would wake up and stretch on Setsuya’s lap and would jump up onto the desk and sit looking around, spotting the sushi she would leap off the desk and return to her humanoid form, wearing a traditional kimono, picking the sushi up she would put some of Set’s desk on the side and chomp down a small roll before putting her share on a draw that was behind Setsu.
“Hiya hun” walking over to Klaus she would hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek before going to a dog bed that was also behind setsuya.
Waving to Sachiko and smiling she would lay down and turn into her fox form again and curl up on the lounge.

The doctor cocked an eyebrow when Alex changed forms. It was the first time he'd actually seen her. Lotara gave a sideways glance to Tarkus, who simply shrugged and tossed the now empty beer into a wastebasket nearby.

Smiling at the kiss from Alex, Klaus turned to the supposed new members of the station. “So, Verana and Lotara, correct? I’m curious about something. What have you been doing all this time until word of Tarkus came to your ears?” Scratching his neck sheepishly, he added. “I’m essentially asking for your résume.”

The angels looked at each other silently for several long moments. Finally it was Lotara that broke the silence. "We were looking for the rest of out sisters. Once we found them all… we buried them." She said neutrally. Verena's eyes were downcast while Tarkus couldn't even look their way. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it taking a long drag.

Verena spoke next. "After that was done, we wandered for a while trying to help people. After doing that for a few centuries we heard rumors about Tarkus, but he never stayed in one place long enough for us to pin him down until now." She replied, stepping over to Tarkus and flicking the cigarette out his hand.

Tarkus scowled for a moment, before it turned into a smirk.

“I understand. I’m sorry for any bad memories my questions might have brought.” replied Klaus bowing in apology.

Sachiko smiled as Verena mentioned her willingness to work with Tarkus, which meant that he and her aunt had another to help them out. This made her feel much better and that if anyone got hurt or sick, then there would be a higher chance for them to get treated. She turned her attention to Alex, and she waved back to her before she proceeded forward and happily gave both of them a hug. She held onto her mom as she turned to listen to the group and frowned.

“Not to sound like a stick in the mud, but I do have more admin work to get done today. My office is not a family reunion hall, now get going. Go buy each other ice cream, or something, maybe find some living arrangements in the event they do get the clearance.” Setsuya said without any annoyance, but still a wave of the hand as if shooing them out.

She wasn’t Kyoko, but this must have been what her younger sis felt like, working as a spook. Her intention wasn’t to be cold, or rude, but she had much work to do. Someone had to run the station’s affairs, and make the money for her family they needed. Not that her whole family wasn’t working too, or anything, but quite the contrary. A high end home and frigate were still costly on their upkeep however.

Tarkus nodded quietly, then placed a hand on Verena's shoulder. "Come on you two. We need to speak with Lucas to finalize things." He said ushering Verena from the office, Lotara close behind.

Verena looked back over her shoulder and smiled, waving politely. Lotara turned back as well and simply nodded in thanks before Tarkus lead them both from the room.

Later On....

Elenor leaned back in her chair, thinking on how this meeting was going to go. She'd gotten Lucas to come, explained what was going on, and why this meeting was more important than anything else. Now it was a matter of waiting for the angel siblings to the station's doctor to finish talking with Setsuya and then to show up here.

"I know, we've already discussed this, but I'm about as nervous as I usually am when she who we won't say her name is involved in something. Are you sure that you can keep yourself calm when they show up?" She asked, looking over at her companion and pacted partner.

Tarkus lead the way through the station to Lucas's room. Of all the introductions, this was the one he worried about most. Verena would be fine, she wasn't the one for outbursts. Lotara on the other hand…

The doctor knocked. "Lucas! Open up." He said through the door as his angelic sisters stood behind him.

Makoto followed the family to where Elenor and Lucas were, before she leaned against the wall waiting with her eyes closed. She’d know if something bad happened so she chose to put her trust in the sisters. She hoped things would be peaceful, but fighting an angel, she’d never fought one before.

As it seemed so often these days, Klaus had been elected to get ice cream for everyone on their way to Elenor and Lucas. “So, I got chocolate, vanilla and strawberry and some mixes. What do you guys want?” The elf had chosen to keep everyone fed as his way of diplomacy.

Verena shyly peaked from around Tarkus's shoulder. "I'd like strawberry please."

Lotara was silent for several seconds before she too replied "Chocolate please."

Tarkus held back a snicker and shook his head. "None for me. Thanks Klaus."

The strangely wood paneled pneumatic door, hissed as it slid open, the man in question on the other side. Well man being a relative description to just about gender only, his charcoal dark grey skin being instantly one of the first things apparent. His eyes, while normal for the most part, held irises that were lavender pools of kindness. His dark horns belying his polite and nice nature, the pastor garments he wore, being as much of a sign of this as the smile on his lips.

“Your timing couldn’t be more perfect Tarkus, I had just the clumsy misfortune of cutting my finger during some of my sewing work. I was just walking past the door on the way to the restroom to collect a bandage. Would you be so kind as to- Oh dear, I’m sorry, you seem to have brought me guests this time.” Lucas took a small bow in greeting to everyone assembled, now that in his distracted manner, had realized they were there. “I am Lucas Arturius, though most refer to me as father Lucas. It is a pleasure to meet you today, and gods’ blessings be upon you. If I knew the council was sending me a pair of representatives, I would have had Abigail make tea.”

"Abigail's watching the stall, Lucas. She would have had to close the shop for the time it would take to get here, make the tea, serve it, and get back." Elenor called out from the living room rolling her eyes as she did. "And you know how uppity some visitors can be to the stall if we leave it unoccupied for more than a minute."

Tarkus snapped his fingers, causing the blood to reverse its flow back into Lucas's finger before the skin knit itself back together as if nothing happened. "Lucas, these are my elder sisters. This is Lotara and this is Verena." He explained, gesturing to the pair in turn.

"Um hello." Verena said, poking her head our from behind Tarkus.

Lotara nodded curtly, in greeting.

Tarkus turned back to Lucas. "I assume Elanor has informed you of the situation thus far?" He asked.

Makoto remained silent throughout the proceedings. Her lips curled up into a grin as Lucas arrived and she tried to hide her grin as Lucas spoke and waited for their response. She was surprised when she didn't see or hear anything.

“Well they seem like a nice enough pair of girls, so I don’t see why not. I’m sure Elenor has given them the whole “be on your best behavior” speech anyways.” Lucas answered lightly like it wasn’t a big deal, but a simple question. No need to make the situation feel more tense then it likely already had before. Rubbing his chin lightly, the demonic pastor added, “I’m sure lodging should be easy given Tarkus’s acceptance by the therwoods. Either they stay with him there at the clan’s estate, or we can find a room somewhere for them easily.”

Before any other proceedings could occur, Klaus entered the room carrying his tray of ice creams. “Yo.” he greeted, with a small grin. “I am the ice cream man. Take part of my offerings or be forever scorned.”

Tarkus let out a breath he hadn't even known he was holding. That was just before Verena hugged him tightly from behind, burying her face in his back to hold back tears.

Lotara rubbed Verena's back, but the same relief was plain across her face as well.

"They can stay with me until we can get something made up for them. Or until we add a few bedrooms to my place." He joked.

At Klaus's proclamation, the doctor rolled his eyes. He still however reached out and grabbed the two flavors the angels had asked for.

Makoto rolled her eyes at the goofiness that was one of her security team members. In the end, she got a vanilla ice cream cone and she licked it as she listened to the proceedings. She nodded her head at Tarkus’s statement “that’s fine with me, they are your sisters, and your not an incubus so there's no worries there either. We can get Sachiko and her SachiTech to make you something for the girls to sleep on.”

“You never seem to cease to amaze me Tarkus. It seems the parallels between you and I ever grow in number. Your compassion for your sisters reminds me of my own. And the price we’ve paid to try and protect them.” Lucas smiled kindly as he took a cone of raspberry flavored ice cream for himself, before turning to the sisters. “Much like your brother, I was not born like this. I made a deal with the devil in order to save the life of my terminally ill sister violet. I will leave it at that, but even I can vouch for the heart of gold he has under his somewhat grumpy exterior.”, he said, finishing with a small chuckle.

Tarkus just rubbed the back of his head as Verena stepped out from behind him smiling. Taking a lick of her own ice cream cone she replied. "I'm glad to hear it, though he definitely seems grumpier than he used to be." She teased.

Lotara took in Lucas's story and nodded sympathetically. "I see. It sounds very similar to what we heard of Tarkus's story, though his didn't have such a happy outcome." She replied, eyes flitting to her little brother for a moment before she took a bite of her own cone. "But that doesn't matter now." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder and giving a gentle squeeze.