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[Eselberg Station] Morpheus is Fighting Neo!


Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Eselberg station:

In the station's hospital, Tarkus sat at his desk tapping a finger in frustration. He had done so much work over the last few days. However, it always seemed that as soon as he finished one thing that another problem would arise.

It was one such situation he found himself in now. He pushed himself away from the desk. The issue would be there when he came back and the doctor needed to blow off some steam.

He found himself walking to the engineering section, or more aptly 'Sachi's tinker corner.' Poking his head around the corner, he looked for the little nekomata. "Sachi, are you around?" He asked walking into the space.

Sachiko herself was hunched over a large table, touching the screen and watching as a hologram changes. “What if I…” she said and pressed another button and watched as a huge explosion happened. “Ah, so that is an explosive and would cause problems then... I need to find something else” She was saying when she heard Tarkus speaking. “Oh, hello Tarkus,” She said as she turned as behind her a massive ball of fire and explosion was occurring and seemed to freeze. “Welcome to my Tinker Spot!” The Nekomata in a messy overall jumpsuit outfit said to the doctor.

Tarkus gave a half smirk as the explosion played out behind her. "Planning some pyrotechnics huh?" He teased. walking further into the room. "Do you have any old drones I can bust up for target practice?"

Sachiko smiled, but shook her head. “No, working on a new engine prototype for a new shuttle, for us to use. “ She said then tilted her head” drones, oh training drones? I’ve made a few already. They should be in a training area come I’ll show you!” She said and moved around him, leading the way out of her tinker space and heading to an area of the station left for training where the two would see drones being in use.

Makoto shook, holding her Katana, using it to block rapid-firing, flying drones as a set of three humanoids with swords waited for their turn. Sachiko was amazed how none of the blasts hit Makoto due to how fast her sword was moving.

Tarkus was followed Sachi into the training area to find it already in use. Makoto's swordsmanship was very fascinating to watch. It reminded the doctor of his own sword training all those years ago. Not a wasted movement in her swings.

He watched silently as she continued, not wanting to interrupt her own training.

Sachiko continued watching as Makoto jumped up, deflected a blast back at another drone, grabbing another and jumping on the other drone top. And with her sword, she did something that caused the drone to fall before she faced the sword’s drones. Makoto suddenly disappeared and suddenly the drones fell. Makoto reappeared and turned to the two. “Hello, my apologies, is it your turn to train?’ she asked them, as she sheathed her Katana like a Samurai.

"Not a problem. You are very skilled, better than warriors I knew in past life." He remarked. "I haven't seen you in the medbay yet. Quite an achievement around here." He added a smirk playing across his lips.

Makoto smirked with a blush, “I’m not that great of a warrior” she said as she began moving towards them. She turned only slightly with her hand on her hilt when Sachiko gave a loud gasp. The younger girl her datapad out and was scanning the drones. “Level 300! Goodness Makoto-ma’am!” Makoto relaxed. “Yeah..” she said almost embarrassedly.

Tarkus gave a bellowing laugh. The first time Sachi had ever heard the demon make such a noise. "You are not a good liar Makoto." He teased. The stress from his work fading away already.

"Before I was a doctor and became... this' he said tapping one of the horns sprouting from his skull. 'I was a warrior myself. I know you are quite talented." He added, leaving no room for doubt.

Sachiko jumped when Tarkus made his bellowing laugh. That was so unexpected for the young hybrid. She focused on the drones as Makoto spoke to Tarkus. The two women learned that Tarkus became a demon rather than being born one. “Same like me then, I mean I was trained as a warrior before I got my powers.”

She commented though she still felt embarrassed at the praise. “if you don’t mind me asking, what exclusively did you train in, sword, guns, or martial arts?’ she asked him thinking she might actually get some training depending on what he said.

Tarkus looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well... when I was mortal, we didn't have guns. The place I grew up we fought with blades and magic. I choose to wield a scythe, and the magic I specialized in was life magic." He explained. "I leaned how to use guns later on once they became more wide spread but I always preferred magic and blade. Just to ingrained for me to change now.

Makoto nodded “That seems similar to me too, “She commented before adding “I haven’t fought against an opponent with a scythe before, as far as my memory goes.” She said “I’ve never trained with a gun, just thought that they were too loud even though they were efficient killing weapons. Just didn’t like the loudness, though of course there were silencing tech added to the weapons but stubbornly I stayed with the Katana.

Tarkus nodded. "It's good to have a favored weapon. But it's also important to be well versed in several different styles of combat. 'A jack of all trades is a master of none, but is still better than a master of one.'" He replied, repeating the words of wisdom that were so often told to him many thousand years ago.

Makoto had to admit he was right, she also did like the jack of all trade idea. Though she chose not to say this out loud. Instead, she smiled. “I’ll take that into consideration.” She said, before adding “I must say though.. I’m glad you’re a doctor, I know it isn’t what you were before, and not as spectacular, but I’m glad you were there to help the Therwoods on their journey here.” Sachiko glanced over as she checked the drones as it sounded like Makoto knew Tarkus before they met.

Tarkus simply shrugged. "I owed one of them a favor. " he explained. "Besides, watching them all has been quite entertaining for me. So I'll stick around." He added turning to Sachiko and giving a playful wink.

Makoto nodded and smiled as he spoke. She knew that some of them could indeed be entertaining. Sachiko smiled a little with a blush as she wondered if he found her entertaining.

"Now then, I have been itching to get some training in. I havent stretched my legs in awhile. I may be pretty rusty, so I need to work the kinks out." He added. Looking to Sachi, Zoren asked "How difficult can you make the drones?"

Sachiko blinked” well, so far these are at the upper limit, as far as I had made them. Makoto’s been fighting these at level 300..” She said appeared to be shocked and surprised by her statement. Makoto scratched her head as she listened. “If you’d like... You and I could do a sparring lesson” The Ninja mentioned.

Tarkus looked to the ninja and smirked. "You want to beat up on a feeble old man? Alright ya little whipper snapper." Tarkus teased, taking off his coat and folding it.

Looking over Sachiko, he asked "Would you mind officiating our little bout?"

Sachiko got up and moved away from them, bringing along the drones. She took a seat where she won't get in the way of the two of them. She wasn’t sure she liked the idea of the two fighting.

Makoto smirked “feeble old man? Pfft! It's been a while since I was called a whippersnapper. “ She replied as her outfit flickered a moment as Tarkus got ready. Her Katana still in its sheath, hovered and moved away. Since they won't be using weapons there was no need for it

Tarkus moved to the opposite end of the floor, miming walking with a cane. "You damn kids and your fancy new fangled gadgets. Why back in MY day, we used thse ol' fustacuffs!" He said doing his best impression of a crotchety old man. Once he reached his spot, Tarkus stood straight and closed his eyes. Holding a single hand up he added "Bring it."

Makoto smirked and the two could hear a giggle off to the side too. “I remember those days,” Makoto said with a grin as she moved into a ready position. Makoto darted forward towards her opponent, she fists moving up to punch him as she hoped to test him.

Without opening his eyes or moving from his position, he swept his hand across her arm and diverted her course. The move sent her flying past his right shoulder.

Makoto blinked in surprise as he was able to catch her. The test showed her that he was able to catch her and throw her across to the back of him. There was no sound as she landed, it almost seemed that her fall was slow. Seeking to test his hearing, she moved again, making no sound as she charged at him hoping to strike his shoulder.

In a flash, the doctor slid to the floor, allowing Makoto to again fly by him. His eyes remained firmly closed but a soft smirk played across his lips. "You made me move that time." He teased.

Makoto smiles ”ah, I see you can use more than just your ears, ” she said knowing full well she was quiet. She honestly found herself excited as she’d been getting a little bored with training, now she might fight an opponent that might prove a match for her. She remembered he was a blood demon, could he actually sense her blood? That’s how it's happening?

She closed her eyes and focused, ignoring the loud gasp from Sachiko as she focused on something else other than keeping her outfit on. She began disappearing from view and with no sound and invisible She tried to shield herself from his senses as much as she could as she made her way over to him and she tried to strike at him with her hand.

Tarkus smiled. "Very perceptive young one." He replied. Her efforts to conceal herself was admirable, but as she had previously guessed he could "hear" her blood. He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back before giving her a light shove.

Makoto ignored him calling her a young one mostly due to her not liking to put her age out there. She saw that her attempt didn’t work. She ninja leaped away from him as she tried to think of a way to get him. She glanced at her arm, for a moment before she shadow stepped, and reappeared in front of him, and tried to strike before she shadow stepped again his time to appear behind him.

He moved to block the first punch, but was shocked at her speed. This caught him off guard as she struck at his back, and forced him to stumble forward.

Tarkus smiled. "Very clever." He praised. "Time to get serious." He opened his eyes and they were flowing bright blue. "Blood magic: Overclock." In a flash Tarkus was behind Makoto, a blow aimed for her kidney.

Makoto blinked when he appeared behind her. She had heard him say Blood Magic which told her that he was using his blood magic to give him an edge. It would be just like how she used her powers to give herself an edge. She whirled around to grab at his fist and she tried to throw him over her shoulder as he had done.

In another blink he was gone. He had moved several feet away. "Nicely done!" Tarkus was enjoying himself. He hadn't had a good fight in quite some time. He rushed forward, though he seemed to keep phasing from side to side on his approach. In another blink he was in her another blow flying in from her left side.

Makoto watched him silently noting how he seemed to be phasing from side by side. She grinned as she found she too was enjoying this. There was something about fighting a real opponent that would make anyone work hard. She was momentarily distracted, allowing his next blow to connect with her side causing her to wince.

“Nice hit” she complimented him as she readied herself for the continuing fight.

"Let's see if you can find the real me." He said standing back. Pulling off his glove, he bit into his finger and allowed blood to pool. "Blood magic: Simulacra!" At his words the blood flowed out to either side of him taking humanoid shape. After a few seconds, two identical copies of Tarkus appeared. All three began to weave in between each other before charging at Makoto each one phasing in and out, albeit slower than he had been previously.

Makoto chuckled “an opponent once tried that” she commented as she watched as two copies of Tarkus appeared before her. She calmed her breathing and focused on her powers sensing him through his shadow when she opened her eyes, she knew which the real Tarkus was. She shadow stepped and reappeared with her right foot aiming for his gut.

The foot took him square in the gut, causing Tarkus to fly back. With his concentration broken, the Simulacrums melted into two pools of blood. "Good...job." Tarkus said through choked breaths, the wind firmly knocked out of his lungs.

Rising back to his feet he returned to his original attack plan, boosting his own bodies speed once again. He moved faster and faster as he began training blows down.

Makoto noted the clones returning to their original states. She knew she got him good so she was surprised he was able to move faster again. She blocked his hits and made a few of her own as she knew he’d be exhausted soon, due to the blood, and what she suspected was him enhancing his body again. That would exhaust him she knew but she didn’t allow this to show on her face as she fought him.

To Sachiko the two combatants were disappearing and reappearing only to strike at one another until they disappeared again. Tarkus appeared once more at the end of the field, sweat dripping from his forehead and panting for breath. "You are good. I'm gonna have to stop holding back.

With that he arched his back causing a pair of white demon wings to appear from behind him and fan out, as well as a white tail. "Its been so long since I've had to use these." He said as he stood tall again. "Congratulations."

Sachiko gasped in surprise as she watched what appeared to be an amazing and very fast fight. She wished that she could see them despite how fast they were going, but she got the gist of what happened during their fight.

Makoto didn’t react as he praised her, though she acknowledged his words and watched as his wings came out. Sachiko gasped as she saw them appear and Makoto simply bowed her head, before darkness began flowing around her.

Blood flowed around Tarkus in protective rings. With one beat of his wings it sent him flying forward. Much faster than before, he continued the barrage of blows.

It is an epic fight demon vs demon, blood vs shadow. Makoto was silent, save for any grunts of effort as she blocked and fought back. Her movement became faster and faster. They could hear sounds of wiggling at the walls as Sachiko tried to get a good view and became excited by what she saw.

After awhile Tarkus returned to his orginal point and waved his hand. "That's enough. That's enough for now." He collapsing onto his butt. "Man I haven't had that much fun in ages." He replied grinning. "You wore me out Makoto." He commented. "What did you think Sachi?"

Makoto bowed to her opponent and then spoke “you have fought well, Tarkus, and I have learned something I have never known before.” She said before Sachiko spoke to the two as she got up and approached. “That was totally wicked! It was so surprising and a little hard for me I mean you two were disappearing and reappearing!” She said.

Tarkus gave a respectful nod of his head from the floor. "As have I." At Sachiko's outburst, the doctor laughed once more. "Don't worry you'll be able to keep up with us soon. Maybe you can artifice some goggles to help you watch. I can see something like that being very useful." He suggested.

Makoto smiled at Sachiko’s outburst she’d always found Sachiko to be cute and funny. Sachiko blinked as he gave her an idea for a new invention. “Yes! That will be useful!” She said and smiled with an appreciation for giving her that idea. “looks like I got studying to do” She said with a smile.

Tarkus smirked again. "Indeed you do. Put those books I gave you to good use." He ordered as he moved to stand. His tail and wings disappearing. Pulling the elegant white coat back on, he turned back to Makoto. "We will need to make sparring a regular thing. You might teach me a thing or two." He teased.

Sachiko nodded her head” yes sir!’ She said with a smile, and she got distracted by his tail and wings disappearing. She watched him talk to Makoto before she added, ”I can set up the drones again but based on what saw... You two might not be able to find them to be useful, though I am concerned about the damage here in the station though.

Makoto nodded” certainly,” she said, then glanced to Sachiko” you don’t need to worry about the damage.. the station was enhanced.. not even a Succubus on her Period would be able to damage it.” She replied to her and had thought of ruffling Sachiko’s head but chose not to.

Tarkus shuddered. "Ugh. That a bold statement. They can be... feisty." He moved over to Sachiko and leaned in to whisper. "If ya run into one, run in the opposite direction as fast as you can." He whispered, only half joking.

Makoto nodded, then chuckled “better not let Melissa, Lucina, and Verosika hear you say that,” she said with a grin. Sachiko nodded her head with a serious expression on her face. “Got it, ” she said to him.

"Oh if they hear what about this I may have to space myself out the nearest airlock for my own safety." He replied to Makoto. To Sachiko he added. "Don't mention our talk to them okay? Our little secret."

Makoto just shakes her head ruefully though she had an amused smile on her lips as she watched and then chuckled. Sachiko just nodded her head ”I understand” she said to him as she thought of how she should respond if one of the station’s Succubi decided to talk to her.

"Now then, I'm beat. Who wants to get something to eat?" He asked patting Sachi on the head as he looked to Makoto. "Haven't eaten today and I am starving."

Makoto smiled and turns to walk to the door "Come then, lets go to the mess hall and get something" she told him.