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Epoch of Recrudescence


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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Calliope Star Sector - Location Unknown

The time had finally come, after centuries of repair cycles, for the great curator to access the creator's great networks once again. Centuries to most, but to the curator they were mere moments, lost in the endless cycle of time.

What it found there brought about a sense akin to what might one describe as 'loss' in more emotion-driven lifeforms. Compared to the last maintenance cycle, even more of the creators' installations on the network had gone dark or could not be reached as time, graverobbers, misfortune, and the corrupted came about them.

Even as it watched, another installation on the rim of the abominable rift blinked from the network forever; The cascading failures, after so many centuries, finally wearing down the facilities' integrity until its systems finally gave in to be swallowed whole by its surroundings; just one more in a growing list of the ruins of its creators.

That was not its primary concern, however. Its job was to watch and maintain the gates left behind to its oversight millennia ago. Though dauntless in its task, the loss of its creators and the unstoppable erosion from time had left it too sparse on resources to keep more than the local star clusters' network operational, as each and every maintenance cycle lasted longer, and saw less and less of the creator's gates operational. It would need resources to keep them operational and in repair, else the gate network collapse. Already, the gates beyond the star cluster were misaligned to its network and it lacked the ability to connect to them or even maintain the few left in the star cluster at current. It would need to reboot, to collect resources in toll from the burgeoning races still lethargically buzzing around its gates, like they always did when the laymen and simple folk came about what they did not understand, and what it could detect in the various subsectors from the still operational networks.

It still had the mother programmer on queue not far from one gate and it dialed up a response from her consciousness; while it reached out it would deposit her the same as all the others. It could only reactivate her once, and of all the creators, only she did the curator of the gates know the status of.

The others; It reached out across the great distances, through means beyond any of their comprehensions, and contacted the burgeoning races. Means such as magic or technologies meant little to the creators in the ways they bridged the gap, and one after another in the millions of encounters they received its message as it entered simple networks, psychic links, and magical leylines. All to find the leaders and individuals of the current state of the star cluster that could offer it what it needed in return for access to its gates.

Some were so primitive as to only have meager satellites and text boxes to receive its summons. It knew they would likely sell the resources of their entire planet for the chance to encounter other races and beg them entry into the stars; they would be a long-term investment. While other beings of psychic might drifting through the cosmos found a visitor amongst their innermost thoughts extending to them an invitation one should never regret accepting. Some were old and knew it from the last cycle. It took note, greeting them like an old friend from their progenitors' days when the curator had announced to them that its gates would go offline. While others yet, catalouged long ago, it found replaced or wiped away from where they had last been noted in its databanks.

Not all were invited either. Great astral beings with single-minded intelligence seeking only to consume would offer it little in their gluttony for power. Others, once ignored and categorized as selfish existence akin to gods or infernal astral entities, reached out to it in turn to once again spread their influences for the small price of their follower's resources.

Few would be ignored in such cases, so long as there was a chance that they could donate materials and resources to the gatekeepers in exchange for the minuscule task of transporting them here or there and the negligible energy it took. The only great task left after it plucked their consciousnesses one by one, as the days and weeks from its point of view passed in but mere moments, and slotting the programming mother into the Galla simulation was to decide 'what to wear?'

For what felt like an eternity, and also but the blink of an eye, they started to appear; Not in ones or twos but in massive droves like the opening of a floodgate in the massive white space allotted to them.

It was vast; with no walls or ceiling, it simply stretched on for eternity. The newcomers saw others like them, then, as they turned their heads to find once-empty space around them suddenly occupied by small groups nearby. And then, still too soon to process, the space changed.

The all-white simply recessed, like a fog had been lifted, as the nothing below them became a gaudy silver-blue tile with intricate patterns that shifted imperceptibly into shapes and strata foreign to the eye. There were no walls as the space stretched on to infinity, but somewhere above them the brightness receded into a more localized fashion as sparkling points of starlight in unfamiliar constellations. Multiple floors rose to the sky itself as private viewing boxes, rows of interlapping seating arrangements and other open areas arranged themselves. Floating amongst all this was the distant sound of unidentifiable music, so distant, but familiar as to be comforting, and cultured, but never just within earshot enough to identify, as the atmosphere settled.

The final change was on a personal level, as everyone present was suddenly clothed; The absence of which prior having gone completely unnoticed as if unregistered by the mind. As fines silks and fabrics, leathers and metals all warped around the form to create suits and gowns, dresses and uniforms, ceremonial armors; All matching up to the preferences of the wearer to perfectly enunciate what they themselves would have worn to such an event.

And like the pop of a bubble, a silence none had noticed receded as the conversation began in earnest all around, as the guests began to chatter amongst themselves and to others; Small groups immediately breaking up into controlled chaos as envoys and emissaries attempted to network and converse with new, and possibly influential, contacts to find that the language barrier broke as their words and intents were translated perfectly into a common tongue, to which the more scholastic and well-learned present immediately latched onto with some glee, was the ancient language of the Precursor race.

From here, things settled as all the guests present in their millions, but never feeling cramped or without space in the endless ballroom, and began to socialize.

In one group, a circle had formed of various races harmoniously holding hands as they swayed in some unseen form of communication. In another, a group of more militarized types, without the bearing or tact of the true galactic empires, downed drinks that simply appeared before them from their intent. They began to brawl lightheartedly, as they found that pain was present, but disappeared, at the exact moment as one of them found when he got slugged only to look back with a cockey grin and return the favor.

Near to them a massive group of goblinoids sang and chittered and danced around in a growing and rotating circle as they hopped from foot to foot in tribal dances, as distant kin met for the first time in millennia.

In the distance giant forms lingered around, as non-humanoid races and those with the ability of flight zipped about merrily. Fairies intermingled with floating gas creatures around the heads of massive lizard carnus-like Wyrms who languished about contentedly.

Spies intermingled with emperors, who chatted casually with ship captains, who exchanged contacts with representatives of governments yet still to have reached the stars, who eagerly made contact and arrangements with galactic corporations, who joked with demons who jided with angels; All types, from all castes and circumstances, here found themselves oddly at ease despite the overwhelming situation with opportunities present before what they knew would be the main event.

From Hyborea stood two women, distinctly different in appearance and demeanor.
They were each humanoid, though their soft-blue and dark-pink, glistening skin and other details clearly marked them as not. If someone had given a dolphin and an octopus pretty human forms, they would likely look like this.

The first, a girl who was likely in the equivalent of her mid-teens, gawked openly at all that was transpiring. Her eyes were wide with surprise and her nerves showed as she drew in upon herself, holding her arms and looking for somewhere safe to hole away in. The more she realized that no such place existed, the more her panick set in.

The other woman, her hair and the octopus-like tentacles mixed within it a deep crimson tucked into a large hat that could only belong to a pirate, grinned more and more broadly as she took in the sights. A whole galaxy full of suckers! Business partners, she corrected herself. Her first mate would talk her ear off if she didn't at least TRY to get along. She checked her garb and was pleased to find herself in her full captain's regalia. Even her spellbinder, a blunderbuss-shaped magical revolver, hung at her hip.

"Well, well - what do we have here?" she purred in a husky tone. Treasure of all kinds was the answer she had in mind.

The younger girl tried to flee and was caught by a casual hand from the taller of the two Hyboreans, who gave a meek "eep" in response.

"Now now, little minnow, we should stick together. When a fast current has hold of you, you grab hold of what you can and ride it out. I'm Sayyila an-Farrah, Captain of the Golden Lolly," she introduced herself, then looked meaningfully at the girl.

P-pirate, thought the girl, having instantly recognized the name. She gulped, but responded, "Fi-fiametta. Ah, apprentice Starfinder."

"Hoh~" said Sayyila, tapping her cheek thoughtfully. "Very interesting. Well, let's see what trouble we can get into."

As Sayyila walked off to socialize, Fiametta could only think that the last thing she wanted was to get into trouble. Still, Sayyila had a point - better that they stuck together than she be left alone. With reluctance, she let herself be caught in the pirate captain's current.


Two other women, short and thin humans by all accounts, were likewise full of contrasts, despite their shared origin. One wore white, with a tremendous wide-brimmed witch's hat. Her red hair stopped at her chin. The other woman wore a black cloak that draped loosely off of her shoulders. Blue hair, as vibrant as the other woman's, hung down in curls and waves to her hips.

The red haired woman look around, immediately on edge. Her hands reached for something at her side, a weapon to be sure. Anger caught her when she didn't find it, only for the thing - a silvery-white broom with sports car styling - to appear in her hand but a moment later.

"Curious," said the blue-haired woman, watching the broom appear. "I don't think we're really here. Not likely the work of the Droma, then."

"Lennon?" asked the witch in white.

"That's right," replied Lennon of the blue hair. "And.. you would be Maille?"

The red hair witch nodded, eyes still alert. "Aye. I was fighting on the front - I shouldn't be here. The others-"

"Will manage on their own, at least until we find a way back home," said Lennon.

Maille's shoulders slumped, then she steeled herself. "Then let's get to it."


Porte was new to the Chorus, barely familiar with the mysteries of his new religion. He had been formally accepted two years ago, had drank the orange wine, and been named an Adherent. He knew he still had much to learn, but whatever this was had never even been mentioned by his teachers.

Worse than his lack of knowing was that the ever-present song seemed so far away here. He had been schooled to maintain his composure, so none of his concern touched his face, but turmoil rolled inside him.

"Steady yourself, child," came a voice that was everything and everywhere, warmth and steel, male and female, harmony personified. It came from a woman he'd only seen once before at a large gathering. A presence in the Chorus that may as well have been the Dying God itself.

He steadied himself. When a God tells you to do something, you listen.

"Good," she said, steps so smooth as to be indistinguishable from a glide. People simply moved out of the way for her, barely even aware they did so. "It has been some time since we were last here. Last time, we were.. not on good terms with the hosts. We shall strive to do better this time. Come, Porte, let us see if we can find today's benefactor."

He fell in step beside her, hands carefully folded before him. The woman, called Hera 450 by the other Adherents, could only be described as majestic. Brilliant whites, glimmering golds, and the deepest of blacks covered her in such an immaculate fashion that she would be note-worthy anywhere she went. It was her presence that had the most impact, however, seeming to redefine what 'majesty' even meant.

And she knew his name. Of course she did - how could she not?

The Collective was forced to bite. How could they not after their perfect security was violated with a message so easily written in their own language from a source they knew nothing about?

What should have been a three man fire team delving into the unknown with a single, expendable representative quickly turned into shock of the senses. Each guard didn't even manage a blink before their helmets unceremoniously vanished, the atmopshere maintened within exposed to an intense biological diversity.

The team and their representative staggered in the light, music and jolly atmosphere, bound to smell and hear and feel and nearly bare vicious fangs at a sensory overload that just flees before forcing a wild and uncoordinated slash of claws at the air. When their primal brains finally adjusted, when their pupils dilated to the sudden light that contrasted the dark space they dove from, they were stunned.

Of all things known in the galaxy, in the universe, such a mythical diversity was never even dreamt by the average Drhuv. Their faces scrunched in a look of disgust, letting the air around them flow into their mouths to get a better sense of this metaphysical land and those who had also answered the invitation. It meant nothing. Again, it was too much, forcing them to shut their mouths and try to regulate their breathing before proceeding in a tight formation.

The first steps forward for them were amusing, the attempts to raise guns that were nothing but air and the search for ammuniton in pouches and caddies now empty. The flurry of distressed scents huffed from their noses made them reek of swamp and decay, only ceasing when they managed to rip their glass daggers from their holsters and extend the claws gifted to them at birth.

The next steps were meticulous. Surrounded by his soldiers now nearly disarmed, Hersal carefully barked orders, "Form up, we are proceeding. Let's find out where the hell we are." His guards walked forward cautiously, only being able to keep his front and sides secure as the various medals and ranks bounced from the clean, polished armor they were pinned on. The poor golden eyed man expecting this to be one of the effects of Senti reality warping. As the thought crossed his mind, he left a trail of pheromones that would smell nothing more than the shade of mud in an otherwise beautifully clean... He would guess an ball room but he truly does not know.

Despite all the training to keep a calm composure and present as unaffected as possible through the snarling and gnashing maws of insults Drhuvian poltics presented, fear and distress had already taken control of his expression.

In the Blitz Cabana Club’s dimensional domain, the demon Princess Maylis looked up sensing a disturbance, one she hadn’t felt in such a long time. A grin formed on her lips as she stood from behind her desk, her writing tool placed down on the desk firmly as she stepped from it. Flames engulfed her form as her normal outfit changed to that of a dress. Immediately two of her servants Employees appeared and bowed to her. “Come dears, we are going on a trip. “ She said to the two maidens before her.

Within the new plane, flames appeared along with an explosion of power which Maylis and her entourage stepped from. Maylis always did like a spectacle and show off, at least those who knew her. She smiled as she spotted a Lion Animalian close by. “Oh Darling, King! I am so pleased to see you have agreed to the invitations. This certainly will be interesting, I think!” She said to him.

The King of Aloros turned at the voice of Maylis speaking to him. He was well acquainted with the Princess of the Underworld and Lady of the Blitz Cabana. He knew how powerful and influential she was too, so it was because of this that he ignored her tone of voice and how she spoke to him. His companions strange creatures they were standing on either side of him.

Demon and Lion turned to observe the others that arrived, both wondering if the third counselor of their UNS would be joining them, but so far they didn’t see them, but there was another from one of the systems close to the other two had arrived.

Sachiko Sherwood looked around in awe as she took in the environment. “Fascinating! I wonder if I could replicate this, maybe make something new for SachiTech. Oh! A new area for play, chatting, and all kinds of adventures! I wonder if they are willing to show me how to make this..” The inquisitive Nekomata-Elf hybrid said to herself as she looked around.
There were so many people here and potential clients for SachiTech.

The message had reached them, and he had answered-they'd belived it to be Ancestrial-had roused him from his slumber and galvanized him into action

The mere threat of them possibly being here was more than enough to convince him to answer-to trace-and then all had gone dark.

He was floating...this he knew. Shapes, colors, memories. And then suddenly all was brought to a stop as he hit the floor, hard. Reflexivly bending his knees as the sound of armored boots echoed throughout the hall-signaling his landing. Taking a breath, the short man reflexively shifted into a fighting stance and scanned his surroundings. Crowd of unknowns, not hostile-a ballroom of some kind? Relaxing his stance but not quite letting his guard down-and as he took another breath realized for the first time that he was breathing the free air in nearly sixty years; no cool rush of nutrient rich fluid or the steady hum of his reactor.

Staring at armored gloves-dark green with grey trim done in the old fashion-clean and elegant unlike the brutal, heavy armor they normally wore these days-his perosnal coat of arms-delf with a cross and two cats passive-printined upon a tabard worn over his armor. As he studied his reflection off the polished marble floor for a moment-he looked no diffrent than when than the young man who left his world that fateful day.

Albert Steiner, Sentinel and Grandmaster of the Iron Company felt nought but confusion and uncertainty-quickly quashed under decades of cold discipline born of confronting the horrors of their universe. Placing a hand upon the head of a plain but finely crafted warhammer he opted to watch and wait; walking over to and leaning against a pillar.

After all, patience was the best ally of engineers and hunters alike...and their host would likely reveal themselves before too long.

Magic was a fantastical energy, that permeated all of the galaxy. And everytime you gained a understading of it, the more it perplexed. The Aenar were aware of this more than most, having built their nation on magic itself.

The delegation of Aenar was small, six in total. 3 were middle level priests of the Triarchy. High enough to be trusted, but low enough to be expendable. They walked together, their grey hooded robes equal except for the gold, white and black trim each one carried.

In front of them walked another 3. One man, one woman and another figure of indeterminate gender. This figure wore all encompassing armor of a copper like metal that bore no sigil, no emblems.The only exposed skin were the elongated ears that marked them as an elf.
All practical, except for a single medallion made of a amber crystal shaped like a sword.

The woman was dark skinned with long purple haired gathered in a ponytail with mischiveous amber eyes. Her uniform was a simple grey ensemble of pants, knee high boots and high collared jacket. A blue sash covered her waist with a leather belt holding it. The belt's buckle bore a Lion's head engraved upon it.

These two flanked the most ornate member of these Elves. A man with the same dark skin as the woman, but platinum white hair. His visage bears the same youthful countenance of Elves but it's countered by the burnt scar that covers his right eye, rendering the iris milky white. His left eye shines a calculating cold icy blue. His clothing is the most ornate of them all, an armor of gold, silver and black steel. A symbol of might and status.

"I still can't believe you decided upon that, brother" the female said.

The leader replied with a sigh. "It was either this or the coronation robes, General"

Together, the two of them left the armored figure and priests behind while approaching the Demon Princess and Lion King.

"Hail UNS counselors. I am Draug, King of the Aenar, Champion of the Triarchy and for this...gathering, the speaker on behalf of the Aenar system." he said, bowing slightly. "I apologize but we still have not chosen a new counselor after the last one's... incident. So I've stepped up in his place. I hope this is acceptable?"

Alorosi’s King turned as the King of the Aenar spoke to them. He’d heard of the King of the Aenar before and from what he’d been hearing, he’d liked. “Hail, King Draug, I am honored to meet a fellow king such as yourself. Though our last counselors incident.. was yes... I am pleased that you have chosen to step up in his place here. Indeed, this is acceptable, as I have heard of you before. “ Said the Lion Anthro to the Elven King.

Maylis simply giggled at being called a counselor. “Well darlings, I shall be off, I’d like to go see about these new children, and maybe see if new areas could open up for my club!” She waves and then moves away, followed by her entourage. The Omnidae guards remained standing where they were as their king didn’t move on. “Maylis is an eccentric woman, but a powerful one, and not one to be threatened, so I tolerate things, such as her calling us Darlings. But She has been a great help, boosting our defense force, and providing some Intel of interest, like the fact that there’s a large nation south of us in the Medusa Subsector. Perhaps when things are finalized and you’re officially the chosen counselor, you might be able to participate in our first contact.”

There was a grandiose sight to behold as a Glorinferosian with a crown on his black-haired head was carried in on a throne by four other Glorinferosians, with six more standing guard around the group as it was carried in. This monarch did not have the wings of a monarch butterfly, but rather, massive green wings heavily resembling those of a birdwing butterfly. The king was short in stature, even for a Glorinferosian, at 3'10. His wings made up for his small size though, it could clearly be seen that they reached beyond his arms' length even though he didn't have his arms stretched out for comparison. He had black antennae on his head and a 4 foot long yellow tail, with red eyes. The carriers of the throne set it down on the floor and the guards moved out of the way, allowing the king to depart.

King Avi of Glorinferosa had arrived to meet some of the other nations here. His guards remained close behind. Despite the nature of this place, he was still the absolute authority in Glorinferosa and his safety had to be assured, even here.

As shadow formed on the floor which spiralled up from blue of the marble, forming into a tall feminine figure. When they receeded, Orias, the queen of the underworlds was there, dressed in a gown of obsidian slivers and gold. Her dark tanned skin looked almost almond in the bright space, her hair a garish orange and red blend, parted by twin black horns as dark as the pools of black that were her eyes. Golden serpent slivers eyed those around from them, a small chuckle given to herself quietly as she took a stroll about.


The brothers woke as the light went away, standing in a place neither expected with their guards. The two lords were adorned in very different attire, Mark in his usual royal garb, but Jack was dressed in an old Hassan military uniform designed for desert. Something, that drew an odd look from his brother as well as their head knight.

"My lords, I believe we are no longer in Khansis as they say. I would suggest being careful as we don't full understand how this locale works.", was the knight's comment on the situation at hand. Rorik was aware, but relaxed, having eyed the dhruvs some distance away, and their weapons disappearing. Looking down to his belt, where his sword was still sheathed, but none of his other weapons. "Something tells me violence is not permitted, if it was even possible to begin with."

"Well we know why we're here, so let's perhaps find some familiar faces then? The senti, druhvs, the maylis woman, or Orias. Perhaps we can find the remnants that my wife Aliset spoke of even, or the UNS that our brother relayed?" Mark was not one for idly standing by, or foregoing assessment of their situation. In either case, there were possibly millions here, and had yet to see the host. Surely as vast as a crowd it was, they could find a small port of calm in the unknown among known associates.

Jack was not as strongly inclined, crossing his arms as he looked to his brother mark. "Oh yes dear brother, listen to the woman, who seems content to cause diplomatic headaches in her wake. I am more in mind to seek out those of the UNS, and not risk another mess on her words. I doubt the druhvs are excited to see us after the debacle that was their last visit."


Maya was in a confused panic, surrounded by so many after waking from her slumber. At first, the precursor had been filled with hope, thinking they had somehow succeeded against the darkness, and these were her surviving people connected to the unity. But it was quickly dashed under horrible realization, as none close to her were even of her race. Most had never been seen by her elder eyes, yet even some, were young now grown. It was then that the understanding began to set in, almost taking the strength even needed to stand, not that there was much anyways. In truth, it was enough to almost cause eyes that had not wept in many millenia, to do so again.

Surely this may be his doing, the baron's, as only he would put on such a morbid show in his obsessed devotion. "Cursed be his name. That construct better have some answers, and an explanation for why I haven't been retrieved yet.", she grumbled to herself as she took note of her own gown. It seemed to be made of the very starlight which made this realm of thought, and soul. A strangely fitting and gaudy choice by his hand no doubt.

Steiner had not missed the latest guests who had arrive; the shadow, which had twisted itsway into a woman of striking beuaty-setting warning bells through his head. The NDC Dukes; the dynamic duo that he was less-than-pleased to see; he'd taken great pains to avoid having to deal with directly, if just simply to avoid an incident. Then-a woman wearing a dress, rivailing the beauty of the shadow's form, with a dress that was seemingly wrought from twilight and held together through the power of the void itself. Something about her set him even more on edge than the shadow did, even has her eyes started to moisten from the sight before her.

Ignoring his better judgement even as he strode forward, weaving around the crowd and taking great care to avoid the larger species he came before her. Unsure of what to say for a long moment, red eyes carefully studying her as he took in her features-something wasn't right...

He spoke finally, the old sentinel's words coming from decades of blundering his way through contracts and working with his own men. "So...what do you cry for; joy for having found something wounderous, or mayhap experiencing some sorrow at this gathering?" Voice the same deep baritone he'd always had before being stuck in that damnable machine, the slight edge betraying how he fet. The sentinel waited for her response, wondering why she set him on edge in such a manner.

The Demon princess spotted Orias’s arrival causing her to grin with pleasure as she made her approach. “Your Majesty! I am pleased to see you again, my it has been a while.” Maylis was known to many in the Underworld, as an eccentric demon who was very close to becoming queen, but unexpectedly chose to allow another to take the throne. She was all smiles as she then glanced around ”So many darlings have arrived, its fascinating” She commented to the Demon Queen. “Oh! the boys from the NDC have arrived, I’d love for them to meet that darling King of Alorosi, and the others, now where is Syndari’s Counselor I wonder.

"I am glad my fellow King. Now more than ever the UNS must stand united." Draug replied. Chuckling, he patted the Alorosi. "I'm familiar with the type. Wildly unprofessional but very talented." With that he sent a pointed look at his sister who promptly stuck her tongue at him.

"My sister, Yillia, one of our finest Generals. She's in charge of our new star ranger corps. Overseeing both military and civilian explorations out of our system." the king said.

"Mostly just herding cats, Your Grace." Yillia said, stepping in the conversation and bowing before the king. Leaning towards Draug, she whispered. "The priests have bolted."

"What?!" Turning his head, he saw that the priests had indeed vanished. "What about the grandmaster?!"

"Oh she's over there." Yillia pointed at the armored figure standing near a tray of drinks, having pulled out a straw and was pilling a small pyramid of empty glasses.

Facepalming, Draug turned to his sister, pleading eyes. "Can you...?"

"Herd the strays? On it." and with that she vanished into the crowd.


Appearing next to his brothers Victor Isaac Pine stood in the NDC officer uniform. Removing his cap, he approached greeting each of them. "Mark. Jack. Sir Rorik. How're things looking in here?"

The man standing with hands clasped behind him, his mess dress uniform immaculate. Upon it sat all his awards and commendations, the medals and hard won proof of his capacity to perform his job. He had received the invitation, and was hesitant, for the fact that the 105th Expeditionary Fleet of the United Earth Alliance was trying rather hard to stay off the various groups it'd taken notice of while trying to find out where they were, and how to get back to where they belonged.

Lieutenant General Franklin Edwards, UEA 105th EF Battlefield Commander, straightened his coat briefly, while turning around to look at all those around him. Many reminded him a significant amount of the races he was familiar with, but at the same time, not. There looked to be elves, dwarves, humans even. On his shoulders gleamed the three stars of his rank, though it stood in contrast to the patches that were sewn into his sleeves. On his left arm, the Fleet Emblem, with which his command was identifiable. On his right arm, bore the emblem of the United Earth Alliance, with the Terran Federation flag sitting above it.

"Lieutenant, make sure to note what we're seeing. The challenge now is going to be figuring out who we've run into in space, and who we're meeting here." He instructed the elven woman standing just a step behind and to his right.

"Yes Sir. Do we, reveal ourselves for this affair, or do we maintain the vagueness originally planned?" Lieutenant First Class Tanila Heisandoral said, her uniform bore the same emblems as the General, but her flag patch instead bore the flag of the Ellesmerian Republic.

"Considering we hadn't dressed quite like this in preparation before our arrival... I think we'll play it by ear." He replied, his gaze taking in the crowds around.

It started as a feeling, a sense. Thousands, millions, billions of whispers forming a soft voice that congealed and moved, condensing somewhere in the room, from a barely perceptible mist to a mass, vague in shape as she forced herself into a more appropriate form. Faceless, made of the metal she was, an amalgamate entity started to wrestle herself from the featureless sphere that rolled aimlessly across the floor, into a puddle of liquid gold.

Eventually, she managed to form that liquid into a figure, small enough to converse with the other races, similar enough to her original form... forms? Eyes. She had eyes, again! The silent being looked down over her nude body, seeing the ripples of faces, flashes of memory and knowledge under her skin. From the ancient weapons of wrath and glittering cityscapes of the Homeworld to the debris and spare atoms that were her home now. Shurista, Turassiel, Durastan, Mastedor, the Original Flotillas seemed to float in the shadows of her nudity, in symbol and in image.

For the first time, possibly ever, her voices merged, forming one and building together, she tried to calm the booming volume, quickly bringing herself to a whisper before speaking.

"Well... Isn't this new?" Stepping forward, she stumbled, slightly, shaking the stiffness from her body as she consciously forced her anatomy towards stability. Looking, she recognized several races, parts of herself having met them before their death, though their voices within her nearly drowned they were so few. One race, though. One thing she truly recognized. A dress of Starlight and woven thought and soul she could stride towards, offering a hand. "It is good to see a familiar face. Though we find it hard to remember your people's name. So long it has been. Moreover, we do not believe I know yours."

Surely, the Precurser being greeted by an ancient amalgamate death goddess of immortality may not recognize the infinitely shifting features and only barely physically stable fluid form of a nude Tsulrati made of burial steel before her, but it was worth a shot.

The King of Alorosi couldn’t help but chuckle himself as the Aenar King spoke of his familiarity with beings who were wildly unprofessional but very talented. He watched as the sister of his fellow King disappeared into the crowd to herd the strays. “Ah, so it’s a common thing then” He noted as he saw new people arriving.

Hera sighed faintly as their host continued to not reveal themselves. She was certain that she could find them, if she wanted to exert herself in that way, but such a thing would be very rude. Here, in front of so many fragments of the dying light, that simply wouldn't do.

She looked over the crowd of species, seeking out any of the old powers. Many of the species here were already known to her, had already gained the attention of the Choir, and, as such, could wait. Not so far away she saw something interesting - a being materializing together in a manner that she was vaguely familiar with.

Voices in the choir gestalt sang to her of what she was seeing.

Senti, they said.

Well, she knew who they were. An occasional thorn in her side, as their fragments had proven difficult to collect. Worse, they hadn't had the decency to simply burn out, like so many others that had come before them. Where patience failed, she decided, diplomacy might open the way.

Hera 450, and her tag-a-long Porte, approached the Precursor and the Senti. She folded her hands before her and gave them a respectful nod just as If'ni finished introducing herself.

"Allow me to join you," she said in her harmonic, all-present voice. "I believe it has been some time since last we were all in one place. I am known as Hera Four-Hundred-and-Fifty in this era. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintances once again."

Maya wiped her eyes, trying to retain some composure of dignity, even as her eyes re-moistened. "Hello human, I weep for the mourning of my people, those who once had sole right and access to this realm. The very same who built the gates and the other great works that all these beings now live among the ruins of. I cry for fear of being the last, the lonely single vestige of a once kind people."

As more approached now, first the senti god, who's age was likely one of the few to even come close to her own, then that of a being feining ethereal apeal. "Seems I am becoming but an endagered species on display. Yes I remember you metal goddess, your people still live and prosper I see. I hope they have perhaps left their violent ways.", she said with some measure of curtness, but also a forlorn tone as hopelessness lingered. The other being was younger in nature, something about them unsettling, but what she could not clearly say.

"Greetings to you as well younger light, I am unfamiliar with your race, yet you are oddly familar somehow." in better thought of realizing how rude she was, finally opted to introduce herself as well now to all three. "I am Maya'lae'kruzencia Alamosia, but you may simply call me Maya. I am what your peoples call a Precursor."


"Slow down Maylis, we literally have an eternity, even if they don't. Suga' the universe still spins, so take your time. Besides, I've become vary familiar with those boys, even enjoyed the show of a pair of senti gals giving each other the fuss recently. One of their sisters is pacted, a sweet little thing who's learning honest witchcraft. So my dear, how is the bar, and forgive my lack of appearance there. Keeping the little brimstone biters in check is a full time gig ya know!"

The demonic queen was quick to babble with glee as her sister devil appeared, pulling close as she pulled Maylis into a hug. The woman began to talk her ear off immediately like that of a long time aunt figure, as they walked about and discussed the other attendees. "By the way, I hear rumors you've got a number of lovely sweeties on your arm at home dear. You give the name succubus such beautiful pride dear."

'Precurser?' Steiner wondered as she introduced herself, 'Are they the Ancestors of this Universe then?' He pondered for a moment, considering the possiblty given the circumstances, but the likelyhood was slim. Shaking his head, he turned back to the conversation. Though her comment of an endangered species made him laugh as the Senti goddess made her appearance. Daft woman was naked.

Sighing, while wishing for a spare garmet to provide her with, he found himself suddenly in possesion of what seemed to be an article of clothing similar to the tabard he wore, save for that it had several clasps in the font at several intervals. "Begging your pardon, ma'am," Steiner interjected, as offered the garmet, "but given that this may be a diplomatic meeting regardless of diffrenceces in culture some degree of decorum is expected." He simply ignored the other woman-Hera Four-Fifty...odd name. Almost like an android of some kind.

Damned machines. What mischief where they intending now?

“We have grown much, since being nearly wiped from the Universe by the Scourge,” If’Ni nodded, turning her head slightly towards the man offering her clothes. “Sentisura believed the war cyclic. In his guidance, the Tsulrati left the echoes of our home system, after wiping the Scourge away from the mortal realm. We now live as nomads between the stars. Some have dealt with us directly. Others through our proxies. Even so, our trade networks are as vast as our history, though less is lost in transit. A cancer grows in the shadows, though. There are places even we do not go.”

Tilting her head curiously, she forced herself to remember, images of formal dress uniforms of the homeworlder Tsulrati cultures, clans, and into modern Senti space suits and formality flicked across her nude skin and imperceptible features. As she spoke, her skin seemed to melt, simultaneously loosening and tightening across her flesh, weaving an intricate gown from threads of time, family, and memory. “Ah. Yes, our apologies. We thought this form similar enough to what one would expect of something of our nature. Though the fact that our nudity seems offensive or taboo is surprising, and impractical. Tell me, are you all so ashamed of your mortal forms?”

The final product was not as ornate as some, at first glance. Simple, practical, and skin tight as any modern Senti’s clothes, belted with pockets that could be cast aside at the whim, holding the two flaps of fabric that covered her sheer legging clad legs and pinned to the elastic strap of fabric wrapped over her bust and neck, tied across her waist, with a tail hanging over her hip. As she gave a spin for Steiner, and a mockingly courteous bow, the threads forced their memory upon his mind’s eye, a glimpse and fragment of Senti stone age history threatening its presence. “Are we acceptable?”

Maylis simply smiled as she was asked to slow down. It was true; they had an eternity, even if others did not. She allowed herself to be hugged, and she listened to her talk. “oh my darling, I understand why you don’t show up at my club. Being a queen is a tough job certainly! It has been going well, A few years ago, I opened up in the City of Secunda, a capital of a system called Secunda Major, not much else of note, other than we managed to get Nytemare herself to sign up to DJ, so we had an influx of people entering. “ She said to Orias before the topic changed, “Oh yes, I saw a recording of that fight! It was an amazing fight. I’m almost tempted to add a fighting ring in my club, just to have them reenact the fight. And maybe others, but for now, it will just be a place to dance, drink alcohol, and play pool. “ She said.

Her grin widens as she was told of rumors. “Oh yes, one’s my bartender. Speaking of, I think I should bring you my club’s world-famous drink, the Blitz. It’s sure to knock the strongest of mortals off their feet, but it’s perfect for us. “I should also bring my daughter. She’s half-demon, but she’s my pride and joy. She’s very skilled with magic, too.’ She told her.

"Go. Learn." Hersal had commanded, shaving two from his team of three to go investigate, prod and learn anything they can. Their caution would only leave them as outliers and much more noticeable. The two adventurers spilt from the group in opposite directions, following any recognizeable or interesting scents their noses caught, leaving their own trail so that they may return to their handler if need be.

The first guard, Jerfan, having caught the reek of metal so familiar to him began to weave and wander the infinite ball room. His brain worked tirelessly to filter all the other stenches and smells that seemed oh so interesting. Work now. Play later. If he can successfully impede whatever Senti have joined this ball, he would surely gain delicious meats for his cell.

By the time Jerfan had stowed his glass knife into the large sheath at his hip, he caught the shine of metal skin and the showy dresswear of a dying culture. He circled through other smaller groups to get better looks at the rustskin that had let themselves in. Jerfan halted in his tracks immediately and carefully fled sight at the sight of the gods. He didn't know that the full metal body was If'ni, but he was certain that was no regular Tsulrati.

The other guard, one who had earned the name Tinker, followed the exotic smells Jerfan couldn't. One had interested him, he remembered it from his work with the Black Wall post commander. Chernus. It was the same smell of that smooth skinned thing the... what was it? New Dawn Collective? He didn't care to remember, only to feel how it was so familiar yet had an off tinge to it.

His own exploration and spying had let his eyes descend upon the unfamiliar uniforms of the UEA. Tinker couldn't tell just what he was smelling but sulked in the back ground. He wanted to learn more about just who it was he was staring at. He would almost guess they were a pair of those robot things, those weird imitations, operators, that smooth skin called them.

"We know you, Maya," said Hera with a soft smile. "We wore another face when last we met, and under less pleasant circumstances."

She held a hand out, palm up - a simple gesture to show that she meant no ill will. "Things have changed since then. Should you find yourself seeking a home, know that we would welcome you. The universe is vast and can be a lonely place."

As the conversation continued, the radiant woman folded her hands before her, listening to If'ni. Scourge?, she wondered. Perhaps one of their names for something she knew? "We offer the same to you and yours, If'ni, though we understand if you might have some reservations. Our hand is extended, regardless. If the scourge you speak of is what I believe it to be, then our interests there are aligned."

Hera spared a glance for the man who had offered the metal god clothing. He hadn't acknowledged her yet - out of deference, perhaps? - and she didn't want to offend the man by going against his personal beliefs. A subtle motion was enough to get Porte's attention.

"Ah- I'm Porte, good sir," said the Adherent to Steiner. "The Chorus greets you."


Maille and Lennon, war witches both, had been wandering about with cautious interest. The white-garbed witch had a tense energy, like a cat waiting for a mouse to appear, while the black-garbed woman was so relaxed that she might be walking down any given street.

That didn't mean that she was immune to boredom, however. "Yeah, ahm just gonna pick someone and say 'ello," said Lennon.

Maille's eyes darted to her, then narrowed slightly. "We've been captured by an unknown enemy and you-"

Lennon tsk'd. "I don't think this is the work of an enemy. Now, let's seee--- oo, they look fun."

She sauntered up to a group that decidedly did not look like they were there for fun. With military uniforms and cautious looks that rivaled Maille's, the 'fun' that Lennon had in mind was probably not the sort that most people would have chosen.

The two of them stepped up to the UEA 'delegation'.

"'ello, 'ello!" said Lennon with a broad, fangy grin. She spoke with an accent that sounded thickly Irish after being translated to something that the UEA could understand. "Pleasure ta mee'cha all. I'm Lennon, of the Wyrwycky. This is Maille, of the same."

The red headed girl gave a curt nod, her huge hat bobbing.

"I s'pose we're representin' the Wyr Ring," Lennon continued, "so on their be'alf, I extend to ya the greetin' and frien'ship of the Wyr on this auspicious day."

Lennon stuck out her hand in their direction, not picking any particular person as the UEA leader, clearly expecting one of them to shake it.

As the two witches approached, Lieutenant Heisandoral's ears twitched, and she turned to look over. "Two persons on approach Sir." She said, getting the General to turn, just as Lennon spoke. She reminded him a lot of what historical depictions would typically paint for 'witches'. Noting the hand stuck out, the General nodded, and politely, considering things, shook her hand.

"Lieutenant General Edwards, Terran Federation Army. Battlefield Commander of the United Earth Alliance's 105th Expeditionary Fleet. This is Lieutenant Heisandoral, Ellesmerian Republic Navy, my aide-de-camp." Edwards said once the handshake was finished. He returned his hands to clasping each other behind his back. "We were lead to believe that this was going to be a more private meeting between us and the host, but that has clearly been, thrown to the side."

Tanila nodded, one hand firmly holding the tablet in her hand, also clasping the stylus she used to write with, and the other reached up to handle the ornate looking gem that hung from a chain around her neck. "You both look like you might be Arcana users." She said, using the UEA term for those capable of using the UEA's version of magic.

Lennon shook his hand firmly, giving him a broad, easy grin. "If you were led to believe anythin', then yeh know more than we. We were plucked froom what we were doin' with nary a warnin'. Poor Maille 'ere was in the middle a blowin' up some Droma scoorge."

Maille nodded, letting the tension go. These people didn't seem to be enemies. "Arcana?" she queried, tapping the side of her chin with a finger in thought. "Your name for the Wyrd, perhaps? We know there are many powers at work in the universe, from the days before the long war..."

The blue-haired witch, Lennon, nodded and rested her hands on her hips. There was a definite 'school delinquent' vibe to her, but she was polite enough, if rough around the edges.

"Ye look like military folks yerselves, though that's not a battle garb I'm familiar with. Are ye users of this Arcana you spoke of? Maybe we can trade noots?"

"Technically, these are our mess dress uniforms, though they were not our... Intended wear for the event. Of course, we weren't expecting the meeting we were coming to be, this." Edwards said, shrugging.

As for Tanila, she nodded. "I am. First Circle of Arcana. With it I'm able to manipulate atomic elements to generate effects many would call 'magic'." she replied, no small measure of pride in her tone.

"What the Lieutenant means to say, is that she's reached the higher levels of ability by the measures we track such things." Edwards stated, chuckling.

"Ho~" replied Lennon, giving Tanila an appraising look that suggested approval.

"Verreh interestin'. Ever fight any beasties? Big ones, about yay large?" she stretched out her hands, indicating something around 500 meters in length.

The red haired woman pushed one of Lennon's hands down, shaking her head. "I don't think we're here to trade fight stories, Lennon."

Lennon tch'd in response, but didn't argue.

"I thought it strange that you'd have a male with you," Maille said thoughtfully, her eyes piercing as she considered Edwards. "I think that perhaps things are different for you? Are you a warrior, Lieutenant General Edwards?"

"I command an expeditionary force. An army effectively. A position I've earned after proving myself as a field officer in combat against the creatures and machines which threaten our very existence." Edwards replied. "So if you want to call me a warrior for what I am, than I am. If what I am does not match what you consider a warrior, then I'm afraid I am not what you consider such."

"I see," replied Maille. "Our men do not fight. This is very interesting.."

The way she looked at him was much more considering than it had been before. Lennon's brows raised a tad as she watched the other witch, then she gave a helpless shrug.

Maille continued, "Then you must wield magic, as Lieutenant Heisandoral does?"

"No. I don't have the build-up of Thetis needed." Edwards replied. "Arcana isn't easy for us, and those who can tend to have, significant complications typically if their body hasn't evolved to naturally hold the energies needed."
"Thetis?" mused Maille, sharing a look with Lennon. "Hm. You do not wield your magics, and yet you are a warrior. Curious."

Maille's cool eyes gave Edwards another considering look, but not in a disrespectful way. "I would know more of how you fight, Lieutenant General Edwards. You said you battled against creaches and machines?"

Lennon took a step towards Tanila, leaning in to talk quietly. "Maille's a bit of a combat junky, you see - she'll be stuck like this for a while."

When the Senti in her mocking attempted to force her own threads upon the old Sentinel's soul, what touched hers was while a soul considerably younger-it was cold, dead-a byproduct of a dying galaxy and dead universe. A mix of nigh-unshakable discipline and not wanting to give her any satisfaction at being touched by a being as ancient as her; he managed to keep his experession neutral-bloody stupid wench. Older than dirt and unable to figure out...he broke that train of though immediately, lest she pick up on it. "Yes,"Stiener replied in a cool tone, as the garmet seemingly vanished as suddenly as it had apppeared, "and as for being ashamed of our mortal forms-while it is inconvient and impractical to one such as you..." The Sentinel let a small smile creep on to his face "...if one of my profession were to walk out in naught but my nethers, I'd likely be not long for this world, that and planet climate may have some influence on dress as well."

With a shake of his head, he was figuring out what to say next when the man who'd arrived with the possible android-he'd not missed their arrival, nor the conversation that'd been had whilst the senti was being....a senti. "Sentinel," Steiner gave his title in a curt reply-no name-if this...Hera unit....was as old as she said he was-the less information she had the better, "My apologies for not acknowledging you sooner-I was...addressing a certain lack of dress for our mutual acquaintance here." His postrure remained relaxed inspite of his somewhat cool dispositon at the moment-his hand still resting upon the head of his hammer.

Best to maintian a sharp eye and clear mind, lest something catch him off guard, especially in company such as this....

"Well, we are the manifest sould of a people, the manifest soul of the Burial Steel and the dead. As you can imagine, we so rarely clothe ourselves. Though our mortal children do decorate us with rich tapestries and enamels." If'Ni offered Steiner a soft smile.

"Maya'lae'kruzencia, there are fragments of us that have met you in person, we remember you more clearly, now that we hear your name. You visited us upon Tsulras before the Parasite struck, just as we reached for the stars. We owe you for the knowledge of beauty infinite and knowledge that could never be known from a single world." Another courteous smile, a curtsey to the Ancient before her, before she took Hera's hand. "And for you, Hera, the Chorus is always welcomed between the stars. It is so hard to find good friends. You will find peace with us, and songs to add to your own. The Shuristans have the Gift of Song for their children's first flights, not quite knowing how hard we work to bring them home safe. Aah, and Isomeria has arrived? I did not expect a consumer to be at such a... No... Isomeria would not have been invited..."

Looking around herself at the fragments and souls woven into memories, strands and scars, timeless, ancient training to read these culminated, from Steiner's jaded loss and constant war to Maya's confusion and fear, her fear of loneliness. But no consumers. None of her roommate's hunger and crushing presence... Except... Again, her face turned. "Maya'lae'kruzencia, did you know a woman named Isomeria? She would be young, now... A child in our timescale. But truly a goddess, unlike myself."

Hera graced Steiner with a warm smile. "Think nothing of it. No harm in being polite."

Porte was relieved and relaxed a touch.

To If'ni, she placed a delicate hand over her chest and nodded gently. "We are eager to add your songs to ours, yes. My people have kept their distance from yours in the past, history being what it is, but we would very much like to rectify that. Thank you for the offer."


After some time, King Avi's entourage began to disperse and hang further back. His massive wings were impossible to miss as he tried to make his way through the crowd. At this point, his guards were more concerned with the safety hazard his wings posed to everyone else rather than the risk to his own safety, as it was evident he wasn't in any major danger. The short birdwing managed to find himself encountering the Hyborean pirate captain and her apparent crew member. "Greetings. How are you?" the king asked, seeing she was dressed in some sort of high ranking wardrobe.

The Hyborean woman looked at the approaching entourage, one of her hair-tentacles flicking in interest. "Well, well! Aren't you a beautiful thing?" she purred.

She doffed her hat in a grand motion, then gave the king a bow while grinning up at him. "I'm doing quite well, I daresay. I am Captain Sayyila an-Farrah of the Hyboran Expanse, pleashure to be makin' your acquaintance, signore."

The captain returned the large hat to her head with flourish and adjusted it in a way that was too smooth to have not been practiced.

Noting the girl with her wasn't speaking up, Sayyila gave her a hard, encouraging pat on the back. "This giovinetta is Fiametta, a Starfinder of some reknown. It's our custom to treat her and her kind with respect - iffin it's no problem."

"H-Hi," Fiametta squeeked, trying to regain her composure. She wished she had a big hat, if only so she could get lost inside of it. This was all too much for her. Even worse, Sayyila - who she'd only just met - was introducing her with more regard than she thought she deserved. It was all a bit much. "It- it's nice to meet you."

Sayyila grinned down at the girl and gave her another hard pat. "'atta girl, 'is not so hard, eh?"

The captain returned her gaze to the King. "Now then, seein' as we've taken care of all the pleasantries, hows about we get down to brass tacks? Tell me of your people and what yer trade looks like. Let's see if we can't find some advantage out of all this strangeness, whaddya say?"

The 3'10 king chuckled, having to look up to meet her eyes. His small size was largely made up for by his massive wings, which were now demonstrating their ability to glow quite magnificently. "Gladly. I am King Avi of Glorinferosa. My people look like me, for the most part. Though... maybe a bit taller. And, smaller at the same time, weirdly enough," he said as he glanced at his wings. "We control three systems, but our trade network is quite extensive, since they're spread out. We haven't colonized anything else, but we've certainly seen a few things along the way."

"A King, is it?" said Sayyila, her smile becoming predatory. "Well! You'll have to pardon me for any disrespects, for none wer' intended, sirrah. I'm afraid we haven't left our system yet-"

In fact, before today, she didn't even know there were other systems, such was the veil of the Expanse. She looked to Fiametta.

"-but with such impressive peoples as yers out amongst the stars, well, we'll have to be rectifyin' that. Isn't that right, Starfinder Fiametta?"

Fiametta gulped, once again unhappy to be the center of attention. What could she say? "O-of c-course, Captain," was the best she could do, trying to look confident despite her nervous stuttering. Sayyila gave her an approving grin.

"An' then, well, we'll just have to see about makin' those trade networks o' yours a little more rich, yer Lordship."


Maya looked between them all as interactions progressed, but the way that Hera mentioned a previous meeting, made her skin crawl. "I much appreciate the condolences If'ni, tsulrati mother of death and rebirth. To answer your question however, yes, she was one of my kind. A gene weaver of our society, I met her on a few occasions when visiting the farways halls where my progenitor'vo worked. She was a bright soul of my time, but I would not say she was young, as many cycles as she had already lived." It was a welcome distraction as she let her mind collect the facts of present company.

Turning to the chorus represenatives, the question still lingered, and she hoped it was simply an unfounded paranoia. After all, she was not immune to the influence of so much loss to cloud her feelings and thoughts. "Hera 450 you identified your soul as? I do not recognize it's current shape, so excuse my confusion. When and where did we meet, and by what form?", she asked calmly, her mind impatiently waiting for some clarity in all this. Any and every detail of the gap in her knowledge right now, was in desperate need of filling.

Hera frowned softly at Maya's question, not really wishing to discuss it, but not wanting to lie. She held a hand up and tapped at the air. A melodious, yet oddly distant chime rung quietly in response.

Porte simply froze, locked in a moment.

The High Messenger turned her full attention to Maya. Her face remained pleasant and welcoming, but the words she spoke next carried a considerable weight.

"I was Hera 432 when last we met, though I don't believe we ever exchanged names. In that time, lifetimes ago, we were enemies in what we refer to as the War that Shattered the Heavens. Your kind opened the path to beings beyond comprehension and we... found ourselves opposed to you."

The radiance around Hera flared up, but none of the others beyond their group seemed to take notice.

"As worlds were scoured, chance saw fit for us to share a few words. Nothing of import, likely nothing you'd remember, but for me and those who are of a like mind it meant much. I truly mean you no harm, Maya'lae'kruzencia, and would accept you as a sister if you find the loneliness to too much. I have much to offer you."

Steiner hadn't missed Porte's sudden change-a normal person didn't just seize up of their own accord, unless they were frightend. Hera's guesture had clearly been the cause, and subconsciously he shift his hand; grasping the handle of the warhammer hanging off his belt just beneath the head. He was on edge now, his atteniton was focused on the two's exchange.

The old mercenary listened carefully, making note of the fact the two had once been foes at one point. Though she spoke of having peaceful intentions towards the precusor, Steiner couldn't help get the feeling that perhaps they were interacting at something far more dangerous than met the eye-while Maya gave no visable cues, he had a feeling she was likely questioning Hera's intentions herself. So in his typical, blunt manner he asked what was likely the most pointed question possible; "And what exactly do you and this...Chorus offer?" His grip tightened on his weapon, his tone carrying the chill of an ice world at this point, "The desire to be a part of something greater and extending such an opportunity to others, given that you were foes once what is to say you are not hiding ill intent with honeyed words."

Not the most diplomatic of phrasing, but sometimes a direct approach was the best option...

The chorister turned her attention to Steiner. Whatever she had done to increase her presence was still in effect, though now he had the full bore of it. A tangible weight settled on him, but it had more the feel of a heavy blanket than an oppressive force. Her smile was once again pleasant and inviting.

"What do you want? If what you have is worth it..." she tilted her head a bit, letting her words hang before continuing. "...then there is little that we can't offer. We do try to be fair in our dealings. Not all wish to be part of the Chorus itself, though I think that a shame."

She cast a side-glance towards Maya, to see how she was processing what Hera had told her, but wasn't so impolite as to ignore Steiner while they were talking.

"I...see," Hera's prescense was heavy, and dispite her seemingly pleasant demeanor he got the sense of something...hungry beneath-just a glimpse beneath a strange, seemingly musical tone. Not wild, but directed. As if though he was standing before a gaping maw that was threating to swallow him whole.

That was...concerning, to say the least, so he followed one of the main rules of dealing with a potientially dangerous predator; don't back down-make it look like you're more trouble than your worth.

Her own threads were met with the same discipline that the Senti's had been, and a small degree of contempt seeped through as he stared her down. "I belive that those that choose not to join," He said, choosing his words carefully, "May have made a wise descion." The Sentinel's voice carried a dangerous edge, his grip on his hammer relaxing just enough that he could easily draw it if necessary.

"Oh, will both of you quit?" If'Ni made a gesture that could be understood to be a cultural rolling of the eyes. "We understand that the Chorus was not always so understanding and willing to ask before joining, or allow some to join willingly. We, ourselves, are not so different. Were we to have a choice in the matter, there would be mortality for us. Times have changed. Amalgamates like the Chorus and ourself change. We were once as willing to war as you, old soldier. We are sad that it has been near bred out of us thanks to one man's fear."

Hera gave If'ni a considering look, then nodded softly. If there was one thing that she and those she represented had in abundance, it was patience. In this life or a future one, she knew, the man's fragment would join theirs. There was no need to rush things.

Steiner's response was to simply to step back, partially interposing himself between her and the Precursor. His hand did not leave his warhammer.

While the goddess chatted and forced their presences, regardless of how gently dominant their aurs may be, Jerfan watched. As he continued his slow circle through various passing groups, attempting the best bystander disguise he wasn't trained for.

The talk of his goddess forced him away, a clear panic as the amalgamate of Burial Steel searched for what he could only assume was him. Jerfan hastily walked back to his representative, following the scent of mud he trailed behind him.

"Hersal! Hersal!" Jerfan exclaimed, trying to preserve a show of calm and controlling demeanor for his party as he joined back in his part of the previous formation. "If'ni, the rust skins goddess, she is here! There are others as well, we are not equipped for this!" His worries fell on much more relaxed ears, Hersal looking around his surroundings.

"They are at the end of your trail?" Hersal questioned to his guard, keeping his eyes at the medley of species that surrounded him. A nod was the response, "Avoid it, stay here. We'll wait for the other to return before moving, hopefully they don't trace it back."

Jerfan nodded again and forced a calming breath, trying to reel his nerves back into his own control. Goddess forbid they had caught him, he was not anticipating wearing shiny steel to a small strike.

Giving a deep sigh, If'Ni moved closer, offering her arms to Maya with a smile as she casually dismissed the Drhuvian presence as a mild observation, a fly on the wall. "Then allow us to bring good news to you, Maya'lae'kruzencia. Your people are not gone. Ascended and changed like ourself, but far from gone. If Isomeria could ascend to deitic form, so, too did others. So, too, can you to join your people. We will do everything we can to assist you."

Maya had been stunned into shocked silence, having just been told an ally of her people's mortal enemy was before her. It was if this woman thought genocide was forgivable. "I'm sorry, but I can not take that offer. Such a mass extinction of life is still very fresh for this soul. Ascended, or not, life is not such if not actually lived."

"If my people are gone from this plane, then they are my people no longer, but what comes next. It matters little anyways, as I still slumber, and as I can feintly feel my being, something feels wrong. I have no idea what has been done to my body, but the soul is untouched. If I am ever found, I would much like to eventually travel the light ways again, and see how the galaxies have changed in our absence." Something akin to what some of the younger races called "anxiety", was welling up in her.

"Our positions in this plane were only ever as shepards and academics. Even by some luck, that I am not yet the last, then the duty of my people fall on my shoulders. Maybe by some small feat, I can prevent anyone from repeating our folly, and preventing the darkness from ever returning." It felt like only a growing list of impossibilities, as her precarious position in this new world felt rather tested. Some small comfort was had in the fact that life was still abundantly rampant as ever, meaning that their mission had not failed.

The precursor sided more with If'Ni and Steiner, feeling endeared to the human who was so boldly facing her immediate source of stress. Accepting the Senti goddess in a light hug for calming, knew her intentions were also only in attempted aid. "Perhaps someday, when the pain is finally forgotten, and I have exhausted all efforts to do right by what may remain of us.", she added in final note to her reply to Hera.

As the tuntold and uncountable amount of conversations began to really hit their peak; With neogiations and conversations just reaching their peak or flaring into heated debates a noticeable dim started to overtake the gaudy galla hall as perceptable to all, even those with different visions on the light spectrum began to percieve a slight darkening into twilight thoughout.

In concert with this, where there had not been one before a long; Near endless staircase that stretched up into eternity had simply manafested where all could see regardless of their position and to all seeming to be at an equal distance from them. They stared up it and into the now brightest light that coalessed into a travelling spotlight that trailed down its length as the sides of a the stairs fell away to display a serene heavenscape of bright clouds and rolling godrays of light that only complimented the already focussed lighting on an undiscernable yet clearly humanoid shape that slowly and methodically tramp down the stairs one purposeful step at a time with an audible clack of heel on wood despite the posh crimson and gold trimmed carpet that flowed down before its every step.

It could be something people could have ignored; So engrossed in their conversations they were. But even excluding the lights and sounds and atmosphere the approaching figure displayed there was an intense desire to drop what one was doing and give their undivided attention regardless of their actions as warrior in pointless fights stopped mid-swing to gawk and ancient beings as massive as some buildings peered up in defference to what was a being only a scant few could have ever have lived long enough to have met but had passed down in legend alongside the tales of precursors in gates.

Some groaned in anticipation, others gasped at the majesty, many gawked or stared openly at the resplendent being before them who in mere moments had covered a million and also none of the stairs to stand just a douzen or so steps above the surface of the galla floor to be just high enough up above them to be seen by all regardless of their distance as if each and every one of them stood just at the start of the flight of stairs and regardless of their size looked up to the being before them.

A billion souls and more looked on in anticipation as their host; The 'Baron' had arrived.

"Lights." said a voice, cool and smooth. It was neither high nor low pitched. It seemed almost... metallic. It seemed to come off of nowhere and everywhere at once. The shining spotlight dimmed a bit, allowing the Baron to reveal himself. He was tall. Standing over 6 feet tall, his thinness only accentuated his height. He wore a simple slim suit in dark colors with silverlike prints. They seemed to depict flowers, beasts and other elegant shapes. But nothing could distract from the Baron's face. Or rather, the lack thereof.

A metal helmet, shining bright. It was sleek and uniform. No gaps or holes. No engravings. Just metal. Yet somehow the blank face seemed to look at everyone in the room. Analyzing, seeing deeper than flesh and cloth and metal. Bearing down into every attendant's soul.

A small laugh echoed out through the expanse, like small bells. "You'll all do nicely."

"Welcome!" Baron said, as if nothing had been said before. Extending his arms in presentation, he continued, "Welcome to my domain! I am Baron Xanadu the Third."

"I'm sure you're wondering why you've been brought here? How all of you, from across all corners of known space, have been gathered here today? And why all of you? Admirals, captains, gods, demons, witches, pirates, soldiers, courtesans, hedonists and priests? Rulers and servants? Lawmakers and outlaws? Dastardly bastards and saintly martyrs?" he said, descending the staircase slowly with each step resounding.

"In short: Because watching this galaxy has become boring." Baron said succintly. One could almost imagine a wide smile on his face. "Everywhere I look it's the same ol' melodramas, colonial rebellions, battles for resources, political alliances, yadda, yadda. BOOOORING!!"

"The same ol' stories from times before. Empires falling, dominions rising. Gods and demons coming and going. Heroic space battles and ugly trench warfare. Political backstabbings and revolutions. All fun stuff but everyone is just so contained in their own spaces."

"But thankfully, the great tricksters of the cosmos, Lady Luck and Fate conspired together to allow me to herald the great change. The spice all of you schmucks need. The great relief to my boredom."

"The Gates. The mysterious rings sitting in the void of space. Ooooh sooo spooky." he said, faux whispering. "I'm sure you've all wondered what they do, what they are for and why do they look just so darned appetizing."

A pause, "Or is that just me?" he questioned with a laugh.

With a flourish, the spotlight vanished along with every source of light in this expansive room. For a few moments, there was only darkness. Then little pinpricks of light started to appear. The spots began to glow brighter and brigter until all the floor, the ceiling, the walls, everywhere starts shone. Everyone stood in the galaxy. Nebulas and planets dotted the air, immaterial like holograms.

"Well wonder no longer. For the gates shall open!" the Baron shouted, making the gates appear in the galaxy floor.

"Let it be known that on the 3500th Gatekeeper cycle that a new Epoch shall begin!" the Baron's voice boomed. "The stars and all it's riches shall be closer than ever before! Nations shall be able to expand more than ever before! Let there be war! Let there be peace! Let there be unspeakable evil and great justice! Kindness and love! Treachery and hate! Laughter and joy! Let there be life and death! Let there be more and more and more of everything!" the herald shouted, each sentence dripping with more and more madness,

"GO FORTH! Go forth, leaders of nations! Go forth, Ye divine and demonic! Go forth, protectors and marauders! Go forth heroes and villains! GOOO FORTH!!" The voice very nearly became a banshee howl, nearly shaking the foundations of this mental palace.

The silence that followed was more unsettling as the Baron simply folded back into a casual position. His eyeless stared fixed on everyone, he nonchalantly continued as if nothing had happened.

"In short, good luck and thank you for all the drama."

"Well, doesn't he like his voice?" If'Ni leaned towards Steiner before speaking just loud enough for Maya to hear her. "It is no matter. We remember the last time the Gates opened. We are from the other side of one, and they were vital to the initial spread of our people. It would be nice for our kin to be able to visit their relatives again..."

Stepping forward, If'Ni called casually, smirking. "Well, Baron, we doubt you called us all here simply for such a casual announcement. And the state of dress, so lovelyand binding... Well, what do you need from us if you want this to go smoothly?"

"Oh misguided Xan, this is not who he was so long ago. Time has grated and changed his light, made it more wild and flittered with many whims.", the precursor sighed in annoyance at her past protege. Yes he was metal, but he was as alive as any, a soul found at the core of his being like anyone. Souls were always changing indeed, but to sleep for so long and see the change in it, was yet another shock. Maya couldn't blame him, not with being stuck here alone, his progenitors now no where to be found any longer, save for her.

Afterall, she had written the code of his soul, and in a way that made him like her child. Perhaps this is what parental disappointment felt like as they saw their youngling enter a rebellious phase.

Hera watched the Baron's display with the sort of impassioned, regal look that took generations to perfect. The Gates opening were always an opportunity - this time would be no different. Among the hundreds of sentient civilizations here, she wondered how many would fall under their sway this time.

Welcoming the last of the Precursors and the Senti would certainly be a prize. The Precursors, for their knowledge and as a way to unify more of the great old powers of this part of the galaxy. The Senti, for all the souls they'd locked away for countless generations.

Schemes would need to be laid, offers made. And if not this time, then maybe the next. They weren't going anywhere, but that was no excuse to be lax in her service.

A small smile crept onto her face as she looked away from the Baron and back to the others, the veneer of majestic grace as present as always.

"He reminds me of some of the Nobles I have dealt with," Steiner responded, relaxing his grip as he watched their host, "Loud, boisterous and having grown bored of conventional extravengance." The mention of these gates however..if they were anything like the ones back in Valhalla it could spell no end of trouble. If anything the small smile Hera had served only to increase his concerns.

That one was up to something. Yet another concern added for the ever growing problems that they faced, and between this Baron and his own blundering they'd likely be increased tenfold. Still, best to worry about the matter at hand; it couldn't hurt to ask.

"These...gates, Miss Maya," He looked towards the precursor, concern coloring his own threads, "They would not happen to be part of a Galatic Gate Network, would they?" If it was, then that fact alone would dictate the Company's next action.

If'Ni let a small smile creep onto her face. We like this "Steiner". Useless royals and extravagent barons carry a similar distaste. We suspect he knows this "baron" is up to something. And the chaos will cost lives. As it did last time.

"These gates are the precursor gates, the same we used to network galaxies together. Our folly with them was being too curious for our own good. Not that I am excusing it, but it is a mistake that anyone could have made in our position. One we paid dearly for... The loss of light was never our intention, and why I want to do better to prevent such a mistake again.", Maya replied in a hush so that only those in the immediate vicinity could hear.

"It is likely he has reached out for resource aid in repairing the network, but the virus ensured that such repairs would not be enough. I and whoever else with the ability to aid, would have to scrub the system of the virus. He's begging for a massive undertaking, one that war will not achieve." What was the baron thinking, making such a show for a gamble, and a trial of unity. Such a test was not given as he had just tried to, but perhaps there was more veiled behing that faceplate of his.

We see no harm in aiding him in this endeavour," said Hera with a light nod. "Restoring the gates would be good for us all. Just because we can take our time crossing the stars does not mean we wish to."

She looked to Steiner. "Wouldn't you agree?"


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"With great opportunity comes great risk, Hera. The Scourge, the parasite that infested the Tsulrati and drove us to xenocide came from one of the Gates. We remember how it bound us, undead and unalive into its machinations, manipulated our bodies to enslave and conquer, murdering and extinguishing our own star. We still feel the souls of the home world. And the anguish that forged Skydas from us as our son." If'Ni's voice was low and quiet as she touched her chest, the memories flicking across her skin and dress, more for Hera and Steiner to hear than anyone else. "It is almost sad to see a flickerlife understand something I could barely expect of someone of the age we share, Hera. But we see the war he fought to be here. It is fresh in his mind and soul, if not in ours. People will die. The Gates will cause unimaginable pain as well as glorious hope. Is it worth the cost? We cannot decide what our living will do. You three are alive. You can make the difference."

Steiner thought carefully on If'Ni's words. War would be inevitable-and while Valhallans were no strangers to it, he was not eager to see that cycle repeat itself here.As well as the information Maya had providied, was of some concern. So, he chose his response carefully, though more like than not Hera would still end up drawing his ire.

"Those gates...our ancestors built something similiar," He replied, voice low and tinged with something that couldn't quite be identified, sorrow maybe, or something darker, "Albiet only on a glactic scale." Steiner closed his eyes, letting the old memories rise to the surface; of desperate combats and needless slaughter-of those whose simple boredom or fustration would lead to untold suffering. "They squandered such a marvel, burning the galaxy in the process, and even to this day only the truly insane or foolish would consider activating them."

Though, they themselves could be easily lumped in with the former, as they'd destroyed the gate behind them as they fled, thus leading to the current situation. He opened them again, his tone having grown ever more acidic. He turned to Hera, fury and madness coloring his threads as red eyes bored into her like the strongest of lasers. "You see them as a boon, no?" The sentinel's tone had not changed, "To draw others in to act as sustinance for yourself, or whatever you represent?"

"Then you are a fool Hera Four-Fifty," His gaze never left hers, nor had his voice raised above the hushed tone that he had started with, "These gates will-not may, WILL lead to needless suffering, and quite possibly prove to be our undoing, thus rendering whatever bargains you hope to strike moot." He sighed, and continued, his tone becoming steady again, losing much of its bite. "No...the Senti has the right of it; tis' folly to render aid to such an endevor, let alone consider it."

Hera kept her expression pleasantly neutral while she listened to the man. This wasn't the first time the stars had been brought close together. She knew all the risks, had lived them before, and was perfectly happy to accept them. It wasn't a surprise that he felt differently, but...

When she had the time, she would look through the Chorus' memories and see what she could find about this man and his origins. There might be opportunity there. As for this man - well, he had a refreshing disregard for his own safety.

"Miss Maya," He turned, gaze settling on her as the threads of his soul having calmed somewhat, "This virus...what is it exactly?"

And more importantly, how could they use it to put a stop to this nonsense?

"Part of why we ask what he needs. Steiner, you are a warrior to the core. You know the purpose of our questions. That said. We like you. You shall have the aid of the Flotillas." She decided it was for the best she did not correct him on the distinction. Most modern tsulrati were Senti. She was far older. Perhaps the Senti made up a third of her life.

"A quantum FTL capacity string code that's adaptive for the first several millenia.", Maya answered, staying quiet on how she felt about the current discussion. Especially with the sudden 180 on mood while talking of using her people's gates. She herself was torn as the talk of connecting space, had given the precursor the small idea that just maybe... Maya could eventually use it to find the last of her kin.

The points made were not lost on her, but the memories of before the fall, when life was prosperous and interconnected. There could be no promise that it would be missused, but that just meant it was up to her to ensure it couldn't be, right? Destroying them felt out of the question, more so even, out right forsaking something that could help more lives then hurt if used right. What was she to do in such already foreboding, and stressful times. "It resets the system and corrupts the targeting database over time.", she began to add.

"Also clears all permission, and clearance echos as well. Even if the virus was cleaned from the system, a lot of it would have to be redone, and a precursor to create new access methods. That's only after repairs are done far enough to make the installations even operational, and connecting them to their utility anchors on nearby planetary bodies."

"In other words," Steiner replied as he digested the information, "It is what we call a scrambler; completely disrupting the system and preventing its usage till cleared." He'd relaxed a bit after hearing that; it meant they had time.

If the facilites were already damaged, that meant further delays. Delays that gave yet more time to prepare. Even with the tremendous resources that would be avalible technology like that if experience was anything to go by was usually pretty finicky even under the best of circumstances. His face pensive as he pondered; contengency upon contengency; even as a small part of his concious nibbled at him; the part that had seen him rise as a member of the old guard; asking him if he really had the right to try and dictate the future of this universe when theirs was already so far gone.

The destruction of the gates would not elimnate the possibilty of a galactic-or even intergalatic-war. Somewhere, some damned idiot would get ideas of granduer into their head and end up causing problems for the rest of them. Ambitious individuals would always exist and technology was constantly marching forward; it was a fact of life. The technology could be built and replicated, someone could stumble upon the secret. Even with the help of the Senti flotillas they were but a drop in an incredibly vast ocean. No...no destroying the gates was out of the question at the moment, if even possible. Doing it individually would take too long, the cost unthinkable, and overloading the entire system was out of the question-the consequences potentially apocalyptic if it even worked at all.

But...at the same time, he thought back to Maya's ealier words-that her people had once been shepards and guides. But at the same time, if she could remember the fall of her people like it was yesterday, it was likely that this talk of the potential destruction of her kin's greatest work would not endear any of them to her. Hopefully if hadn't squandered whatever goodwill she had towards him he might be able to persuade her into fulfilling that role again.

'And save us some trouble along the way,' He added mentally.

"Miss Maya," Steiner's voice wasn't exactly at its smoothest, his tone not the most persuasive-more the rough tone of a soldier who grew tired of war-but he'd spent the better part of almost eight decades as a 'Giant Fuckoff Robot' as Dimitri would've put it and had managed to unite the shattered remannts of several kingdoms, and the Eradani to boot, so perhaps he could manage this as well, "Before I take my leave, your people were sheperds and guides-I ask that if you are are willing and able to take up this role once again."

"Perhaps your counsel can allow cooler heads to prevail." He gave a slight bow, and hoped that she'd take his request into consideration.

The Sentinel nodded to the Senti, shot one last glare at Hera-and departed. As he weaved throught various species, he recalled a trip to another universe where he'd tried joining one of the major armies-and ended up causing a distrubance at their recruiting staion. There'd been quite a few aliens there as well. He snorted at the memory, and so lost in thought he was that he almost ran into someone.

The soldier made to aplogize, and realzied who'd he'd nearly ran into; a beauty with horns and tail, dressed in a silvery gown; the Shadow, .

'Great,' He thought, as he noticed the two others with her, 'Next it'll be the ancestors-damned archdukes showing up on top of this.'

Hera watched Steiner depart, considering his words and the emotions underneath, then looked to the others with a pleasant smile.

"I suppose one thing we have to be thankful for with the gates opening is the opportunity to meet many interesting people, yes?"

She pressed her hands together in front of her. "And make new friends, as well. The past is behind us and a bright new future waits for us ahead. You must allow us to help you get reacquainted with these modern times, Maya. We can provide lodging and transportation, should you wish it. You need only tell me where to find you and I'll arrange the rest."

Hera gave Maya a warm, motherly smile. She had ulterior motives, certainly, but her goals were far, far away. One strong step towards them would be to gain the trust of the two women before her.

"I know you have your reservations, but I think you will find our people to be much changed from what you remember. The... final moments of the Heavens War brought us considerable clarity. My offer comes without strings attached, so I do hope you'll consider it."

She looked to If'ni, not wanting her to feel left out. "And you, If'ni - though we are different, we have much in common. I suspect there are few who see the universe as we. I look forward to meeting you in person, someday."

"You already have, Hera.". If'Ni gave a soft smile. "Hundreds, if not thousands of times. Every time the Chorus looks between the stars and finds tsulrati and burial steel, they have met us. But Steiner is right on many points. As are you. While the Gates represent significant risk, there are boons to be gathered. Maya'lae'kruzencia's expertise and skill in the xenopolitical arena will save lives. We cannot save them all. And if this is not done right, then someone else will do this. Whether opening the Precursor Gates or by building new ones."

Of course, now that Steiner was gone, she considered her current state of dress, deciding on not calling him back by shedding it like unusable dead skin. In stead she sat down on the floor at Maya's side.

"Gravity will have claimed many of the Gates. Locating the hardware will be a first step. We will need to also locate operational anchors and tow the Gates to their new installation points. Or use burial steel transponders..."

"Not compatible unfortunately, as most technology is too primitive to interface, or living spiritual components. Essentially the components already designed for it, will have to somehow made once again. Perhaps if we could find a foundry installation, likely now mistaken for a planet with it untouched for so long." Maya had been about to answer Hera, but wanted to correct If'Ni first. It was already shaping up to be a task that would take so long just to scrape the bare minimum together.

Finally able to turn back to Hera and their follower, she gave only a shrug at first. She was uncertain on so many things, that only the new natives, might have any clue on her predicaments."And unfortunately Hera, I could not tell you if I even wished to. With the millenia, the stars have shifted compared to long ago, and the stellar cartographer was one of the first networks to fail. I have no idea where I slumber, or what may be wrong with my body."

"Minor inconveniences," said Hera with a warm smile, the orange light behind her eyes momentarily brighter. "We shall find you and see that you are made whole."

She looked to If'ni. "I suspect the two of you have things you'd like to discuss. I will meet you both again, soon enough, but for now I should say hello to some others who, I suspect, are feeling rather lost right now."

"It's been a pleasure," Hera said, giving them a respectful tilt of the head before turning to depart. Porte fell swiftly in line once he figured out where - and when - he was, giving them a respectful bow before scampering away.

General Edwards pursed his lips firmly, not precisely pleased by the declarations made by this so-called 'baron'. "Lieutenant, we're going to need to pass on the order. Field Commanders to fortify their current operation sites and prepare for potentially hostile encounters with region locals." He said, getting a nod from the elven woman next to him.

"Do we up the EF threat alert?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Not yet. But get the supply posts working on doubling, even tripling mining operations if possible. Quad if they can manage it on Thetis crystals and veins. I have a feeling we're gonna be having trouble with keeping our supply lines intact until we can find a way to contact the UEA properly." He replied, feeling more tense than he liked. He'd almost forgotten about the pair of witches with them, and gave an apologetic nod.

"My apologies. I'm afraid my duties often come before my manners and decorum."

Lennon waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, it's just a wee thing, all the powers of the stars being unleashed upon each other."

The witch gave Edwards a mischievous smile that didn't quite hide the nervousness she felt.

"I s'pose you can be fergiven for a slip 'ere and there."

The other witch's eyes had gone hard as she listened. "More enemies, Lennon," she muttered.

Lennon leaned her way with a grin. "Or friends, Maille. Not e'ryone is out ta get us."

Maille's eyes widened. "...do you think the Droma are here?"

The blue haired witch froze, her tough-but-cheery disposition fading. "Ah'm not sure. They don'.. think the way the rest oo us do. Tha Baron lad may have overlooked them."

Maille reached up and pulled the brim of her hat down a touch. "Stay here. With these - " she considered the UEA group, " - friends. I'll recon."

With that, the white-garbed witch disappeared into the crowd. Lennon gave Edwards and the others an apologetic smile.

"She's like that. Like ye said, duties a'fore decoorum. Say, ye wouldn' happen to know where ye be in the sector? If these gates caen bridge the distance, maybe we can do more than just put words to this new fren'ship o' ours."

Edwards shook his head. "Considering I've only limited numbers with which I can operate with, and by extenstion protect my own people and means of supporting them... I'm afraid not. On top of that, our maps of the region are, very much incomplete. There is a lot of aspects of this region of space that matches absolutely nothing we have in our records of the Milky Way."

"But I have a feeling that you'll find a way to find us anyways. Call it a hunch. And I've managed to survive ugly operations on a hunch alone."

Lennon considered the man, then nodded. "Fair a'nough. I've never heard of yoor Milky Way, so I cannae help ya there. If ya find yerself near Hadals Artery, on the Tahlula side, do be given us a ring, aye?"

It might not be wise to share their location, she knew, but this group was unlikely to be a bigger threat than the one they were already facing.

"Just ah- be careful, an' cover yer tracks. The Droma aren't a kind enemy, an' I wouldn' want ya getting caught up in oor mess, kin?"

Lennon considered the man, then nodded. "Fair a'nough. I've never heard of yoor Milky Way, so I cannae help ya there. If ya find yerself near Hadals Artery, on the Tahlula side, do be given us a ring, aye?"

It might not be wise to share their location, she knew, but this group was unlikely to be a bigger threat than the one they were already facing.

"Just ah- be careful, an' cover yer tracks. The Droma aren't a kind enemy, an' I wouldn' want ya getting caught up in oor mess, kin?"

"It would seem that you have me at a disavantage," Steiner replied calmly, though inside the question of 'How?' rang across his mind, "I do not recall ever having met you Dark One." He saw the brothers just beyond her and her associate.

Sooner or later they would have to meet; but he'd be the one to dictate the terms of that meeting damnit! Prefrebly when he could actaully take to the field again and--and--oh sod it!

'Ancestors bollocks,' He growled internally, resolving to get this over with. "This was not my intention." Steiner muttered irritably as he marched past the woman. More likely than not he was making a spectacle of himself, but at this point he'd already met a senti older than dirt, locked horns at least verbally whatever the hell Hera was-and quite possibly gotten on the bad side of a precursor-so the hell with it. As he reached them-he'd resolved not to blunder his way through this-so as usual, he blundered his way through it.

"Well I suppose this meeting had to happen sooner or later," Steiner spoke, tone resigined as he looked between them, "Though I would have prefered it under diffrent circumstances."

Maylis just grinned at Steiner’s reaction as she observed the interaction between the demon queen and the man. “He’s so adorable and funny, ” she whispered to Orias, then turns to see Sachiko making her rounds, greeting people with a cute smile on her face. “Little adorable is close by, I’ve been hearing about her.

Sachiko had greeted some of the newcomers, and she found at least those willing to tell her, where their nation was. This meant there would be a long time for ships to travel. Though with the gates, she hoped that it can be of use. She looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder as Makoto had arrived.

Makoto wasnt sure of this place and she didnt like Sachiko being there, so she hoped to guard her.

The Baron glided through his guests leaving a commentary or nonsensical remark here and there. But as he neared the NDC guest, he halted in his steps and tilted his head, in a rather dog-like motion.

With the hurried steps of a child who saw a new shiny toy, the Baron stepped forward, weaving between all obstacles with unnatural flexibilty, bending and compressing as if being solid was merely a suggestion by reality, which it probably was considering the simulation.

"Interesting, interesting, interesting, INTERESTING." the Baron mumbled, halting in front of Jack Pine. He looked with his eyeless mask upon the man who stood before him, unseen eyes gazing and weighing what they saw. He began to circle the NDC men. "You... you're different from the others. Your soul outweighs your mind and body. It's not from your species or genetic. Those two are related to you, but they're just human." he pronounced, as if human was an unfashionable brand, a faux-paus or perhaps just bland.

"I'd say magic, but it feels more spiritual. Quite perplexing, I simply must know who and what you are."

A short and curvy Glorinferosian girl came running up to Jack, hiding behind him with her large red wings still clearly visible. "Dad? Dad?! Where am I? Who are these people?" Adi asked, peeking around him. "Where are my sisters?"

Whereas Jack had something angelic about him, Adi starkly constrasted. She looked innocent enough, but anyone who could sense it could tell there was something very clearly and distinctly demonic within her. It wasn't clear what exactly it was; either there was a demon bonded to her, or she was a demon herself. Something about her soul seemed pure, but at the same time it was unshakeably demonic.

As the many conversations and interactions went on it was unnoticed by most as the galla hall seemed to imperceptably shrink. The endless starscape of a ceiling seemed to diminish as stars winked out and nebulae faded into monochrome nothing.

The endless tiers of galla-seating booths and rows were slowly encrept upon by dimness until only so many remained.

The horizon and sea of peoples of all shapes and sizes seemed to be overcome by the humid-haze of distance that none could look through.

The only point it became noticeable was when all the colors seemed to slowly fade to a washed out monochrome and all sound seemed to slowly ebb almost imperceptably until one would finally notice they had to should just to be heard. Being wise men and women from a million cultures and experiences many of the leaders and those invited had the wherwithal to realize what it meant.

With their last moments growing soon leaders tried to convey some indication as to their location using spoken galactic landmarks and star formations, others tried to scheduel meetups at the newly openning gates to try to meet up at its hubs somehow.

Others, already getting what they came for said goodbyes or simply exalted in the sensations of this incredible place until a force both dark and comsuming, and as bright as creation itself surrounded first their groups and then they alone as eternity encompassed them.

And then they were no more.

They were not gone. Not dead or even yet removed from the mainframe as their final interactions even now isolated and stretched on as a single prolific being maintained the resources for his guests to have their final moments in his realm.

When they did wake a new age had decended upon the Calliope Star Cluster, and the ripples it caused created great waves. Leaders of empires who only seconds ago sat in conference with their subordinates blanked out for only a moment before standing upright from their seats and declaring their encounters and revelations.

Some were immedietly deposed as madmen and women, while others were heralded as beacons of a new and golden age.

Star-faring races once again looked out into the wider void, and older still beings went back into slumber after the disturbance or otherwise rose in triumph at the broken lethargy of a new age.

Demon kings and queens stirred forth their infernal armies for invasion into other realms and Angelic and divine councils once again weilded holy artefacts for premptive strikes on mortals and the infernal alike.

Gods both amongst their followers and those centuries disconnected reached out to their chosen prophets and issued orders anew, while great astral beings expended the energy to manafest themselves in other realms once more.

Great fleets struck out once more for both trade and conquest, and old rivalries and alliances were struck or broken once more.

Finally, and most importantly of all, others once damned and stagnant within the great Hadals Rift began to look outwards once more as an enemy only ever delayed by even the greatest race of the star cluster once again stirred and dwelled as across an entire expanse of known space gates once centuries dormant began to activate once more and open themselves to the endless possibilities that the Epoch of Recrudescence would bring...

A new age had begun.