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Curiosity didnt kill the cat. [Tap and shadowwalker]


Dec 12, 2022
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It was the end of class and Elia was finally free. A young member of the Acquiri people of who were assimilated into the Federal Republic. She is part of the generation that was born after the Republic arrived on their planet what they now call Nuevo Hassan, as for their people never really had a universal name for the planet nor did most have one. As they only called it the earth in their language and that was about it. For the people of this planet, their lives were often in fear of what was to come in this rich planet of diversity. Especially as their people were often tormented by things they called demons and monsters. This was true to some extent as the planet was somewhat of a plaything of the supernatural till the Republic showed up. By the time the Republic showed up the supernatural and the like were relatively controlled soon after. That development allowed the planet to be able to have a much more centralized civilization. Though the planet has been divided into states and the like, at the end of the day the Acquiri were still grateful to the Republic for what they’ve done in just a short amount of time.

Yet this is Elia’s story, a young native girl who just finally got freed from her High School classes. High School is somewhat too regimental for her, though the education system adopted a more holistic so-called “Steiner education” system; the fact her classes were often thought by those who had to deal with a war on such a faraway planet that she never knew, not to mention their mentality proved to be too much. As such it wasn’t uncommon for the las to wander off into the park after class to admire the beauty of nature and civilization all at once. Even though her school uniform military style was a bit mundane, she didn’t mind as she was able to roam around freely in the cities. Especially in this city, Reunion, capital, and the home of the Federal Congress.

Grumbling to himself while sitting on a park bench Esscast a Neldans Bazerker looked at the school pamphlet. Why did he need to go to a school. He was a warrior bred for combat and yet given his age he was recommended he go to it. Shoving the peice of paper into his vest pocket he leaned back in the seat looking at the pond in front of him.

Elia would continue to just go about before she saw a figure. She only heard about them in the news, a new species that the Republic had befriended. The media was all about them that month with lots of people wondering how it would go. She could even recall her Drider classmate saying her mother might be looking to see how their compatibility works with the people of the Republic. She was curious, and as such she would only look from a good distance at this fascinating creature people kept talking about. The oddity of its humanoid shape yet not so humanoid appearance. To an extent stalking.

Esscast would take out the small pamphlet again and sigh before speaking aloud. "mabie I should see if this highschool is good to learn from." Unaware of the stalking taking place. He would look out to the water again. Inwordly missing the violet oceans of his homeworld. Before getting up from the bench to look around.

Elia would just decide to take a closer look, stepping bit by bit closer before suddenly, she tripped on a root, she fell face flat making a relatively loud: “EEEEPP!” sound before she would fall onto the ground. “Ouch….ughhh” she would remark, she didn’t know what to do, somewhat embarrassed but at the same time tired and not wanting to really get up, especially if it draws too much attention to her. Her tail to an extent gives her away however as well despite being hidden somewhat well behind a tree.

After hearing the twig snap and the loud EEP he would turn in the direction of the sound. The Bazerker would begin heading in that direction spotting the tail he would quitley walk up to it before grabbing the tail. "Do you make a habit of sneaking up on people?"

She would suddenly turn red and be flustered as she would look and turn around at the Nalden holding her tail. “Eh…..eh ehe ehehe……PEVERT!” She would shout as she would try to use the tail to slap Esscast and attempt to get up. She was in that same school uniform the pamphlet was showing. She definitely came from one of those many public schools that was being advertised on the piece of paper.

Esscast would let the tail go allowing it to slap him. Albeit mildly annoyed he offered a clawed hand to help the girl up. "One I'm not pervert I'm Esscast and two do you go to this school I'm trying to enroll." He says pulling out the pamphlet.

She would accept the hand still being flustered. As it was pretty obvious he was likely able to take a look at her underwear as she wears a skirt rather than pants due to the fact that it better suited her in comparison to her tail. She was red as a tomato and pouted. “....Yes…I go to that school, it’s the one nearby this park, it’s a government public school in this area.” She would remark straightforwardly but still would not look at the pamphlet. “If you’re trying to enroll you should go ask the administrative staff over there and submit identification. After all you are a citizen now arent you?” she would ask.

“I am a citizen as far as the republic is concerned but within my people im but a weapon for war. I dont count as a citizen within my people due to not being a pureborn. But rather created.”helping the girl up effortlessly albeit slightly more forceful than intended. He would say. “Whats your name?”

“...I’m Elia….” she would look at him for a moment still flustered before looking away again pouting. “Well, you’re here now, as such you’re a citizen in my eyes and the eys of the Republic. Weapon or not, I know some kids who were the children of test tube babies born for war as well. I’m sure you’re not bad….just a pervert.” she would mutter the last part.

Shrugging “I still dont understand what you mean by pervert but I appreciate the compliment of saying im not bad….acording to social customs I must now compliment you I guess, well pink suits you.”

She would soon turn even more red, the blushing showing from her blue skin, a good contras with a bit of what looks like green due to her blue skin. She was absolutely embarrassed and would just turn her back on him just absolutely flustered. “That, that is exactly what I meant by pervert, you saw my underwear. Simple as that, I don’t know what to say! Eeeeeeee in my tradition usually that means you’re a couple or something. But….I was just curious as to what you are!”

“oh…Im a Neldan first generation Bazerker…Bazerkers are guardians for Nalden civilians and city guard.” sitting down next to the person he would notice the redding features. But weather due to not much social interaction or hes just dumb he just didnt understand. “Are you hurt, or injured? When you fell your getting very red.” he said pulling out his IFAK kit off his belt.

“NO NO NO, I’m not seriously hurt physically……maybe emotionally I am.” she would remark with a bit of quirk. “I…I see so you’re not so sure about how to adapt to being a citizen nor a civilian. There is no war here after all. I mean yes there’s occasional political tomfoolery. However, everything is still peaceful nonetheless” she would say.

Putting away his IFAK kit he leaned up against the tree. “Its hard you know. Trying to let it go. Theres still my people on my homeworld fighting the monsters from beyond the stars. 10 years of fighting only for us to retreat while others still fight on, sometimes I feel as if I failed them.” he states looking at the sky. “Im 16 years old but have been fighting since I was 11 in this long conflict.” he looks over to Elia. “Im sorry for emotionally hurting you.” letting the sun hit is exoskeleton she would be able to see pockmarks from laser blasts on his exoskeleton in form of scars and shrapnel scars. “You are rather cute though Ill give you that. Most of the wemon on my homeworld are battlescared hardasses.”

“Its fine…..I can forgive you…..I guess.” She would say with some embarrassment. “I see….so you have that history too, just like some of the other kids who got out of the freezers. I guess…I can understand it. Though admittedly….see it in the sense of survival as well, a continuation of your people by being in exile like this. They fought to let you out as well.” She would say before looking at the scars….being tempted to touch them.

Catching her gaze on his scars he then looked back to the sky. “You can touch them if you want. They no onger hurt. Besides its just the exoskeleton the real me is underneath it all.” he states. Moving over so she could get a better look.

Soon enough she would touch them, feeling every grove but also the exoskeleton. She had nothing to say, she was silently fascinated. But soon that trance would break as she remembered that these were war marks and the like. “I…I’m sorry if it’s a bit weird, I was just curious. I guess well…..your women had to carry an entire species’ survival down the line which is why you were probably brought here too.”

Esscast nodded. “We are a matriach society but yes that checks out.” thinking for a moment. He would look to her. “You wanna see what I look like underneath the exoskeleton?” he asked.

She would blankly stare for a moment. “....Yes” she would say with a bit of a silent tone. “I would like to see, I don’t mind.”

The exoskeleton around his head would fold back revealing a fleshy purple skin with two sets of fangs and small pinkish eyes with streams of red patches across the skin..

“....I…I see you look a bit scary underneath. I find it fascinating as well though…..” She would reach out her hand. “Is it…..rude if I touch? You don’t mind right? She would say hesitantly.

“In my society seeing someones underself is reserved for couples and breeding. However due to me seeing your as you called them underwear. I felt it was only right to show you this. As you said seeing that was for couples.” he said not leaning away or stopping her from touching. If you wish to touch I wont stop you just thought you should know.”

She would just stare for a moment before poking him. “....So soft” she would say as she would poke at him again and again before putting her hand on him. “....So….I guess…..we are a thing now?” she would ask with such embarrassment she could probably die out of it. Looking down at the ground not being able to take a look at him at all.

Esscast looked down getting slightly darker purple in his face before his exoskeleton closed up around his head. “Uh yeah I guess so….you wanna hang out back at my dads place after school?”

“I mean…..we can….it’s just….you’re not even in school yet also wouldn’t your dad question how you got someone this fast?” She would ask looking up at him again still dying inside of embarrassment and seeing how things escalated so quickly.

“Well my dad is dead….technically its a long story but no I dont think he would mind much, hes usually out and about doing security work.” he said before looking to her “Plus it would allow you to see the rest of the family like aunt sorsena and the strange human guy shes trying to court….I dont think hes caught on to that yet.”

She would just poker face for a moment. “What, dead but he’s still doing work, what that means he’s alive. Uhhhhhh Well…..I mean…okay sure, let’s do that one day.” She would say as the sun was already beginning to set. “I’ll take you to the school when you feel like signing up and then we will see what they can do for you. How is that, we’ll meet here, its only a couple of streets from the school anyway.”

Esscast nodded. “Sure we can head there now but uh….Can I touch it.” he says jestering to her undergarments.

She would just look at him just even more embarrassed. “W-w-what, no! Not here at least, you pervert. You really don’t know much, do you?” She would say. “Look it’s getting late now, I need to get home soon. We can talk about this next time, want to meet here tomorrow around the same time?”

“Sure thing pervert.” he said with a chuckle