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M Awkward and Awkwarder



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Jack pine

It was a nice warm day where Laura the Onikari was around, but Laura being herself, was inside in a library staying away from people mostly. It was due to her condition, which made her worried of being outcast. It was uncommon for them to be born with blue skin, or to be born with only two arms. So she spent most of her days just sitting around reading, but also crushing on a handsome Onikari man she met online. She had never really shown herself before, but today they were meeting up.

Laura would pick up her pad and text him,

“Hey Horus I'm here where we decided to meet up, I've looked around for you, but haven't seemed to spot you. Are you hiding from me~?”

“I don’t know, you seem to be the only one being shy here. I would almost think you’re scared of me or something. I assume you’re Laura from Kinder, as cute as I pictured. Admittedly a bit shorter then I imagined though, no offense, just adds to the cuteness.” It was a deeper voice from behind and above the woman, a figure at some point having casually stepped up behind her. It was a tall red and four armed member of the race, a man who was rather well built in body. He certainly was the man from the cover photo on his profile, minus the fact he was fully dressed, and not laying posed on a rug in front of a fire.

Laura would jump from being startled before seeing him, and hearing his words, she would blush while fiddling with her hair. “Im… not used to compliments for obvious reasons…”, Laura would say while shyly standing up and giving him a hug. While hugging him, she would feel his arm and back muscles. Being rather attracted to them, and rather curious to how they felt, since she didn't really have any of her own. Realizing she forgot to even ask, she shyly stuttered, “Oh I'm s-s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to touch…”

A chuckle emanated from the giant of a man, giving her a soft, and surprisingly gentle pat on her horned head. “I would have been hurt if you hadn’t. With dating, even online, I was more then expecting you to. So my name is Horus as you know, and I hope I live up to as advertised on my profile.”, he said in introduction, a lower hand sliding down her waist as she was already close.

Laura would by mistake let out a soft moan, and then blush while putting her head down onto his chest, “That's embarrassing..”. His hands caused her to shiver slightly, and feel a little bit of ticklish pleasure. “I'm glad that my appearance doesn't bother you at least Horus. I grew up pretty much as a loner, so that's why you haven't really seen how I look till now. Because I was scared you wouldn't like how I looked, as the same race as you.”, she would say with a sigh before hugging him tighter.

“Not even started the date, and you seem already excited. I might be big, buff, and have a military record as a noble. But I could care less about appearances, after all, this isn’t the world we originated from. We’re all here mixed together, and mingling as we should, because the future loves diversity. So how about we hopefully add some more to it if all goes well with us.”

Horus was smiling down to her, before easily scooping her up to bring to even head height, gently leaned against his chest. His twin set of left arms, cradled the smaller woman, held protectively by his strong physique. “That would explain your shy nature, and hopefully. I can, with time, cause the flower that is your personality to blume. I hope we work out, and that I can make you smile, Laura.”

From being picked up it could be seen on Laura's face that it was turning a slight purple, as she blushed from being picked up and treated like an equal. She would then hide her face with her hands, after processing what he did. Softly groaning out audible shyness as she was held up, and he walked with her in his arms.

After a little walk she lightened up a tiny bit and spoke up, “I d-don't live far away if you wish to have dinner at mine… i don't really cook, so we c-can order something…” Laura would pull out her pad, and look through a menu delivery app as she rested her head on his shoulder.

A mischievous smirk came across his face at the offer, “Already inviting me back to your place? Quite bold and forward of you, a fast way to impress a noble my dear. That sounds good though if you really want, I’m not picky on where I order from.”

The purple hue would come back to her face from his comment, as she playfully hit his shoulder, “I'm just being nice, no need to get weird about it Horus.” She would pout and continue to look at her phone, “I… walked here, so I don't have a car with me right now… sorry…” Laura would then sigh, and adjust herself so she could stand up and walk on her own.

“I’m not being weird… just appreciative of how excited you seem.”, he quickly added before following her, slightly wishing he was born shorter to see certain features of her better. Dinner at her place sounded nice, and despite his humor, Horus did find it rather forward of her. He had to slow himself considerably to keep an even pace with Laura, making sure not to bump, or pass her. “Transportation isn’t an issue, I enjoy walking, and I hope in the future I can enjoy walking with you.”

Later on when they both got to her house, she would unlock the door. Turning the lights on, it was clear she was messy, but not gross. Blankets, pillows, and plushies everywhere with a few sleeping cats, “This is my home. Sorry it's such a mess, I like to take naps everywhere, it also makes it feel… safe…”. Laura would then go into her room to get changed, while Horus could get used to the place.

Still felt really weird to be in her home this early, but was interested to see how she lived, and what her end goal for the night was. Horus found some free space on the nearby couch, wondering what she could possibly be changing into, even though they just got there and were still technically on a date still. Ordering food was okay, but Laura seemed to be really laid back, which was not a problem to him. Odd, but then again, she wasn’t like any woman he had met previously.

After a moment, she came back out in a baggy hoodie with thigh highs. Laura wanted to be as comfortable as possible, so she wasn't wearing any panties, and the hoodie was too long for him to ever notice unless she lifted it up herself. nonetheless, she came back out and sat next to him. "I've ordered some CFD,'' (chicken fried delights), "got us a couple of burgers and just about anything I felt like, it's a lot of food, just fair warning." She would put on the tv and wrap herself in a blanket, before resting on his side. "I don't mean to be forward, I just don't feel overly safe in public…", she sighed while having the tv play a movie.

Horus was a bit surprised, as this was really far from expected, even slightly off putting in a way. This woman was so casual and nonchalant, but so unknowingly teasing in her extremely inappropriate informalness. “I can’t really complain, you look really nice, though this is not quite what I was expecting for us to do on a first date. Most people dress nice, and go out for dinner while talking, or go to the movies. I can understand it all, but I guess I overprepared heh.”, He admitted out loud to her.

She chuckled as she began to type in her card details, making sure he didn't see them.

“I just like to be comfortable, that's all, I dress like this around everyone, but when I'm in public, I like to wear less casual clothes. Even though I don't really go outside.” she would lay down with her head on his lap as she pressed the order button on her pad.

Laura would continue to look at his figure in curiosity, only ever seeing one other male Oni, and that being her father who wasn’t that built either. “Is everyone as buff as you, or am I the weird one out haha”, she would blush a bit as her favorite type of man is one that Horus ticks all the boxes to. So being around him was a little hard to keep her flusteredness under check.

“I don’t know about that, probably the time in the military I spent like a lot of the others of our kind. War has kind of been in our blood for a long time, and it’s only these kinds of times, when it isn’t a forced option anymore.” He said, letting his bit of an older fellow, showing in how he talked about such matters. He remembered the days back on Haran, when every day was waiting for the next attack, and peace was bedtime story for the little ones.

Laura frowned, “I wasn't ever a part of those battles, they said, my looks lowered the morale and temper of the other soldiers. So I was kicked out and sent to take care of my grandmother.” She would feel around his arms and see the scars, “It does seem you have been through a lot haven't you, good thing you can finally relax for once it seems.”

“I’ve been relaxing since we got here, to this world I mean. There’s hardly anything to fight, but wild animals, it’s almost kinda boring.”, Horus said with a grumble, not one for sitting on his hands and not being in the action. “Kinda why I started dating, to hopefully find someone to fill that free time with, and maybe even help me spend all that unspent energy. Not to ehem, make it sound like I'm not looking for a stable relationship, just naming hopes for what I’m eventually looking for in one.”

Laura, a bit confused on what he meant, did not question it, instead wanting to help. “Is there anything that I can help you with? I wouldn't mind helping you do stuff like, go for jogs? I can be your company.” She smiled up at him and sat on his lap, tilting her head up at him.

“That’s not what I’m exactly talking about though, I already do PT in the army. I mean something more… intimate. I’m not sure you understand what exactly you’re volunteering for here.” He said this with a rub of the back of his neck, with her current position on his lap, making the topic just a tad bit more awkward. He really didn’t know how to further explain this, as Horus was rather new to relationships.

Laura would blush deeply and put her hands over her face in embarrassment and move off his lap, “Im so dumb, im s-sorry i didnt know thats what you meant…” With her flustered emotions she would stand up. “I need to go to the bathroom.”, she said as she walked off out of pure embarrassment.

Horus felt extremely bad about that, and very much awkward for causing such a reaction. A negative to how blunt the man tended to be, even on such sensitive topics. “Why must I always be a fucking idiot, I should have been gentler about that.”, he quietly grumbled to himself after she had left the room. Giving a sigh before leaning back more on the couch, he leaned back his head, closing his eyes as he just tried to relax.

Laura had decided to take a shower. When she was done, she came back out in the same clothes, but now drying her hair. “I'm sorry about that, i'm not used to that topic, and have next to no experience in that regard, i apologise.” As she finished talking, she opened the door to the house, and was given their food. The blue onikiri went back to the door two more times for more food. “Now i know this looks like a lot, but i'm a bit of a glutton, my fast metabolism makes me look so thin.”

“It’s okay, I was probably not the most tactful in how I brought it up. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable, and I shouldn’t have been so blunt. I just wanted to be honest about it, that's all.”, Horus answered, quick to apologize for what he felt was him having been rude. He got up though, coming over to peruse what all had been ordered, and finding odd how she seemed to suggest eating far more then someone like him would.

Laura would shyly chuckle as she took her share of food to the table, it being over 50% of what was ordered. "It's fine, it's just. I'm not used to that topic, I have zero experience even with myself about it, that's all."

She would start eating and close her eyes before smiling as she tasted the food.

She would then gesture for him to sit down and press play on the movie they picked.

The food seemed alright, taking his share and starting to eat as well. “You said that already hon, relax, again it was my mistake. Maybe at some point, I can even help you explore, or get some experience with that.” Horus was being cheeky in how he said that, admittedly having a bit of fun with how flustered the topic made her. He’d only met brutish and blunt women among their race, given their affinity to being warriors. It was a nice change he was fully willing to take advantage of.

Laura blushed in embarrassment of repeating herself, but to his reply she was rather confused. “Wait so what do you mean, it's not that porn thing people watch is it?” She looked at him with confusion and slight concern, never really being interested in those websites. Even if she had never tried it, she knew she wasn't interested in porn, but she had not much idea that she would come to love the topic regardless.

“I’m more of a hands-on teacher, plus our people don’t make much porn. We are already seeing each other in a way, so I was more thinking, I could teach you personally. It would also be good for bonding I think, and being more intimately close.” His smile was genuine, even if the topic was rather lewd. As much as sex itself, was very appealing, especially with her. He actually wanted to help, because it would definitely help things down the line, especially if they got serious in their relationship.

She would scratch her head. “Hmmm, I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean but if i think hard about it, with the topics we have been talking about i might have an idea of what you’re talking about, I'm not sure how i would fare if im right… But I am an adult… so, I get to make my own choices! Let's do it!” she would smile and raise a fist to the sky with enthusiasm.

“You are surprisingly youthful in energy, almost comically so. Which makes me feel like I need to address how serious, what I am proposing is. I’m talking about you and I, getting naked, feeling each other’s bodies, and having sex”. Horus gave her an odd look from her reaction, before saying that, hoping she understood exactly what she was so proudly volunteering for. He would have chuckled if not been odd enough, to turn said chuckle, into a nervous one.

Laura would seem proud of herself and pushed up her glasses "So I was right, hehehe i figured out what you meant" she was proud of herself for finally being able to tell what someone was thinking even if it was lewd.

"Yes, but we're talking about you losing your virginity here. Are you ready to do that, and with me, who you've only met in person today?" Horus was not going to turn down a good time, and perhaps a partner to share a bed with. Hopefully, for longer then a single night, if all went well. He just wanted to make sure that she wanted him.

Laura would in a way flip like a switch and look at him blankly “I know. I've known you for a few months now too, it's not like you're a stranger.” she sighed and sat down next to him and pouted and grabbed one of his burgers as payment for making her pouty.

“I was just checking, it wasn’t a no, but these things can’t be undone usually once done. So, let me know when you want to start, and I’ll start stripping. Do you want to do it on the couch, or the bed?” Horus was just trying to be gentle and considerate, something that would likely surprise most of his old war buddies if they ever found out. He gave a smile to her, before sliding an arm over to softly hug her.

She would look confused at him for a second “People do it on couches? I thought that was a bed only thing” she would put a leg over his two legs and leaned into him a bit and continued to eat her stolen food. “And another thing I was kinda waiting for you to start.”

“You’d be surprised about all the places that people do the deed.”, he said with a chuckle as he started to strip off his shirt, then unbuckle his pants. Once they were undone, he shimmeyed them off and under her legs, before setting them to the side with his shirt. All he wore now were the briefs, her leg fairly close to the crotch, a mere two inches from brushing his still covered manhood. “Are you gonna strip too, or want me to strip you?”

She would stand up and stretch and walk to her room “Sure but not out here, this room doesn't have sound proofing”, when in her room she would flop down on her bed face down and close her eyes. She was ready for this, but her chest was beating so fast for him, she could barely handle it. Laura was a bit scared, she had only done research about this topic just the night before just in case.

Horus followed after, closing the door to prevent sound escape once they had come in. Once she was on the bed, he let his briefs fall to the floor, his hands exploring her as he crawled on to the bed with her. Steadily he slid her hoodie up and off, a little turned on already to find she had been pantiless the entire time. “Normally we 69 to lube each other, or do you want to just go into it after I rub you til wet?”, he asked in a whisper in her ear, his whole frame easily looming over her.

She would blush deep purple when she became nude, and she whispered back to him, “I don't think i'm ready to have it in my mouth…” Laura would roll over and cover her private parts cutely in embarrassment, “Just d-don't pull my horns... okay?” Looking away after briefly seeing his rod, she wasn't ready to see how big it was.

Gently, the man moved her hands aside, before two large fingers began to move her lower lips around, then spread them. His middle finger between them began to press into her opening, and switch to rubbing her clit firmly. “I won’t, and you are so soft, very warm to the touch too.”, Horus said as he played with her, his free second and third hands now playing with her breasts.

She blushed a deeper purple as Horus could see her dark purple insides, "haah~!". For the first time in her life, something went inside her pussy, and was a new sensation to her. She didn't hate it, but her body felt tense as her pussy gripped tightly around his finger.

He pushed in deeper, rubbed harder, trying to get her wet as possible as her pussy wetly sucked on his digit. The loud pop as his knuckle pulled out past the lips, was wonderful with each pull. Horus smiled as he finger fucked her to wetness, knowing it was only a teaser compared to his cock when they got to that point. “For just my finger, you are really tight. I can already tell, you are going to feel absolutely amazing.”

She would arch her back in pleasure and pant while trying to speak, "I don't see how that has to do with me feeling great~ haaah~". Then Laura would orgasm without squirting, turning out not to be much of a huge squirter, but still now being wet enough to take his dick and lose her virginity.

“It means, it tells me a good idea of just how tight of a fit you’ll be around my dick.”, Horus explained casually, as he withdrew his finger with a very wet, and hard sucking of a pop sound. Standing up again for a moment, he was rather stiff from feeling her around his finger, evident as he dropped his briefs. His cock was indeed pretty large, very large in fact, that it was almost as big as her forearm in width. He hung it over her slit, before rubbing it against it from hilt to tip.

Now with the lube he needed, the large Onikari, firmly rubbed his tip in. It spread her lips with ease, her insides already suctioning to what little he’d just wiggled in the door, before he slowly began to push in very slowly. Just slow enough so she could stretch without tearing, as he tried to also fit himself in.

Laura would scream in pleasure as her body twitched against his rod. She was so stretched inside, there were no wrinkles left. This was as far as her body would go, lucky for him, there would be some extra room when it came to her deep seed container.

Once he was all the way in, and felt the soft, yet tight entrance to her womb. He pulled back his hips, before running his rod in again, slowly speeding up as he worked against the tight grip of her insides. Taking the opening, his mouth found one of her now stiff peaks, and began to suck on it as the other one of his hands grabbed the other titty. Free hands kept a hold of her thighs for leverage as he railed in and to the entrance, with vigorous pace.

Laura would blush deeply, and pant rapidly as the new sensation was too new for her to not feel overwhelmed, but willing to continue she tried to stay still as her whole body twitched.

Laura would grab one of his horns with her left hand in an instinctive act of lust as her flower started to bloom. "N-no, cumming ins-side" she stuttered her words past the pleasure..

“Depends on if I can even remove myself to not do so, you’re pretty well stuck on.~”, came Horus’s reply through grunts of trying to work himself back and forth. He was having to give a lot of effort with how tight she was from the size difference, to the point of being able to tell exactly where his cock was inside her from the bulge. Hopefully, he’d be able to pop out in time before flooding her with his semen, but it wasn’t something he could really promise right now.

She would rest her head back and moan more in pleasure, "Damit~! I can't think straight~!" This new experience for her was lovely in her eyes, the feeling was amazing. It hurt a lot, don't get her wrong, but all the pleasure numbed most of the pain out. She would grip his horn harder as he continued. She also began to cry in pleasure as they continued.

“Good, then i’m out fucking the stress.~”, he grunted before plowing in harder now, not able to even pull himself back far enough to pop himself free. She was practically locked onto his cock, which was regrettable for not coming inside, but there was nothing that he could do about it. “First cum on the way!~”, Horus groaned as he thrust in, balls aching from the build up.

She would squirm and reach her first ever climax with someone inside her.

"I'm not ready horus~ haaah~!" She would blush and cry more from pleasure as he couldn't stop from fucking her senseless.

“I’m not either, but I’m stuck, and your pussy won’t let go.~”, he breathed as he attempted to hold it back longer. Even if only for a minute, but it mattered not in the end, as his cock expanded before gushing out the contents of his balls. With a deep moanful groan, he released it all, twitching as he filled her.

Laura would twitch and scream in pleasure, upset that Horus wasn't able to pull out, but now that the damage was done she no longer cared if he continued to cum in her. Still planning that she would scold him later for it.

“Sorry!~ Was out of my control, you’re so damn tight and small, that I’m stuck completely.~”, he apologized through a panting breath. He could feel every twitch, and squirt of his seed as it filled her up, lubricating his rod further with her tight insides. His hips still instinctively shifted a bit, moving even as he was in the pleasure throws of climax, before deciding to keep going fully again. With a fresh grunt, Horus’s massive stature sped up to before had again, railing her all over again like before.

This time however, the giant scooped the smaller woman up from the sheets, and lifted her to be properly mounted on his size. Then he climbed onto her bed on his knees, giving her legs somewhere to rest as she was repeatedly dropped down his length with wild lust.

As she was picked up, Laura would shake nervously feeling unsteady and light, "haah~ horus is this a good idea~ ah! I know you're strong but~ I feel like I'm going to fall~" She would be dripping juices all over the sheets and down her thighs, making her blue skin shiny and wet, it looked like a juicy puddle rested on her crotch and legs.

“I think you forget I have four arms, you’re in good hands.~”, Horus said through labored breath, never expecting the workout that her cock sleeve tightness would give. Every lift was like working on the levy machine in the gym, a forceful tug just to lift up from almost overwhelming resistance. Given he was fighting her own pull on his rod, it made his muscle almost useless, but he kept working.

The noble of a warrior was going to do his damnedest, and cum with her as many times as possible, because by the gods he was going to rock her world for her first time if he could. She was nervous, but it would go away eventually he felt, as the pleasure overtook her and numbed her mind. Then he would cradle his new lover in her bed, protectively held within his embrace…. The generals would be laughing at him now, if they only knew how soft he had become, to have such sweet thoughts in his mind.

Laura would start to droop a bit from the pleasure being held in his arms with her own hands trying to grip two of his arms as tightly as she could. It was very weak from all the pleasure and her lack of strength, "I'm gunna, c-cum". She moaned deeply and closed her eyes, hitting one of his arms in a biological reaction to being overwhelmed and overpowered.

There was just no room for him to adjust inside her, his cock just practically almost being crushed by just how locked down as she could be on him. Horus had the feeling he’d be sore later from this, but for now, he was going to enjoy it. As she moaned her declaration, he ploughed her down his length before expanding again for another release, aimed to cum with her as he planned. The much larger man moaned deeply as he released yet another load as she gushed around him.

Her belly would rise a bit since none of the cum inside her could escape because of his size and her tightness. The small pocket of cum wiggled around as Laura continued to get fucked. The Onikari girl would also now be fully drooling with her eyes closed, her legs not moving, not having the energy to. Laura would not be walking tomorrow.

“I really hope I didn’t just break her.”, he mumbled to himself out loud after catching his breath. Horus could feel all that cum trapped inside, swishing around the head of his dick deep inside, gyrating his hips to wiggle himself around. Hopefully this would insight one more load as he sort of forced her insides to adjust to being more loose for him.

Laura would look up at him as he began to be calmer with his motions and not thrust her as hard as he was.

"Why am I so tired, I didn't even do anything~" her nearly opened eyes looked into his eyes deeply with a pleased look of content.

Laying her down again, he spread his legs to reach that low, before resting over her on his elbows. Kissing her forehead, he continued to gyrate, still trying to loosen her. He was being gentler, but he was also more forcefully rubbing his length everywhere inside her. “You’ve endured more then someone of your size could normally handle. You should be proud of such endurance, as you’ve proven you can handle me, and therefore I am yours.~”, Horus hummed as their love continued, despite having winded down some.

With the slow forceful movements to get her to be able to fit him with ease one day, she groaned and moaned every now and then as he did. "I think it's more haah~ that we are the same race~ haah~ I researched and found out we have high stamina for this apparently~" she softly and nervously smiled at him.

“Yes, but the majority of us aren't your size my dear.~”, Horus groaned as he felt himself becoming looser and looser, but also slowly building himself to another climax. He couldn’t remember how many times he had cum before during his last night of sex, but he felt like he had given so much more then when he had then. He was happy to take it easy as they were, his lips kissing her even more.

Laura would shyly kiss back and moan in the kiss while gripping onto the bed sheets as he would cum in her again. This made her belly rise up a little more, “Are you almost done, it feels like i'm bruised down there?” She said with a tone of embarrassment in her voice, still slightly annoyed that he had cum inside her.

Having gasped a bit from just cumming yet again, Horus braced his hands with a firm squeeze on her ass, before lifting her just as firmly. He tugged on her upwards until finally, Laura was freed from his girth, with a loud and wet pop of her pussy.

He laid her down, even as his thick semen was leaking from her, any slight press around the stomach causing overflow from within. “Hopefully that answers your question? Let's just lay here a while, so you can rest from the roughness of your first time.”, Horus finally said, a grin on his face at how the outcome pleased him greatly.

Laura closed her eyes again in sweaty relief, her pussy would twitch every now and then

with how rough he was. It was still stimulating a bit for her with the cum oozing out of her, “I can't move…” She would almost seem to turn purple as her body started to flush from the heat of that workout.

Horus pulled her over, as he climbed all the way into her bed with her, laying beside as they rested. “Then don’t, and just let your body rest for now.”, he said as he held her close, spooning at her side with her protectively held. Horus was so much bigger, dwarfing her even in bed as his large form shielded Laura, as if from exhaustion itself. “I hope it is okay for me to lay here with you, and perhaps sleep as well, given all the energy we’ve just expended.”

She would try to roll over to face him before huddling up to him closely and shiver a little bit. Laura’s downstairs refusing to not twitch with how much it was used tonight, “If I get pregnant… you can't run away.” She would rest her head on his chest, her horns rubbing up against his chest as well.

“I can go buy a ring if it would reassure you. I have never run from my responsibilities before, but these are the kind I want to have. I’ve been fighting for too long, so settling down with you sounds like a dream retirement plan.” The massive man nuzzled her hair, as they spooned together closely. Horus was a decorated veteran, and had the scars to show it, but it was time for him to get more out of life. This sweet woman seemed to be the way, and he was more then fine with that.

She would close her eyes and sigh, “you are a strange man horus… i… think i'm going to take a nap…” Laura would then move hair out of her face and relax her body slowly. Dozing off to sleep, she cuddled with a newborn brewing inside her, sperm already penetrating her 2 eggs.