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M Attire Intended for Swimming



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Medusa Expanse - 011030:6 (Sirris II, Santuary System)
Obsidian City

Imported post - Written by Glein

Galestrix looked over as the doorbell rang for her quarters while she was visiting Obsidian City. Sure, she spent as much time here as she did in Skylador and Orgar. Her personal home was in Skylador, her grandfather's estate was just outside Orgar, and well, here in Obsidian City, she was with Heinrich, and was doing her duties as a officer and pilot in the Royal Corps of the NDC.

She was curious as to who could be using her quarters doorbell though. The only people she was aware of being in this part of the building was Heinrich and Asteri. "It's not locked!" She called out, wondering who would be entering.

Barely even a second after the Vaigarin gave her approval to enter, and Asteri flounced in with all speed. “Gaaaale! There’s a giant meeting at this beach-” Nevermind that she forgot the name of where it was at- “And they’re supposed to be doing some sort of giant obstacle course with floaties and all that! I know Belme’s busy at the moment having to deal with all the paperwork, so I was wondering if you wanna come with me to the meeting!?”

At that, she stopped, and idly scratched at her cheek. “Yeah, and the meeting’s in three days, too; that means we can get ready to beat everyone else in the various co-op courses!” At that, she smiled very brightly at Gale. “So, yeah! Would you be willing to come with me to this meeting? It’s a lot like Riptide, except there’s less automated stuff there.”

Gale blinked as Asteri came in, and quickly launched into a suggestion for what sounded like a swimming event? "I mean, he is a professor, and it is midterms now. He has a lot of classes he needs to grade." She pointed out the subject of paperwork. "But I suppose I can come. It isn't like I have anything specific going on currently." She said, smiling with a nod. "What's Riptide?" She asked, not familiar with the place, since with what Asteri said, that's what it was.

Asteri clapped a hand to her mouth, in seeming shock, before letting it go to speak. “You dunno what Riptide is!?” At that, she began prancing and bouncing around the apartment, waving her hands wildly in the air. “It’s a giant obstacle course that involves having to do all sorts of things above a pool, from trying to bounce over these giant balls, to having to dodge these rotating foam beams, to dodging a wall full of extendable sections meant to push you off the ledge, to…” At that, fox-girl calmed down a bit, turning to Gale. “Here, lemme send you a clip. Me and my brother used to watch that show all the time when we were in high school!”

At that, she linked up her Geist to Gale’s and promptly sent her more than one clip. More like ten.

After finishing that overload of information, Asteri put a hand on her chin. “Granted, Riptide isn’t as hardcore as the Kunoichi Challenges, but it still seems fun to do!” Asteri stopped, and shook her head. “But, anyways, yeah, this new event this beach is doing is apparently building something like Riptide, except from what I can see in the promotionals, its barely automated, but a lot more floaties and foam and whatnot, along with some stuff from the Kunoichi challenges, such as rope bridges and swings. So it shouldn’t be as difficult as Riptide. Which is perfectly fine with me; I think we would need some training before doing Riptide level stuff!” Asteri’s usual distaste for physical activities wasn’t present, apparently, as she gushed over her favorite water sport show. “And yeah, it’s on a regular beach as well, so if we wanted to take it easy, we could as well!”

At that, Asteri began beaming her face off, and began practically singing, “What’s better is that they don’t require you to wear those silly getups that Riptide and Kunoichi Challenges require you to wear! You can bring your own swimsuit! I bet we could win just by virtue of everyone else being so stunned by us!” At that, Asteri twirled around, before stopping suddenly, ears drooping as a realization came to her.

“O-oh, right. I don’t have a swimsuit with me at the moment. I had to leave them all on Andraeste.” At that, Asteri gave a furtive glance at Gale, before asking in a halting manner: “Y-you don’t happen to have any swimsuits that fit me, d’you? Or maybe there’s a place to buy swimsuits?”

Gale listened to what Asteri was saying, and chuckled. "I don't know how well a show like that would take here, at least amongst the Tumnisians and Vaigarin." She mused while Asteri was going on and on. Then the last set of sentences registered.

"Ah. I see. I don't have any swimsuits." She said, with an unconcerned shrug. "They're not exactly a common item amongst my people." She explained as she saw the look of confusion begin to cross Asteri's expression. "In fact, for us, clothing is more often a thing of choice. Actually, more often a matter of decorum and formality. Some wear clothing as a more regular thing, while there are others who don't bother with them ever."

Gale couldn't help but immediately think of the Quetzo who were a Family that were well known for being in the latter group Gale mentioned.

"So I'm not even sure where one would buy swimwear." She admitted, chuckling nervously.

At the mention of how Vaigarins didn’t really wear clothes, Asteri blinked. But then her admittance as to having no idea where to buy a swimsuit drove that burgeoning question out of her mind, and really put a thoughtful look on Asteri’s face. The foxgirl put a finger on her chin. “Hmmm… Lemme see if there are any recommendations that the Geist has.” A few moments later, Asteri popped out of her glaze-eyed look. “So! It looks like there are three main recommendations of business chains in the main downtown area, though I also found mention of a highly recommended, smaller, store that’s near the wall. Don’t worry, it’s in a fairly nice area as well!”

She pulled out a datapad with a camera on it from out of her sidebag, and after a few taps on it, presumably to sync her Geist with it, a holographic image of a large store, with a few buildings on either side of it. “So, first off, we have Gillian’s.” Catching Gale’s confused look, she continued on, “It’s a fairly big clothing store chain; there were a few on Andraeste as well! I’m fairly certain that the one near Halix Square is the biggest out of all of the ones, though. So, because Gillian’s just sells anything and everything related to clothing, we’d have to go looking, but I’m sure we could find the swimsuit section!”

Asteri swiped on her data pad, and the next store showed up. “On the other side of Halix Square, we have Vivi’s Showcase. This place specializes in selling women's attire; specifically, underwear. Though, don’t worry! Pretty sure a swimsuit counts as underwear, at least in their eyes! We had one of these at the colony, too, though it was a small storefront in the Mall.” Another swipe later, and the third store. This one was much brighter than the other two, and clearly had a plethora of swimming gear in bins outside. “And here we have Swimmly! This is one of the only swimming stores I could find that wasn’t purely focused on just kid’s toys, and from the pictures of the interior, there’s an adult section, with some pretty cute bikinis!” At that, she idly scratched just below one of her ears. “It’s located a bit away from the other two; it’s still surprisingly close, being only two blocks away from Halix Square.”

And with the three stores out of the way, the last one came up. This one showcased a strangely archaic looking building, almost as if the owner had tried mixing Victorian and Obsidian City’s more utilitarian look together. “And here we have Luna’s Swimsuit Store! I was actually really surprised to find this; it was just one reference amidst all the other ads. But from what I can tell, it’s a really highly recommended store. I don’t have any pictures of swimsuits from there, but apparently Luna, the owner, is a really good tailor, and makes really good swimsuits, all by hand.” As Asteri stuffed the datapad back into her large satchel, she idly commented: “Though, as I said before, it’s located a fair ways away from the City centre; and definitely farther away from the other three places I mentioned.”

Once Asteri was finished, she placed her hands on her hips, and said, “So, it looks like it may be best to stop by Halix Square. And if we don’t find anything we like, we can always head to Luna’s Swimsuit Store.”

Gale watched as Asteri pulled up the three, well, four stores. Then came the name Luna. "Wait. Luna, as in Lunatria Fucon?" Gale asked, the name of the fourth ringing a bell. She remembered that a pretty well known Fucon tailor had opted to move into Obsidian City with the goal of learning the NDC's clothing styles and seeing how to make Vaigarin and Tumnisian spins on them. It was actually how Gale got most of her clothes these days.

Asteri frowned, gaze becoming blank-eyed once more. Then, she popped back out of that state, confirming with a bright, “Yep!” She suddenly cocked her head at Gale. “I’m guessing you know that person, if you can tell exactly who it is simply from the store name?” Asteri giggled at that.

Gale nodded. "I do. If you look it up, you'll see she owns about 2 more in Obsidian City, and has established a branch office in Skylador and a few other cities." Gale said. "I've actually spoken with her before. She's the one I go to for getting clothing made actually. I won't say we're good friends, but I've yet to be turned away for business." Gale continued, tapping her chin. "I didn't realize one of the things she took up were these 'swimsuits'. It's definitely something the NDC would have introduced at least."

Asteri pursed her lips at that. “Must be rather stressful, having to deal with 3, plus however many more there are, stores. She must train some people to tailor the articles of clothing, I guess. If so, good for them!” At that, Asteri blinked in Gale’s direction, and asked: “So, I assume you’re wanting to go visit this swimsuit shot of Luna’s?”

At that, she shrugged. “Well, maybe she’ll actually take into account that we have tails. I swear, it’s so hard to find a good bottom that DOESN’T rip when I wear it.” At that, she cocked a hip and put a hand on the outstretched side. “Like, seriously. There’s starting to be enough species and people with modded tails on them to warrant considering hole bottoms! But nooo, they say it’s because my butt’s too big for the bottom!”

Gale chuckled, and patted Asteri on the shoulder. "If I recall correctly, she does have about 5 apprentices. One for each of her stores outside of Obsidian City. Just, be aware she does tend to be, well, eccentric tends to be the term I've heard used by the NDC. Amongst Vaigarin, we just shrug and say 'Fucon'." Gale pointed out. "But yeah. I imagine she'd love a chance to try out one of these swimsuits on a Vaigarin that isn't herself or one of those in her employ."

Gale opened her geist, and in short order, fast enough that it almost seemed like she'd already been loading it if Asteri was going at the average speed, that she had the route. "So, shall we go see if Luna is up for the challenge of our bodies?"

Gale avoided bringing up that there were plenty of NDC clothiers that had begun to do just that on Sirris II, but those stores tended to be more 'specialty' affairs that were near Sirris II native settlements. Then there were all the haberdashers in the more 'developed' cities of Tumnisians that made a living in making clothing that were tailor made by hand.

Asteri nodded, before rummaging through her satchel-handbag. “Mhm. Lemme just check to make sure that I have everything. Uhh. Brush, check. Suction cup and bottle, check. Data pad, check, obviously. Wallet? Check. Keycard? Check…” Another moment of looking through her belongings later, and Asteri looked up and smiled. “Yep! Everything is here! Let’s go!” At that, she flounced out of the door, heading towards the nearest LRT stop. On the way there, Asteri turned, and had to ask Gale a question: “So, what material do they normally use when making this kind of stuff? D’you know? Because, uh, well, y’see… Er. Most bikini tops I find tend to irritate my nipples unless they’re really soft.”

Gale shrugged. "I don't know. When Luna's been making my clothes, she tends to be pretty good about finding materials that match the kind of look I'm going for. She's much more knowledgeable on that stuff than I am by a long shot." She mused, walking with Asteri towards the Transit Station. "What do they usually make swimsuits out of?" Gale asked, curious.

Asteri frowned at that. “Most of the time, swimwear is made up of synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, with Lycra and spandex thrown in. And all of that stuff is actually really rough. It’d be nice to have a silk bikini, but that tends to tread water horribly, and ends up being just as bad as the synthetic materials.”

As the duo approached the LRT stop, located at a road intersection, Asteri quickly checked the time. “Yeah, we might have to wait for a couple of minutes, maybe five? The next scheduled train’s at 13:15, according to this..” Upon saying that, she pointed at a digital board displaying all the times, “And it looks like we might not be the only ones waiting.” Next to the billboard was an extended covering with two benches sitting inside, along with more benches along the other side of the billboard and on the other side of the covered benches. And approximately six people were sitting in there, themselves waiting for the LRT.

Of course, the pair got some looks when they approached the little stop. Two young men even gave double takes, and they started elbowing each other, whispering frantically. The other four gave small courtesies with their heads after their initial shock, and resumed their normal activities.

Gale glanced over at the others present at the stop, not even giving the two young men a second passing glance. Sure, Vaigarin were beginning to be more and more common in the NDC cities, but it was usually in places like Skylador that the mix of NDC and Sirris II natives was enough to have it be normal. Obsidian City was still mostly NDC. Never mind Orgar City which was primarily Sirris II natives.

"That's fine. I don't mind waiting. As for the swimwear, huh. Maybe Luna knows of something that can be used that is more what you're looking for in a swimsuit." she said. Gale was wearing a fairly light skirt and top. The fabric wasn't exactly sheer, but there wasn't an excessive amount, so it clung tightly to her body. Meaning that folks got a lot of view of her arms, waist, back and legs, since they were mostly uncovered, while her hips and breasts were covered and practically presented for all to ogle by the top and skirt.

Meanwhile, Asteri giggled at how the two men- well, everyone, really- reacted to them. She, herself, was dressed in a black/white lace crop-top, covered by a small green jacket, that when paired together, left her shoulders down in the open, as well as showing a generous amount of bust. Her lower body was covered in only a miniskirt, barely low enough to cover her panties, complemented by knee high socks, and ankle high boots. “Well, that’s good to know. I really do hate how the synthetic feels against my te- er, nips.”

At that, she blushed a bit, before continuing on, “So, what do you normally use Luna for?” She was genuinely curious; Gale surely must’ve had some clothes for a reason. ...Duh. But, well, as Vaigarins apparently didn’t wear clothes all that often, Gale must’ve had a reason herself.

"Well, I'm a Bahum, we're more often wearing clothes because we're interacting with those who do wear clothes on the regular. And since I mostly interact with the NDC, but while I could get regular clothes from NDC stores, getting them custom made by Luna is more my speed, since I know they'll be high quality and tailored to actually fit my body." She said, shrugging.

"Stars, the outfit we first met in was a set Luna made for me." She said, smiling. "So yeah, you can see just how good of a quality it is." Which was amusing since she'd been mistaken as a, cosplayer Gale think the term she'd heard was, when they met Asteri.

Asteri nodded at, well, all of that. All of it made sense, so why argue against it? As the Light Rail came trundling into the station, the other six began streaming in. Asteri, after turning to face Gale, flicked her tails about and said, “C’mon, then. I think we need to wait about, what, 12 stops?” She totally forgot about the map already. But, well. She knew the address of the street, and it was beside the wall, so she should know where it was roughly located, riiight?

Gale smiled. "13." She reminded Asteri. "6 on the red line, and 7 on the purple." She said, stepping onto the car next to them. Reaching up, she grabbed a handle above after stepping away from the door, as a few people looked up at the pair and most returned their expressions to what they were doing.

Of course, there were a couple of assholes as usual who decided they couldn't avoid making some kind of call out to the two ladies.

"Hey, that tail real? I bet the tail under it is just as thick!" Crowed one of them, which merely got an eye roll from Gale.

Asteri lips thinned into a rather disproving line. Sure, she enjoyed people looking at her, but actually expecting a girl to be a slut in public was an altogether different matter. She turned around to face the idiots, her voice rather sickeningly sweet. “Why, thank you. It’s certainly thicker than what you’re probably sporting under there. Granted, that’s an easy task, but we can’t really blame you for size-envy, can’t we?” At that, Asteri’s face turned into a smirk. “Good thing ladies actually have standards.”

As the two sputtered in rage at her implication, Asteri turned back around, gave Gale a wink, and bumped her with her own hip. “Guys will say the stupidest things to try and get a girl to notice them. I suppose this is obvious, but ignore them. They probably would be a waste of time trying to even simply talk to.” At that, the fox girl gave her characteristic smile to Gale.

As the LRT continued on its path down the red line, Asteri’s ears twitched as she looked around at the surrounding sight, before turning her head back to look at Gale. “Hey, you alright? Those jerks didn’t touch any nerves, hopefully?” Asteri knew that sometimes, it honestly felt like all the hate thrown towards people like Asteri and Gale were because they didn’t like it that seemingly normal people had extra bits on them. Would freaks be considered a good term? Maybe?

Asteri didn’t know; what she did know was that oftentimes in highschool, and even college, other students would often make fun of how her ears looked on her, or how her tails didn’t compliment her. Either that, or just tried using some corny or cheap wordplay to try and make some sort of lewd comment to make themselves feel bad. As Aodh once told her…

“Don’t worry about it. They’re just jealous that they can’t have an amazing set of wings or tail like you. Personally, I think they look great on you. They really help compliment not only your height, but also how beautiful you are as well.” At that, Asteri smiled at Gale, as the train stopped at the fifth station. One more stop to go, and then they should get off.

Gale shook her head. "Oh it's fine. I hear it quite often. And besides, you haven't seen my other job. I'll bet they would be all over themselves if they did." She said, gesturing with a head tilt to the idiots catcalling the pair of them. "Besides, if they want to mess with a Vaigarin, depending on how they act, they'll either visit the Abree, or the Quetzo. And then the betting starts on if they even come back." She said, grinning evilly.

Asteri tilted her head as the train started moving again. “Hm? What’s so special about the Abree and Quetzo clans?” Asteri had been around Gale long enough at this point to know when she was talking about a Vaigarin clan, but the specifics still eluded her oftentimes. Though, based on the context, it probably wasn’t a good thing to be around one of those two.

Gale smiled. "The Abree are most well known for two things. Farming, and being quite active sexually. I believe I heard the phrase once, 'Death by snu snu'? That would describe what would happen to someone not expecting a Abree's drive. As for the Quezto, well, they're the best known hunters, even today using instinctual hunting tactics, honed to the point that if they've reached their 10th century, they're able to perfectly mimic their chosen prey, with no trace of being a Vaigarin at all." She explained.

"Suffice to say, if they tried to taunt a Quezto, you'd only hear us ask what they'd like on their grave marker, since it's not even gonna be a closed box funeral. Won't be anything left to put in it."

Asteri put a finger on her lower lip, smiling deviously. “D’you think a Quezto or an Abree would be working at Luna’s shop?” Very shortly after asking that question, their LRT stopped at their designated spot, and the two got off. They didn’t have to wait long for the next tram to head over, and very shortly they were moving along the purple line.

...Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the two asses didn’t join them, to which Asteri pouted at. She would’ve liked to have seen an Abree to sex them to death. One did take a moment to flip a bird at Asteri, however. Not that Asteri really cared, because there was something more pressing at the current moment. Another unfortunate fact was that the purple line was actually really crowded, meaning that Asteri had to squish up right next to Gale as the crowds effectively forced them together, chest flattening against Gale. “And, ah~. Let’s hope that people will be getting off soon. I’m surprised that no one’s trying to give us space, to be honest.” After a few moments of the train trundling along the track, Asteri idly asked Gale, “Wonder what could be so special that all these people would be on this train?” After a moment’s thought, she added: “I don’t THINK it’s for Luna’s shop; after all, from the reviews, it seems pretty obscure compared to the giant ads of other clothing shops.”

Gale smiled. "Purple line runs to the transit hub. Bunch of lines end there, bus and light rail, then there's the ability to transfer to either an aircraft or proper train to Skylador. And since it's mid-day, well..." She said, shrugging slightly as they were pressed together and against the door a moment. "Not enough room for them to give us space. I've heard rumor of them adding another line to help ease purple's load, but it's been mostly rumor and talk."

She said, but as the train moved closer and closer to the Hub, well, it was clear that most on board weren't getting off. So the pair were left pressed together until their stop came up. Good thing they were against the door huh?

Gale was quite warm. Asteri had to admit that. Definitely warmer than when she hugged mama or dad, that was for certain. She looked up a bit and smiled at the taller dragon girl. “Well, let’s hope that day comes. As of right now, we’re really in a tight spo-ah~!” Aster did give a quiet cry as the mini train rumbled over a road, shaking the LRT a bit. Sure, that happened before, but Asteri also wasn’t pressed up against Gale in the red line.

As it was, every movement basically rubbed Asteri against Gale. And maybe it was because she was wearing a miniskirt, but Asteri definitely felt Gale’s thigh. ...Not to mention she felt her chest getting wet.

...Damn it. It was too crowded to pull out the suction cup. “S-so, uh. Have you heard anything from Belmes? He’s been decently quiet these past two days for me. Pr-probably because he’s having to deal with grading midterms and all, b-but y’know, Belmes is a cool guy; I still need to see what he mains for his deck colo-oh~!” Asteri was definitely flushed as she stayed quiet for a moment, stock still.

Gale shrugged. "I don't bother him much when he's doing stuff like the midterms. He's enough of a grump during them that I just wait till after, then give him as much attention as he can tolerate." She replied, smiling, though seeming unbothered by Asteri pressing into her. Thankfully, their stop was coming up. "Ready to have some breathing room again?" She asked, hearing the automatic announcer, well, announce the stop they wanted as the next one.

“Y-yeah, that’d be great!” Asteri was a fan of having fun and all that, but it was literally taking all of her willpower to not rub herself against Gale in public. ...And she wasn’t lying when she said Gale was beautiful. The Vanir themselves would be getting plenty of nosebleeds. “O-h, and when we get off, we might have to visit a p-public restroom before we head into Luna’s store.” Oh, why did Asteri have to eat that cheese cream scone right before visiting Gale? She knew what dairy products did to her. As it was, she now had to be worried about having a wet top.

Gale gave a quick nod, stepping out of the train as soon as they reached their stop, and making sure to pull Asteri as well, just in case the press of people tried to trap her on the train for yet another stop at least.

Now that they were off, Gale looked around, and spotted the restrooms. "This way." She said, pointing to them and walking that way for Asteri's sake.

Asteri walked rather quickly. She felt the extra weight; and while it was impossible to not be full in her case, in most cases she was never overfull. Unless, of course, dairy was introduced. ...Which, admittedly, Asteri often made sure happened. But those sweets and ice cream are soooo good~! Regardless, now she was at the overfull tipping point, and she wanted to keep these clothes dry.

Once Asteri reached the bathroom, she peeked, and, and thanked Rhiannon that it was empty. She had moved a tad bit faster than Gale, and looked behind her slightly. “I’ll be real quick, p-promise!” At that, Asteri walked into the restroom, and made a beeline for the largest stall in the back. Once in, she didn’t even bother locking the door as she ripped off her top and bra, throwing them on the door. It would only take five minutes.

Five minutes later, and Asteri was struggling to get the second pair of milkers on. She gave a small, pitiful frustrated moan as it slipped off yet again. Why can’t they stay on, and make things easy to deal with!? Gale was waiting for her, she didn’t have time to deal with the finicky suction cup! Asteri redoubled her efforts, focusing on trying to get the other one on.

After another minute or so, Asteri finally managed to put on the second milker onto her other breast. She connected the tubings of both to the second bottle, and attached the battery to it. Now, all that was left was to just turn it o- OH~!

To say that she enjoyed the feeling of being milked would be an understatement. As Asteri quickly devolved into a panting mess, she gave a quick look at the exit. She had do this quick, because Gale-

The wonderful, erotic feeling of Gale’s thigh rubbing against her panty, her face looking down to Asteri, her breasts laying on top of Asteri’s own. All of it rushed upon her in force. Asteri gave a frustrated growl, trying to stay calm; that didn’t last long, as evidenced by the growing feeling of her wet underwear. A quickie. That’s all. Asteri was well beyond the point of caring now. The horny fox girl kicked off her pants, and promptly pulled off her panties, revealing the dripping wet vagina underneath. Asteri’s hand went down, before stopping right before touching it. “G-gale? What’re you doing here? I was taking t-too long? Wh-wh-whoops. What’d’you mean, what am I doing? I-ah~! I’m milking myself. Why are my pants wet? W-well, you see… Wait, G-gale? What’re you- AH~!” At that point, Asteri finally put a finger on her puss, and began rubbing it in slow circles around and around.

Asteri’s whimpering was very subdued, as she whispered, “Nngh~! G-gale, harder. Please don’t tease me like that~!” Complying with her demand, Asteri’s finger became four hands, and began rubbing much faster directly onto her clit. “AH~~! Yes, like that! Harder! Harder!” Asteri’s hand began moving faster and faster, until…

“H-huh? Belmes? What- Gale? Why’d you stop? Belmes, Gale, what’re you…?” Asteri’s rubbing became a four finger insertion. “OOOHHH~~! B-belmes! T-that feels so- E-eh!?” Asteri’s other hand came up, and began to roughly grope her abundant chest, fingers sinking into the bountiful supply, a distinct sloshing noise heard as Asteri twisted her breast this way and that. “G-gaale! Th-that feels so good, please, don’t stop! Belmes, harder!”

Asteri’s inserted fingers began pumping in and out much faster, speeding up more and more, until, yet again… “B-belmes? G-gale? Wh-what d’you mean, give Belmes som- AH~!” The vulpine had inserted both sets of fingers into her vagina. “B-belmes, d-don’t stop!” Asteri’s fingers were brutal in their pace, as Asteri began pleading the air, as her suction cups began to slip off: “G-gale, pl-please, Belmes, milk me! P-ple-AAH~!”

Asteri’s suction cups slipped off, but it didn’t matter. Asteri climaxed with a final push, her back arching upwards as she slipped off the toilet seat onto the floor, her milk spurting out of her breasts, matching the cum out of her vagina. All in five minutes.

...Another five minutes of cleaning up, and Asteri was outside the bathroom, beaming at Gale. “Alright, I’m done!” At that, her ears flattened down. “S-sorry for the wait. It ended up being longer than I thought.”

Gale shrugged, having settled on a bench not far from the public restrooms. "It's fine. You seemed to really need to go, so I wasn't gonna try and rush ya. No point adding more trouble." She said smiling as she stood up. "We're about a block from the store. Think you can make it now?" She asked, a slight tease in her tone as she said so.

Asteri put her fists on her side. “Well, of course! As long as there’s no bakery shops that sell anything too delicious, nothing can distract me from getting our cute swimsuits!” At that, Asteri gave her tails a flip, and she yipped out, “Away we go!” as she fistpumped the air.

...Granted, that did elicit a couple of startled glances from some passerby, but Asteri didn’t give a flying flip. As she bounced off towards the designated address ahead of Gale, she stopped suddenly as rummaged through her handbag, making sure her bottle of milk was securely capped off, before pulling out her datapad, and allowing Gale to catch up.

“So, the house shooouulllld beee….” As Asteri’s head kept on constantly flicking up and down, she suddenly stopped right in front of the store, her head cocked a bit in confusion, ears twitching. “Huh. The reviews weren’t lying when they said this place was eccentric and antiquated.”

In front of the two girls stood a four-story tall house, and while it was squeezed in between its neighbors, matching the height, and Asteri supposed overall specs, this building was decorated in a much more… flamboyant? Gaudy? Old? ...All three? Asteri had no idea what else to call it. The house had redundant balconies, the windows were replaced with taller variants, that had stain glass hidden behind iron bars, the door was doubled, and had a set of stairs leading up to it, unlike the other two houses neighboring this oddity. Yet, this shop still had the same wall texture and concreted feeling as the other houses. Just… with extra bits of wood and metal poking out.

Asteri gave a nervous twitch of her ears as a hanging plant swayed from a breeze. “S-so, uh. We just enter, right?”

"Ahhh Luna, still with that Yilas flair I see." Gale replied, chuckling as she walked up to the door and opened it, letting the pleasant chime echo as she stepped into a store. It was without a doubt that. Racks and racks of swimwear and swimming related materials were organized neatly onto shelves and hangers from wall to wall, including space to walk around, with a main 'throughfare' wider than the rest from the door to the counter at the back, where a bored looking human sat reading a tablet.

"Hello! Is Luna in today?" Galestrix asked the man.

"Yes, but she isn't taking visitors. Please peruse our selection of fine swimming attire and accessories, and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask." The man said, not even looking up from his tablet and sounding supremely bored.

"Oh, I'm sure she'll let me visit. Hey Luna! You Yilas Wanna-be Fucon!" Gale called out towards the back, causing the man to sputter and fall backwards at the sudden powerful bellow that just happened.

"Galestrix?" Came a reply from above.

Well, as soon as Asteri saw the collection of clothes, she squealed, and instantly darted off and lost herself amidst the various clothing. “Ohh, this one is cute! Ooh, I like how the green in this one contrasts with the blue, it looks very sea-like! Is that a Kyte-string thong bikini? Ooo-”

Gale’s bellow abruptly pulled her out of the jungle, and she popped out from behind a shelf, head sideways, a look of concern on her face. Then she saw who was coming down the stairs.

Gale smiled as the clerk was sputtering trying to recover himself to bitch out this random dragon lady who thought she could just bellow in the store, when the sound of his boss echoed down. At which point he tried to at least get himself to look like he'd been diligently working.

"Yeah, it's me! When'd you start doing these swimsuit things?" Galestrix called back, smiling as a yellow scaled Vaigarin stepped down, dressed in a very bright outfit, which seemed to be shifting colors as she walked. Gale was pretty sure there was a blouse and some really short shorts involved, and way too much jewelry.

"About 2 years ago you silly. Never thought I'd see you in here though. I thought you swam bare?"

"I do, but apparently a friend wants to go to that event they're hosting on the beach soon, and suggested we get swimwear. When she suggested your place, I figured why not. At least it'll be properly fitted!"

Asteri gave a wave, calling out, “Hellllo!” She popped back behind the shelf. Moments later, she popped back out with three swimsuits. “So, I foun-” It finally clicked in her brain, who exactly Gale was talking to. “Oh, hello there! M’name’s Asteri, Gale speaks really highly about you!” At that, Asteri dashed back, the sound of rustling racks heard in the background, before returning empty handed. ...Granted, she had to maneuver around the last rack a bit carefully to make sure her tails didn’t knock it over, but as she neared Gale and Luna, Asteri beamed at the two of them, stepping over Gale’s tail and ducking under a wing.

Asteri was definitely in an energetic mood. “Nice to meet you!”

Luna smiled and nodded. "A pleasure to meet you as well Miss Asteri." She said, giving a polite bow of her head. "I do hope, Edward, wasn't it?" She asked, pausing and looking at the man at the counter.

"Joe ma'am. Joe Brookmire." He replied quickly, hoping to the gods that he hadn't just pissed off the boss by telling off someone who clearly knew her.

"Right, sorry Joe. Mind closing the shop for a couple of hours? I'm gonna need to focus with these two. Those tails natural or artificial hun?" Luna asked, leaning around Gale to get a much better look at Asteri.

Asteri bounced up and down, as she began twirling her tails around. “These are all natural, Miss Luna!” She scooted around Joe as he began walking to the door of the store, presumably to close it, Asteri guessed. She really didn’t care, as Asteri proudly showed off her pride and joy- after the events in Andraeste, Asteri made sure to take a good couple of hours or so making sure her tails were perfectly clean and tidy. And now, it was paying off as someone finally noticed just how wonderful they were! ...Okay, maybe she wasn’t admiring them, and probably asking just to make sure to find a swimsuit bottom that fit, but Asteri ignored that little facet in favor of the more flattering option.

Luna smiled, watching as Joe locked up and returned to his spot and picked up the tablet, and forgot all about the trio. "Sorry. I've been busy enough with my own work and making sure my apprentices have the skills needed to not completely ruin my name, I've just had to hire more basic help for the stores themselves." She explained, gesturing for the pair to follow her up.

Galestrix snorted but didn't comment. She had no real ground to stand on after all. But she couldn't deny it was amusing. "So, pair of swimsuits, one for myself, and one for Asteri here." She said, as they walked into what was clearly a professional's workshop.

Luna noticed Asteri's looking around. "I mostly make the custom-fitted items here, and then revise them to be more producible by others in bulk. Sure, it ruins the mystique of me doing all of them, but I can't keep up with that much demand." She said, smiling as she reached for her tools of the trade.

"Strip please." She said, settling the measuring tools into her hands. "Oh, and any special requirements, besides the obvious?" She asked, looking between the pair.

Asteri cocked her head at Luna’s comment about her setup. Sure, it wasn’t magical, or whatever. But it was practical. A thought occurred to her, though, as she considered Luna’s words. But before she could ask it, the command was issued to strip. Asteri didn’t complain as she started to, though she stopped for a moment with a confused look on her face, before it cleared up after seeing Luna’s measuring tools.

Hence Asteri continued the removal of her clothes. After pulling off her boots and socks, she removed her jacket and skirt. Finally, off came the bra and underwear. As she was in the process of taking everything off, Asteri answered Luna’s question: “Yes, actually.” She gave a quick glance at Gale, cheeks reddening slightly as memory of her most recent, well, milking, emerged in the forefront of her mind. “D-d’you have any material that’s not too rough, especially for the nipples?”

Stooop thinking about how good it would feel to have Gale suc- Asteri shook her head suddenly, before reaching up her hand to scratch the behind of her ear. ...Which, unfortunately, also felt far better than it should’ve, but Asteri had to at least not dissolve into a puddle thanks to fantasies with Gale. ...Though, headpats would definitely… Another, more violent shake of her head, ears twitching. And that was that. Asteri stood, her clothes on the floor around her, looking at Luna and Gale.

Gale had undressed as well. She was grinning as Luna sighed. "I already have your measurements Gale, unless they've changed in the last three months." She stated. Which got the other Vaigarin to chuckle and start redressing. Focusing on Asteri, Luna stepped forward and began to take the foxgirl's measurements.

"Not too rough in what way dear? If you're gonna say something like that, I need details." Luna said, getting Asteri's bust size. She was now working on measuring her torso in general.

The fox-girl couldn’t help but stare as Gale undressed. Dammit. Now Asteri’s imagination was running wild. Her breathing got a tad bit heavier, her chest rising up and down a bit. ...Luna’s occasional poking and prodding didn’t help that much either, especially when she was measuring her chest. But said tantalizing look was brief, as Gale began to redress. Asteri didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved; regardless, Asteri just hoped that she managed to not rub her thighs together too much.

Asteri wriggled a bit, a bit uncomfortable at the question at first. Her movement caused her rather heavy breasts to sway a bit; it was a bit surprising they didn’t sag down further, considering how heavy they were, but, well, Asteri could only guess she had elastic skin or something. Though, at Luna’s slight scolding, she held still.

“Well, you see, uh. I have lots of milk, and, well…” Deep breath. “Being so full all the time tends to make one’s nipples very sensitive to input, especially pinching, twisting, and turning.” Yes, if only Gale or Belmes would try to play with her- Shaddup. Don’t melt in front of this random person, even if she is super nice! I’m sure she wouldn’t like it at all!

Luna nodded. "I see I see. And do you have any particular style of swimsuit you want?" She asked, finishing her measurements of the torso and now was getting a lot more measurements of Asteri's hips. A lot of it seemed to be focused on working around her tails more than anything.

At that, Asteri brightened up. “A Bandeau top would be great!” She paused for a moment, before her face turned slightly red; regardless, she still had a devious look on it. “And having everyone see my cleavage alll the way would be great too.” At that, she put a finger on her chin. “However, I still want my nipples very secure, and, well, comfortable.”

At that, she flicked a tail. “I won’t bother you with asking for a regular bottom, either! I think a side-tie thong would look great, though! Especially one that teases the boys~!” Maybe even Belmes, too! Maybe he’ll take my hips and- Stooop. Why was Asteri so horny today? Asteri then blinked. “But if you have anything you think that’ll look good on me, I won’t complain~!”

Luna shook her head. "That's fine. I need as much information to make sure when I make these, they're as perfect as you'd want, and fit you perfectly to make you want to never take them off." She said, getting the last of the measurements she needed.

"So, it sounds like I should make the swimsuit out of Ivush fibers. It's akin to the 'silk' that the NDC uses, but is used mainly by the Tiamer for their sails and clothes due to them being very resistant to soaking up water, which makes them great for the Tiamer's needs." She said, pulling out a roll of the fabric in mind, so that Asteri could get a feel for it, to see if it fit what she needed.

Asteri idly felt the fabric in mind. Yes, it was VERY soft. Silk was always Asteri’s preferred thread; especially when trying to go for a lacey look. Maybe that’ll get Gale and Belmes to pounce on me~! Focus. ...There WAS one thing left to do, really. Asteri idly waved the fabric around, before pressing it on her chest. Yep. Soft there as well. Rubbing it idly in circles a couple of times, she finally proceeded to the last test. Asteri put it on her nipples, and began lightly twisting the fabric this way and that. ...It feels good~! But more importantly, it didn’t scratch or rub it the wrong way. It. Was. Perfect. Asteri stopped her testing, beaming at Luna. “It feels so much like silk! And it’s very soft! If it’s as resistant to water soaking as you say it is, then this’ll be perfect!”

Luna smiled. "Owing I make most of my swimsuits out of it, as I'm sure you noticed while browsing the selection downstairs, you can be sure I'm staking my reputation on it." She replied.

Gale, standing to the side smile. "I'll take whatever you think would work best with my measurements and tastes Luna. We've known each other long enough that I feel confident you'll get it right."

Luna nodded. "After 20 years I should hope so."

Asteri giggled. “I personally think you should get Gale something bright! Maybe a bright blue. People are typically so stunned by her height, they normally don’t notice how beautiful her breasts and butt are; a dash of color against that tan skin ought to bring them looking back down, and eventually at her face~!”

Asteri had yet to attempt putting her clothes back on after Luna had finished with her measurements, rather prancing around Gale, hands waving this way and that.

Luna snorted. "I'm sure I can make something suitable that'd impress her and make you notice more than just her height." She said, getting a laugh from Gale.

Asteri tilted her head at that, a bit confused. Then it dawned on her. Oh. ~Oh. Her face became flushed and she stared blank eyed at Gale for a moment, before shaking her head again, and rapidly pacing; totally not done in an effort to conceal her large, now-hardening nipples “Anyways! Gale, how did you and Luna manage to meet, anyways? Luna seems like a really busy person, given how she’s managing a lot of shops and apprentices; I know you’re an important and all that- you have to be, being with Belmes-” At that, Asteri giggled, before resuming her explanation. “-but you and Luna kinda seem closer than mere formalities. That, and Gale obviously comes to you enough to the point where you don’t even have to measure her~!”

Galestrix smiled. "Oh, more than just that. You've seen the eldery Bahum who is often visiting the Pines and Oakens right?" Galestrix asked, waiting to see if Asteri had noticed Uledor Bahum coming and going on occasion.

Luna shrugs. "I was visiting Orgar one day to learn some of the newest fashions that were cropping up when I met Galestrix. The NDC was still settling into Obsidian and had only just started to tentatively reach out. Mostly they'd waited until their translators could work effectively." She explained. "Gale was eager to get a Fucon seamstress for some outfits she wanted to try, because the means she had access to just couldn't get what she wanted."

Asteri nodded along to Luna’s explanation, ears twitching this way and that. “Oh, hmmm…” The memory of Gale’s earlier tidbit resurfaced in her mind. “I can see why you’d want to be a seamstress for specifically the NDC, to be honest. Gale told me that most Vaigarins don’t even wear clothes at all; what with that, it must’ve been hard to do a business among them; at the very least, you get a lot more out of us NDC folk who like wearing clothing!” ...Nevermind the fact that Asteri still hadn’t touched her discarded clothing.

After she grinned at Luna at that, her tails swishing around, Asteri turned to Gale to answer her question. “Hmmm? What’d’you mean, more than that? Yeah, I’ve seen him; I had a conversation with him once or twice. He was a very nice person, if I were being honest. He was perfectly willing to put up with my explanation as to why a White/Blue deck is the best type to play if you’re wanting to go full on defensive, and why it’s my favorite.” At that, she shrugged. “But, I’ve always thought he was some sort of embassy-person who has to keep you updated on matters.” Asteri leaned forward, head cocking to the side and breasts swaying as she moved her face a bit closer to Gale. “What’s that got to do with you being more than….” The fox girl trailed off as she put a finger on her chin. “D’you mean you’re more than just an important person?”

Gale normally wasn’t one to brag or make up stories about stuff. Asteri’s brow was furrowed in confusion.

Galestrix laughed. "Oh Stars, I feel for him now. But to answer your question, he is my grandfather. And the Elder of the Bahum Family." She said, letting that sink in.

Asteri blinked at that sudden revelation. “Huh? Does that mean you’re a prin-” At that, she shook her head, ears flopping. “No way! Am I literally just surrounded by royalty?” At that, Asteri put a finger on her chin, and asked, “That means you must be really busy, though! Not only are you a diplomat, but you’re also the daughter of one of the most important people in the Vaigarin race! And you found the time to go clothes shopping with me!?”

At that, Asteri flung her naked body on Gale and started promptly hugging the hell out of her, tails wrapping around behind Gale’s back as she started rubbing her face on Gale. Asteri was that overwhelmed.

Gale couldn't stop laughing. Luna was joining in.

"Hun, Stop. Stop. I'm not royalty. Vaigarin Elders are literally that. They're the oldest living member of the family. When Uledor passes, the position will go to a Bahum I have absolutely no relation to." She said, grinning. "That said, I do work as a diplomat, combat pilot, and guard of Heinrich as well." She continued, trying to say it between laughs.

Luna settled first. "She's right. We view our elders with a certain kind of reverence. Usually because for one to survive that long, they clearly must be doing something right. And better someone who has managed to not die to the dangers of this world than how the Tumnisians do it. Some even have entirely elected governments for their cities, that only serve so many years before they have to step down!"

Asteri scrunched up her face at that. “How would that even work? I mean, having no leader for some time would be terrible, wouldn’t it? And knowing you couldn’t rely on someone would just be… Eugh!” Asteri shook her head. “Like, I can understand doing it for small stuff, like, I dunno, doing boring positions like talking about specific papers? Maybe leading an academic post?” She shook her head. Asteri still hadn’t let go of Gale, regardless. And very soon, she explained why.

“And even if you’re not royalty, I bet you have to deal with lots of idiots on a day to day basis. AKA, being really busy trying not to snap and burn them all to a crisp.” Asteri giggled at that. Soon enough, she looked back at Luna, and asked, “So, how long will it take for you to make our swimsuits?”

Luna smiled. "Well, a couple of days at least. Your's are going to be the more difficult, as I haven't had to deal with a trio of tails before. Gale's I can get done tonight." She said, tapping her chin as she thought about the problem in front of her. "It's more a matter of making sure the swimsuit will stay in place, without crushing or hindering the tails."

“Hmmmm. Well, we might be able to make it to the event, Gale!” Asteri peeled herself off of the dragon-girl; Such close proximity was making her wet again and her nipples hard again, and just like before, she didn’t want to make a scene in front of a total stranger. Well, maybe not as strange as before, but still.

“Is there anything else we need to do, Luna?” Asteri asked as she pranced over to a worktable and sat on it, crossing her legs. And then she looked at Gale, and repeated the question. “And is there anything we need to do after this, Gale?” Gale was fun, but if she had to do stuff, Asteri wasn’t going to impede her in any way at all. If only she had simply decided to put her legs arou- Not right now, Asteri. Not right now. Asteri just sat there looking at the two of them, uncrossing her legs and swinging them back and forth, tails swishing this way and that.

Luna shook her head. "Nothing for me. I've got some color patterns in mind I think would work for both of you." She said, looking rather absent minded as she walked over to a table and appeared to start sketching things out.

Gale shook her head. "Nothing I need to be getting to. I'm off duty till Monday, and I only step in as a diplomat when someone fucks up and my grandfather isn't on hand. At least if the Bahum's are involved. Otherwise, I serve as a mediator for the other Families and the NDC." She explained, waiting for Asteri to get dressed again. She didn't have any problem with the girl being clingy. Hell, half the time she wasn't even in Obsidian City, she was in Skylador, working as a courtesan and high-class whore.

Asteri nodded to Luna as she became busy; Asteri understood the feeling. Half of her time in university was spent trying to figure out magical equations and how to fit said equations into the code required for the DEF caster. In the beginning, it was tedious, but as time went on, Asteri actually started to enjoy how the spells came together. But as Asteri pondered that, she idly looked down at herself.

“Oh.” Yeah, she needed to get dressed. As she scurried about, putting on her clothes and gathering her stuff, she idly commented to Gale, “That must be really frustrating at times. Basing it off of your granddad, he had a hard time understanding just exactly why we had an entire game show dedicated to Arcana, as well as other shows like Extreme Magicka.” Upon seeing Gale’s confused look, Asteri elaborated: “Extreme Magicka is just a show that involves a couple of DEF casters basically trying to figure out how to use their spells at their disposal to solve a problem in the most flashy way possible. It's a really good advertisement for people on Andraeste, as it kinda inspires lots of people to try going into college as a mage.”

At that, Asteri giggled. “That, and people were impressed by how many times there were explosions or some sort of magical mishap that the three were always excited to see.” Asteri performed her classic head-tilt after she was finally dressed up, looking at Gale. “What did, or do, I suppose, Vaigarins do for entertainment themselves? I mean, they don’t exactly have the Geist, or data pads, or holograms, or anything else that’s digital entertainment.” As she asked that, she began walking down the stairs back to the first floor, waiting a bit at the top for Gale to follow along.

"Well, we have plenty of means of entertainment. Just nothing digital. Books, games, sports. But the access to what the NDC has for digital accesses, and creations, have resulted in an interesting adoption of the media. At least among the sub-century Vaigarin. Those post century tend to be slower to adopt." Gale explained, smiling.

Giving Luna a wave, the pair left and stepped out of the store. "So, what shall we do now, since you seem to have an idea."

Asteri put a hand on her hip, thinking. “Hmmm.. How about going to a clothing and hobby store, to get stuff to make outfits? I’m thinking you need some cool stuff for the conventions Belmes and I will now drag you to!” At that, Asteri gave a wide, cheeky smile. “I know of a St. Anton’s thrift store, that sits right across the street from an Artcraft Deluxe! I really like the AD store; they have lots of threads and stuff, as well as neat little buttons and paints and foam and… Well, they have lots of stuff for any crafty thing you may like!”

The fox girl then gave a little twirl. “After we decide what we want to do with our chosen outfits, we just have to go home and put it all together~!”

Gale raised an eyebrow at the declaration. "Wouldn't we just end up taking them back to Luna after getting the materials? Or are you secretly a seamstress yourself?" Gale asked, smiling as she pulled up the place that Asteri suggested on her Geist.

“Nope! Neither to both of those; I’m just really good at stitching stuff onto random pieces of clothing. Whether it be from stitching foam plates to make it look like armor, or putting extra buttons onto clothing to make it look fancy, I can do it. But ACTUAL clothes making? That’s beyond my patience.” Asteri giggled a bit, before becoming a bit more serious. “Besides, it’s fun trying to figure out all the ways you can make yourself look sexy or awesome, and then putting that into practicality.” Asteri’s smile grew wider, as she brightly proclaimed, “And if you join, we’ll have fun seeing what we can come up with!”

Asteri skipped over to the tram stop, mumbling to herself: “It’s a fair ways away from here… We have to take the LRT all the way to the hub, and then take the green line down four stops.”

Gale smiled with a chuckle and shake of her head. "Not sure I get the fascination you and Heinrich have for dressing up like that. It's like you treat Spirits Eve as something that occurs more than once a year." She said, as they walked to the station.

After more catcalls and would be attempts, Gale rolled her shoulders slightly as they got off the line, and looked around. "So, I imagine you've been visiting it regularly since you've moved in with me and Heinrich, yes?"

Asteri tilted her head at Gale’s correlation. “I WISH Spirit’s Eve happened more than once a year! Just imagine all that candy…” Asteri trailed off for a moment, drooling a bit, before shaking herself and continuing on, “But c’mon! It’s fun to dress up from a setting that we don’t have, to have events where we can talk about all the goings on and story-telling elements from various series!”

Asteri just twitched her ears in response to the wolf whistles. “Yeeeep. I managed to head there at least once a week for the past two months, and I even managed to make a nice little dancer/cleric outfit! When we get back to the house, I’d love to show you. ...And yes, we have to stop by where I’m staying to get my stuff!”


Two hours of visiting stores later, and Asteri and Gale were on their way back to their apartments. "You know that Heinrich has left one of his home's room open for you still." Gale said, smiling as they walked. "You don't have to live in a different apartment." She pointed out as they walked back to the tower which housed the trio. “I knooooooow. It’s just that I don’t wanna get too annoying at his place. Plus, I do have some, uh, needs that Belmes probably won’t want to always be around to see me deal with.” Asteri chuckled at that comment nervously. In fact, she might need to take care of one of those needs again; those pastries apparently hadn’t been worked out of her system fully just yet. But she could deal with it until after she managed to convince Gale to dress up… Wait.“Hey, Gale? What DO you want to be like? You can be anything you want, y’know. In fact, I can show you some of my stuff if you need some ideas!” Asteri brightened up at that. “I bet I could use this foam and this shirt to make some cool- and sexy- studded leather armor!” Her excited yammering filled the lobby as they walked through the doors and towards the elevator door."What do you mean? Sure, I never expected to become a pilot in the NDC, or an officer, but I'm rather happy with things. Heck, the contract Heinrich put together helped me get both of those things with the Madame of the Gentlemen's Club I work at." She said, practically telling Asteri she worked in more adult matters beyond just war, if she hadn't figured it out yet."Unless you mean for one of those costume thingy's you and Heinrich do?"Asteri blinked at Gale’s revelation, before her face flushed red. But she managed to continue on: “You mean a con- er, convention? What else would I be talking about, silly? Would you seriously wear a foam piece of ‘plating’ while piloting a spaceship?” Asteri giggled at that, but her mind was going rather wild with ideas of what Gale typically did at said Gentlemen’s club.She managed to prevent herself from drooling, at least.“None of this stuff is actually, realistically, practical, but it’s fun to play around in!” Asteri twirled her tails at that, before continuing on. “Though, granted, you have different people who are along the spectrum. You’ve got your LARPers, and by extension, HCMA, you got your socialites, you got your Warriors and Wyrms players, you got your Arcana players…. Yeah. A whole bunch of people like dressing up because, well, it’s a sign that we’re willing to go an extra step to do the things we have fun with!”“Though, sometimes people take it a taaaad bit too far. But we’re not discussing that! We’re here to see what fantastical role you want to be! And if you don’t have any idea, I have a couple of outfits to show you what I’m talking about!” Asteri practically sang as she skipped down from the open elevator door down the hallway towards her room, bags of clothing and materials in her arms.Gale gave a slow nod. "I suppose. I mean, I've never really considered that kind of thing before. Sure, the NDC have been here for 50 years, but even then, I'm still figuring out a lot of things. Including apparently, the fact that you have all codified fairly common things in writing and stories." She said, referring to either cliché's or tropes. Probably both."So, maybe you have some ideas?"“Hmmmm.” Asteri put a finger on her chin as she looked at Gale coyly. “Let’s see here.”“Something simple to start off would just be a simple kimono and foam katana. You’d be this mystical swordsma- er, swordswoman… Swordmaster!” Asteri coughed a bit, before continuing back on “Yeah, a mystical swordmaster could be a good fit.” Asteri scrunched up her face soon afterwards. “That may be too simple a concept, though. Another idea I have is that you could be a succubus- or demon, whatever you want to call it! It really plays off of your wings and horns, and maybe even tail, depending on how we spin it! However, that DOES mean you’re gonna have to show a loooooot more skin than what typical outfits entail."...Nevermind that her own healer outfit was very revealing itself. But Asteri gamely carried on. “...But we can use all of those saved resources to make you a giant spear!”“And finally, we can do a classic: You, as a knight! Shining white armor, sword and shield, all of that! Except instead of slaying dragons, you ARE a dragon.” Asteri suddenly giggled. “Reminds me of a W&W post about how a dragonborn princess-knight is the ultimate switch. She can be the dragon of the story, the princess, OR the knight!” At that, she burst out laughing, before she eventually calmed down, and returned to her normal hyperactive state.“And it doesn’t really matter which choice you pick! I have a ninja outfit if you choose the blademaster one, a cool gritty gunslinger one if you choose the demon one, and a cleric one if you choose the knight outfit!” At that, she suddenly stalled. “Unless, o-of course, you don’t like any of these. But then I also get to have the fun of making something entirely new!” The fox girl grinned at the dragon girl after proclaiming that.Galestrix listened as they reached Asteri's apartment. "Well, I think I'd have to see how you'd make those three outfits work for me, since I don't imagine things would be simple to make." She said, chuckling. "But honestly, if you think I'm worried about showing a little bit of skin and scale, well, you have a lot to learn about me." She said, grinning."As for you, well, I'm curious at how you'd look in any of those three options you've suggested. Depending on what we see and how well they work out, we can see what Heinrich says. Maybe even what he'd pick to go with them?" She mused.Asteri brightened up at that. “Alrighty!” Cue her discarding her clothes almost immediately again, and redressing in the simplest one first. “Here is my kunoichi one. It’s a real simple one, but I had to make this for some sort of grand game of tag or something like that. So it’s meant to be very athletic.” After spinning around a couple of times, cocking her hips this way and that, posing at times to look like she was sneaking with her foam sword in hand. She giggled after doing all of that. She personally enjoyed showing off like this.Asteri chatted on as she stripped out of the ninja outfit. “Alright, my next one is gonna be my gunslinger one. It’s also a bit simple, though it’s more complex than the kunoichi one. The large hat and big pistols really sell the point that I’m supposed to be badass!” She then scrambled to get her next outfit on, struggling to get the longcoat to fit over her tails, managing to do so after a few minutes. Another series of poses, this time one that showcased her flamboyant hat and dual pistol look.After that, she moved on to her third, and admittedly her favorite, one. One more time removing her clothing, and putting on a different set. This one required a lot more work to put on, as it was multiple articles of clothing, but as Asteri had admitted to herself, it was her favorite one. “And here is my cleric outfit! I mixed in some concepts from a dancer-type look, so I look a tad bit like a bell-dancer! And, yeah. Doing that is fun- and everyone else I’ve been around seems to think so as well!” Asteri swayed and cocked her expansive hips the most in this one, even doing a small showcase of her dancing, as she particularly enjoyed how this one left them bare. And also showcased her cleavage. And also- Well. The entire outfit was fun to play around in. And it also matched what school she was in!After what she felt was a suitably long enough time showcasing, she stopped her posing, and looked towards Gale. “So, anything that catches your fancy?” Asteri asked, head cocked, fists on hips. “If we do the armor, well, that’s the only one we can do today, until we get more stuff; but if we do either the demon one or the blademaster one, we can do the other as well.” Upon seeing Gale’s slightly confused look, she elaborated: “The Knight one would probably take up so much foam, there wouldn’t be enough material for the other two.”And then Asteri giggled. “And I would love to show Belmes! He probably would be blown away by how cute we’d look together!”Gale watched as each costume was brought out and presented. She was surprised at the diversity of each one, and chuckled at the sight of her in that 'cleric' outfit. "I think you would fit in Heaven's Doorbell wearing that. Flashy enough to entice customers but subdued enough to be respectable." She said, smiling."As for which would be fitting, well, it depends on which you would pair with me. I admit that the idea of the demon one may fit more with your cleric than your gunslinger." She commented, thinking about it. "Ya know, for the 'trope' I think it's called? Or is it supposed to be 'cliche'?"“Huh? Both are commonly used, but trope is more commonly used to tell stuff in a more factual manner, while a cliche is used in a more… derogatory manner.” At that, Asteri moved around, gathering the various materials needed for outfit making. She did perform her classic head-tilt as she looked at Gale. “What’d’you mean, the demon one fits more with the cleric one? Like, the trope where someone is talking to the demon and angel on their shoulder, and we’re Belmes’ angel-” at that, Asteri pointed to herself- “-and demon?” She pointed to Gale at that.Gale nodded, smiling. "That was kind of what I was thinking. I mean, it fits wouldn't it? You really sell the good and pure image, while I'm completely fine with being the being of lust and desire." She said, chuckling. "What do you say?"Asteri froze slightly at Gale’s words. Being of lust and desire. Damn it, Gale. She really set off Asteri’s fantasies. Thankfully, the fox girl managed to keep herself collected, though internally she was stewing. Normally SHE was the one who was teasing everyone, not the other way around!” She didn’t like this turnabout one bit.“Well, yes, it could work, I suppose. But that means we need to do this veeeery carefully- clothing will mess up all the measurements, after all. We need to get the chest right, as well as the netting that simulates chain mail, not to mention the loincloth, ankle rings, and sandals. Soooo…” At that, Asteri marched up to Gale, and began peeling off her shirt. Of course, she didn’t get far thanks to the wings, but it was still worth a shot!Gale chuckled, and began to work on removing the clothing she was wearing with long practiced ease. With clothing that typically had a backless design, it meant that often it was designed for being peeled into two pieces, while the pants she was wearing rode low because of her tail.Either way, soon Gale was in the buff, completely unfazed, embarrassed, or any of the other normal reactions one might expect in the NDC. "So, what's first?"Asteri stepped back, finger on her chin. “Hmmmm. Let’s begin with the….” After a moment of deliberation, Asteri brightened up. “Let’s start with the top! Since the netting will be a pain to make, let’s go ahead and get that out of the way! Then we’ll work down from there. The loincloth should be easy, so should the ankle ring. The sandals as well. Really, the only other bit that may be a bit frustrating is the gloves.”The foxgirl stepped back, and firmly told Gale. “Get down a bit, will you? You’re a bit too tall for me to do what I need to do next.”Gale chuckled, and found herself a seat on Asteri's couch, and settled in. "Better?" She asked, curious to see what the fox had in mind next. Gale was sure that she was interested, but was respecting her boundaries. It wouldn't do to outright ask if Asteri wanted to fuck her, even if all the glances and reactions she'd seen thus far told the Vaigarin that the fox girl did.So for now, she settled in to see what the fox would do next, even as the rings piercing her nipples and the top of her belly button jingled slightly with the chain between the trio.Asteri’s breathing definitely got heavier when she saw Gale sit down. It was time to actually do this. The fox girl moved behind the couch, and told Gale, “Alright, so, I gotta see how the fabric fits around you first.” ...Now, these words sounded slightly far away to Asteri, but she knew well enough what to do then. After grabbing the fabric in both hands, she began working it around Gale’s breasts, slowly wrapping them around Gale’s breasts, coming back from time to time to make sure they didn’t slide off. When they weren’t returning to that central position, they were marking the locations where they would transition their way into the thong collar, or into the back collar.Asteri didn’t even realize when she stopped using the cloth, and was just aimlessly grabbing Gale’s ample chest. But when she finally did, she stopped for a moment, before finally internally saying, Ah, well. She abruptly came in to kiss Gale, though the position was a bit awkward, panting all the while. After finishing the desperate kiss, Asteri practically climbed over the couch into Gale’s lap, moaning all the while. “Gaaaaaalllleee.”Gale smiled as Asteri finally made a move. "Yes dear?" She asked, hands coming around to cup the foxes ass. "Is there something you'd like?" She asked, tail curling around to rub against the other woman's leg. She'd enjoyed the kiss, and figured there'd soon be a lot more of that to come. And a bit more.Asteri made a small surprised yip as she felt the hand grab her plump behind, and the scaly tail rub against her leg. She moved out of the position only to remove her already minimal clothing, before promptly returning to having both of her legs spread over Gale’s lap, as she only just prevented herself from rubbing her now-soaking vagina against the dragon girl’s. “C-can we do a quickie? I- ah~- can’t focus now. You’re just too-oh~-sexy. Please?” Asteri leaned forward as she practically begged that question, rubbing her bountiful chest just underneath Gale’s own breasts; milk was beading at the tip of her nipples as they twisted this way and that against the Vaigarin’s abdomen.Galestrix smiled, and curled her tail to shift what it was rubbing against. "I can do that for you." She said, before letting the tip tease Asteri's folds. "Anything special you want me to do with you?" Gale asked, letting her hands glide up Asteri's sides to have one hand cup those quite full breasts, and the other to cup her chin.Gale of course, wasn't doing much more than tease the poor girl right now, since she wanted to hear from Asteri's own mouth what she wanted done. No point giving her a bad experience for the first time.Asteri moaned as she felt Gale’s tail shift to higher up on her thigh, before she suddenly felt something pointed start teasing her lower lips. Also Gale’s tail.Throw in that one of her breasts was being handled, and that she was tilted to face Gale’s beautiful face, and she broke.After shoving her mouth against Gale’s for a kiss, she broke off long enough to respond to Gale’s own inquiry. “Please, milk me!” Asteri dived back into the kiss, her tongue trying to wrap around Gale’s. Meanwhile, down below, Asteri finally lost patience, and began rubbing her vagina against Gale’s in an almost frantic fashion, trapping the tail tip between the two folds. Asteri was also practically shoving her chest forward as she tried her hardest to either force Gale’s hand to grab her chest, or rub it as fast as she could against Gale, as the beads turned into the occasional tiny stream.Asteri’s hands were also busy as she sent ahead and started kneading at Gale’s chest, no longer worried, or concerned, about trying to be safe. The Vaigarin’s large chest was wonderful to the touch. And finally, Asteri put her tails to use. They wrapped around Asteri and started joining in the effort to rub Gale, the tails going three different ways.Gale smiled, the one hand on Asteri's breast squeezing and working on it, feeling the fluid leak. "You're just like a Tumnisian in this respect." She mused, chuckling. Vaigarin wouldn't lactate, them having breasts at all was just a result of their shift. As it was, she let her tail tip curl so that Asteri's desperate grinding got the most pleasure, since her clit would be rubbing against those scales.Of course, those trio of tails were nice to feel rubbing against her. And her pierced nipples got plenty of pleased sexual sounds out of the dragoness. The hand that had been cupping Asteri's chin was now on her hip, sliding back and forth to give loving rubs and the occasional squeeze of the fox girl's ass.Asteri moaned as she felt the scaled tail rub against her clit, as promised. She began humping Gale faster, panting as she began working herself up to greater heights. Gale’s hands were wonderful, the touch of her hands causing her to gasp and writhe. The feeling of her engorged breast being played with was amazing.She whimpered as she pressed herself against Gale, practically begging her to milk her harder. Unfortunately, this led to an awkward position with her hands, so she was forced to let go. But she refused to let her hands stay idle, one moving around to cup the dragon girl’s ample behind, and the other stroking her side, moving back and forth across her back, occasionally staying a bit around the wings to give an extra bit of pressure around them.Galestrix smiled, and continued to rub and tease those breasts, using a single hand thus far, though she does bring the other up, feeling the dribbling of the liquid from those teats. "You really like this huh?" Gale asked, presenting one of the milk coated hands for Asteri to see.Of course, her tail soon found that perfect point to soon slip into Asteri's folds, with a happy, broad smirk on her face. She didn't mind the rubbing between her wings, though she did take a moment to guide one of Asteri's hands to the base of her own tail. "Top and bottom. Gently rub them." She instructed.Asteri could only gasp in agreement as Gale layered on yet another wave of pleasure. She only moved even harder, faster, grinding herself against that lovely nub, that wonderful tail, begging Gale to play with her breasts harder. She looked at Gale in a daze, before rubbing her ear against her shoulder. Yes, Asteri loved being pampered.But at least Asteri was giving as good as she got. Following Gale’s instructions, her free hand began rubbing the top and bottom parts of her tail, barely struggling to keep herself in check. But manage she did, though eventually the hand at the wing grew tired of rubbing, and instead reached down into the pile that was their rubbing vaginas, and she put a finger in Gale’s folds a bit tentatively. Then the second one came in, Asteri beginning to slide them in and out as well as she could in such a cramped position.Gale moaned, hips arching forward as the sensitive spots on top and beneath her tail's base were rubbed at, even as she worked as she could in pleasuring Asteri on top of her. Sadly, Asteri would find that Gale didn't have a clit, at least, not where normal humanoids had it. So while there was some pleasure as the fingers slid in and out, there wouldn't be any nub for Asteri to tease as well. Which was a fact Gale was abusing happily with her tail's scales being sure to rub against Asteri's clit as it pressed in and pulled out of her pussy.Asteri could only moan happily as Gale increased the pressure on her own pussy, the fox girl taking full advantage of that to pleasure herself as much as possible. Not that she could pleasure herself much more, as Asteri felt something burning in her.“Gale, I-I’m, uh, I’- AHHHH~!” At that, Asteri climaxed in a devastating finale, her back arching due to the sheer pleasure overloading her, milk squirting out of her nipples. After writhing for a few moments against Gale, Asteri put her head against Gale’s shoulder, panting for a few moments, before she raised her head a tad bit tiredly, and kissing Gale again.“Hehehee. I.. hah.. Really enjoyed that. Th-thanks Gale…” Asteri rubbed her ears against Gale’s now-wet collarbone. ...Yeah, Gale may or may not now be covered in milk. Whoops…“U-uh, you wanna use my shower? I suppose it’s a good thing we’re making you a new outfit... “ Asteri giggled weakly at that.Gale chuckled, and gently untangled herself from Asteri. "I suppose I should. I think I'm just a bit coated in milk after all." She teased, settling the foxgirl onto the couch next to her. "I'm pretty sure I know where it is as well." She said, smiling. "They like to keep things roughly the same despite locations."Asteri mumbled… whatever it was. Asteri didn’t know. But Asteri knew one thing. After Gale entered the shower, Asteri managed to stumble her way to the kitchen area, where she pulled out a cup of coffee. Her hands were automatically pulling out the sweetener cups, before she paused for a moment, her tired brain registering that it probably wasn’t a good idea to put more milk in her right now.Welp. Black Coffee it was, then. After brewing the coffee and taking a couple of sips, the fox-girl managed to revive herself to look at the scene before her. Yeah. She was going to have to vacuum, and towel. ...At least most of the clothing didn’t get wet or sticky. Save for the fabric, but Asteri had an excess of that. After covering the floor with various paper towels, Asteri gingerly pulled out their clothes and threw them in the washer, before taking the other materials, and putting them in a drier area. Now all that was left to do was to wait for Gale.Gale was enjoying her time in the shower, before stepping out while drying off, not bothering to hide herself. Her body on full display for Asteri to appraise and enjoy if she so wished. "So, now that we got that little fun distraction handled, you were saying you'd need to work on getting the fabric fitting correctly?" She asked, walking over, the gentle scraping of metal on metal with each step a reminder of the chain that ran between her trio of piercings.Asteri simply nodded. She had obviously stared at Gale as she walked out, but all Asteri could manage was a little, “Mmmhm. Though, I think we may need more fabric.” After grimacing and downing the rest of the coffee, Asteri moved towards Gale, picking up some fabric, and resuming her process of her own way of measuring the tall dragon-girl. After getting the bra section done, she moved on with the next bit, wrapping a cloth around Gale’s torso, and cutting off any excess that hung loosely off of her. After doing that, Asteri laid out the cloth flat, before going to her room, and coming out with a pair of fishnet stockings.As Asteri continued the process of making Gale’s suit, she stopped from time to time to try and show Gale what her process was, though, ultimately, she became distracted by the tinging of metal. “So, how did you get that chain and piercings?”Gale tried to keep still so Asteri could do her work. "Met someone in the NDC who could do them. Took some effort, and sadly, I can't keep them when I shift, so they were designed to be easily removable." She said, demonstrating with the belly piercing, removing it with a quick twist and push on one side resulting in a hidden clasp coming undone, allowing her to pull it through the hole there. "If I tried to shift between this form and my dragon form, well, the metal would be stretched to breaking, rings and chains like." She explained. She avoided talking about the ring of metal around one of her scales, since it wasn't something she was eager to speak about entirely, since she still wasn't completely sure how it avoided breaking in the same transition.Then again, being made of Senti burial steel, maybe there was some Senti magic involved. She'd have to talk to Sutes at some point to see if something similar could be done for her piercings.Asteri blinked at Gale’s words- she was currently behind the dragon-girl, trying to fix the loincloth around her belt, working around her tail. But upon hearing what Gale said, Asteri popped her head back up to face the Vaigarin. “You can become a dragon!?”Gale grinned. "All Vaigarin can. Haven't you seen a few of them flying around? I think we had a Yilas do a flyby of the University the other day actually." She mused, thinking about it as she said that. Asteri might have remembered the dragon flying over the city that seemed to glitter as the sunlight struck it's scales. "Bloody fucking peacocks the majority of them. Buuut, if I ever drag you out to Skyaldor, I have got to take you to Tellas' bar. Best damned drinks you'll find outside of a Fucon bar." She said, smiling at the knowledge of what the Yilas had done with her bar. And how she was more humble and down to earth than most of her Family. Her love of making alcohol came from being born to Fucon parents though.Asteri stared wide eyed at Gale for a few moments, before breaking out into giggling. “And I suppose this Tellas’ bar is in the sky, or only accessible by flying?” So what Asteri was hearing was that Gale was going to fly her? That would be so exciting! Sure, she had her anti-grav boots and all that, but they could only make her float a couple feet above the ground. Daddy would never let her have a hoverboard, no matter how much she begged him.She shook her head a bit, before resuming her task of finishing the final touches on the clothes. The last bit after this would be the gloves/armrest, and then came the fun part about making the spear!"Nope, it's on the ground. Used to be part of the way station that was Skyaldor was before the NDC decided to have it be the second major settlement they built up, but they actively brought in Tumnisian and Vaigarins to help with the building and designing, so that it was more a unified expression of the unity of those on the world." She explained, smiling. "It's also very friendly to those without Geists, since that's an issue many have had coming into Obsidian City. The lack of physical markings of what was what, much less where they were inside the city." She continued."It's also where I spend a week of the month at. To do my other job, and to be with my Drane, Sutes." Galestrix said smiling as she thought about her other Bond-Mate.Asteri sat cross legged on the floor, breasts swaying, as she listened to Gale finish speaking. As she gathered the cloth and foam from around her, she paused momentarily to protest, “B-but, Obsidian is perfectly bri…” Oh. Right. She had a Geist as well. Her ears drooped down in thought as she told Gale: “..Yeah, I guess that could be weird. On Andraeste, I don’t think we ever used our Geists as much as they do here. We’ve always had our brick and mortar buildings, maybe sometimes turning into concrete, with different markets selling various foods in person… I’ve told you about the World Trees. We used the Geist, yeah, but it was mainly for things like school learning and entertainment, like streaming.”She sat there for a moment, focusing on getting a particularly hard stitch done in the arm guard, before continuing on. “I suppose a good way to put it would be that NDC people on Sirris treat the Geist like an AR, while on Andraeste, we treat it more like a VR. People on Sirris II kinda need the Geist for their everyday lives. ..And while, admittedly, a Geist is also super important to Andraeste as well, and taking it away would probably be horrible, we don’t, y’know, have the Geist as a central part of our infrastructure.”Oh hey look. She was done with this armband. Time to move on to the other one.Gale nodded. "I think that's why they brought us in to help with Skyaldor. Because only a few of our cities have even begun to roll out offers of getting Geists to the local population." She said, moving her arm around slightly to feel how the finished armband felt as she moved her arm around. She understood it wasn't the finished product, but getting a sense early was good.Asteri looked on a bit as Gale moved around in the fake armguard. She then smiled, before returning to her previous task, only giving a small “Mhm.” in response to Gale’s speculation. The two descended into a silence for only a moment, as soon after Asteri began humming in her lovely voice. But the other armband was finished soon enough, and as soon as Asteri handed off the armband to Gale, she started bouncing around a bit as she started gathering things together, saying excitedly to Gale, “Time for the speeear~! What we’ll make will make guys WISH they could compete~!” Asteri smirked. “Soo, what’d’you want for your spear design?”Gale grinned. She pulled up one of the few recorded images that were available from the Tumnisian museums about the history of the world. And sent an image of what was described as a 'Dragoon' of the middles ages of Sirris II. On the back of a dragon was a man in plate armor, wielding a lance with a series of barbing, clearly intended to be painful or even outright dangerous to be removed from a Vaigarin. "Admittedly, definitely want to blunt the barbs. No point hurting anyone with those. Especially since they were designed to tear scales and sinow apart in the process." She said, with a shrug.Asteri grimaced as she looked at the barbed spear. “That’s so pointy, it would make a Hellknight from Dash-War jealous!” Asteri shook her head a bit. “At least you want to make it less pointy! Though, admittedly, there’s only so much foam can do in terms of sharpness.” At that, Asteri began pacing around. “But first, let’s get the spear shaft done. I’m guessing it’ll be as tall as you, maybe a bit taller…An hour later, and Asteri was assembling the pieces together to finally bring the spear to its full glory. After checking everything here and there, she gingerly set it on the counter, where it lay illuminated by sunset’s rays, before saying to Gale: “Let’s allow it to dry overnight, and then it should be good!” At that, Asteri looked at the mess in her room, her ears flattening against her head, and tails drooping. “Awww. Guess I’m gonna have to clean this up, or the landlord will have my ass.” But then she gave a furtive sideways glance, and scooted closer to Gale. “But I had fun, at least. I hope you did as well too~!” At that, Asteri got up on her toe tips and kissed Gale on the cheek. “Maybe we can do this again sometime?”Gale snorted. "You ain't cleaning up alone. I helped with a fair amount of this mess." She pointed out, walking over to the mess and beginning to help clean it up. Of course she was back in her normal clothes, since Asteri needed to work on finalizing the stitches on the costume.
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