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P A conflict of interest?



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - 009015:5 (Eselberg Station, Kalis System)
Medical Bay

Elenor had avoided dealing with the erstwhile doctor of the station for long enough after their little band's arrival. She couldn't avoid it forever, meaning she was going to have to walk her little nekomata ass down there and talk to the guy.

Even if he gave her the creeps. Lucas said he was a decent sort, and while she was quick to trust Lucas' word, since he didn't usually give her reason to distrust it, she wasn't sure if that some part of her concern had legitimate cause or not.

The doctor was sitting in his office, scrawling in a notebook when he sensed somebody coming. He waited for the person to reach the door frame before he turned, as to not freak her out. "Hey, Elenor right? What do you need?" He asked laying the pin on the desk.

Elenor smiled, and closed the door behind her. "Evening doc. Figured I'd, want to talk with you on some things. In particularly concerning the whole witch thing. I'm not sure how you feel about them, much less those who do pacts with demonic beings in general. So I figured I'd clear the air now while there's a chance to avoid a misunderstanding."

Tarkus raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't bother me. They pacted with you and that's their business. I've never needed a pact to stay in this plane." He explained. Tilting his head to one side, he asked. "Why did you think that would bother me?"

"I mean, Lucas said you wouldn't, but I'd rather be upfront about it. I'm still learning a lot about demonology, though it's not my focus. I work on potions and runic circles, to be clear. Not much demonlogy, not after nearly dying by making a dumb rookie mistake early on." Elenor admitted. "But my concern is how other demons might view the whole thing. I've heard talk from some covens how demons could be, well, the jealous sorts and try and manipulate situations and such to cause a pact to be broken so they could take it for themselves."

Tarkus nodded. "I can see that. Never can be too cautious when dealing with our kind." He replied. "I was not always a demon. I was turned into one when I got tricked into a bad deal." He explained, a scowl forming on his lips at the memory. "Ever since, I've actually tried to stay away from other demons." He added.

Elenor nodded. "I imagine. I've tried rather hard to avoid bad deals. But I suppose I should warn you that I have at least one other demon that hangs around me. If more start showing up, it's not my fault. Honest." She said, raising her hands as though in surrender. "I'm just trying to do my thing without problems."

"I believe I've already met her. Makoto?" He asked, recalling his sparring match with the shadow demon.

Elenor nodded. "That's her."

"She put me through my paces the other day. I'm glad she's on our side." He replied. "Is Lucas pacted with you as well?" He asked.

"Lucas is the only one I'm pacted with. I actually didn't know it was possible for one to be pacted to more than one honestly. I mean, Lucas mentioned it being complicated once or twice, but never more than that." She said, with an idle shrug.

"I see. I really don't know much about it. I've refused to pact with anyone so I never researched it much. But I do know that trying to multiple demons is a very delicate thing. One slip up and your soul is gone." Tarkus explained, snapping his fingers on the last word for emphasis.

Elenor couldn't help but laugh as well. "I mean, technically speaking, my soul's already bound to Lucas now, so it's not exactly mine to keep anymore. Just becomes a question of what happens between now and when I bite it to potentially change that. But I expect that it's gonna be one of those things that gets pretty messy. Besides, I wanted to use my mind for power instead of my body... hence why I ended up in a pact in the first place. Seemed the better way to go."

Tarkus nodded absently, staring off into space. "It must have been a seriously bad situation to make turn down this path. It was for me anyway."

"Dead end town, bullied relentlessly by kids bigger than me, and with no means to really do anything myself... Magic seemed the best path to go, since I wasn't smart enough to do science, not that there were a lot of chances for getting into the field..." Elenor said, shrugging. "I mean, it wasn't all a bad deal, I'm here now, able to do my own thing and with plenty of power to boot. Of course, it's slow, but that's fine."

"That's fair." He replied simply. His own deal with the devil turned out poorly. He was glad that, in her case, she ended up pacting with someone like Lucas.

"Indeed." Elenor mused, smiling. "I'm just glad I don't have to worry about a problem with you. I was concerned there might be conflicts of interest going on." She said, actually relaxing in the chair now.

Tarkus smirked, turning back towards her. "Nope. No issues here. Do as you please, it won't bother me. Just so long as you don't create extra work for me." He added.

"Not my plan. I'm not much for getting into big fights honestly. Even if I have combat capable spells, it's slow, so yeah. Sure, I can use a gun pretty well, but I'm not a professional merc." Elenor said with a chuckle. "But yeah, if a fight happens, I usually leave it to Lucas or Makoto."

"That is would be wise, especially with Makoto. I haven't seen Lucas fight yet though. Hell I'm not even sure what type of demon he is…" he added now that he actually thought about it.

Elenor coughed. "He's uhh, he's a incubus. But he's not your typical one. Very much not the typical sexual hunter." She says, with a sly smirk. "Though I can't complain too much. He's pretty damned handy."

He side eyed Elenor for several long moments before stating seriously. "That's what she said." Before cracking a smirk.

"Oh hardy har har. He's a tailor, priest, archivist, and decent fighter." She replied, rolling her eyes at Tarkus' quip. "And yes, when I go into heat, he helps me deal with that as well. He's not exactly immune to his own demon type. But he does a very good job keeping it under control."

He waved his hand dismissively. "TMI. Don't need to know how you get your rocks off." He said turning back to her. "Just tell me if it starts itching and I'll give you some meds" He added.

Elenor snorted. "I don't plan on going beyond that. I've known some doctors who get squeamish when someone even mentions the possibility of having a blister." She said, smiling in amusement.

Tarkus shrugged. "When you been around as long as I have, stuff like that doesn't bother you." He replied. "Besides, what kind of doctor would I be if I couldn't handle such a simple issue." The doctor added.

"Fair enough. Not sure if there's anything else we should probably cover now since we're both in here." Elenor mused aloud, trying to think of anything else that needed to be said.

"Well you have not been in for your check up. Might as well get it done now." He replied. "Though I'll leave it up to you." Tarkus conceited.

Elenor nodded. "Might as well. I mean, I have a pretty good idea of how I'm doing, but having our new resident doctor have a measure to work from isn't the worst idea. Just don't do anything too unpleasant huh?" She said, "Where do I need to be?" she asked, looking around the room in which they stood.

"You don't need to do anything. Blood magic makes this easy." He explained, reaching into a pocket and retrieving a small needle. "Let me see your hand." He ordered, holding out his free hand.

"Alright." She said, extending her left hand forward over the desk.

He took her hand and held it palm up. "Small poke." He warned, taking the needle and poking her thumb. As the blood began to flow out, he summoned a bead into the air. Covering the wound and applying pressure, he began examining the droplet.

Barely flinching as her finger was pricked, she let him do his thing. She didn't know how long he'd take, or if he needed her continued presence, so she waited. It wasn't like she had anywhere to be anyways, she'd taken out half a day in her own schedule just in case this whole thing ran for that long if there had been an actual conflict of interest.

After several long seconds passed, Tarkus waved his hand and the blood disappeared. "Clean bill of health. No issues that I can detect in your blood." He finally stated.

Elenor smiled and nodded. "Better than the physicals I used to have to go though back in school. A quick prick and all done." She said, standing up and stretching. "Anything else you need from me before we call it a day and carry on?"

Shaking his head slightly, he answered. "Nope, don't have anything else. Need to get back to my research."