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  1. X

    The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead

    "Break through the enemy forces no matter what, huh? Seems like we're just a number to the head honchos up on top. No matter we gettin' paid for this and not like I ain't know what was gonna happen. I signed up for this shit anyway!" Dallas says with a small smile as he and his comrades push...
  2. X

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    Dallas listens to the intercom before smirking and putting his weapons away and then follows his new comrades to the position. "Well looks like we're gettin' right inta things. I hope none y'all bite the dust after I just metch'yall!"
  3. X

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    "Hmmm I'm sorry could'ja run that by me again? I don't quite get what'cha mean by that?" Dallas rubs the back of his head with his mechanical and gives a light chuckle. "By the way, name's Dallas. Pleasure to meet'cha!"
  4. X

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    Dallas speaks up to the cyborg skeleton "Nah I ain't never been in trouble with the law. Signed up for this of mah own free will like my daddy and his daddy did before me! Wanted ta do somethin' useful with mah life outside of borin' manual labor, ya know?" He says with a smile before politely...