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AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

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Nov 4, 2021
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Spriggan - Bridge

The twins were as irate as ever as to encroachment into the now cramped confines of their sacred bridge. More their quarters than anything most of the time it was a small affair for the corvette-sized craft with a few usually unused stations with most of the arrays and controls slaved to the sled-like dip in the floor the two occupied in rather intimate positions one leaning back into the other with backless seats barely over the other, Tomoes legs practically straddling her partners side who was currently leaning back into her lap, looking over both their shoulders with irksome expressions as took Setsuyas usual throne.

"Komoe-Komoe." Tomoe complained quiet enough only the two of them would be able to hear as she put a hand over the circular array to start up the drives for the main propellant. "How long are they going to stay here again?"

"Give it a few hours," He leaned a cheek into his maybe-lover maybe-sisters hand and without looking pressed a foot into a pedal. "They'll get tired or bored and go away."

Gently the Spriggan pulled out of the hangar as it more coasted than anything to a safe distance from the station before the ship lurched slightly as it accelerated; The arrays maintained the gravity shifting to compensate as it picked up speed and within a minute even the bloom of its thrusters were just another star on the horizon.

"Just go to the Porcaria system as if it's that easy." Tomoe complained quietly, already plotting a several-week course to just that being aware of the general system it was in via a prior check of their navigation charts and going through the trouble to consult the various strata to predict the nebula flows to best avoid a lengthy or dangerous trip to their precious ship.

"Heading 015 degrees sector north. Speed one hundred kilometers coasting to oort." Komoe recited to his partner, the two shifting into an easy rhythm as they began their voyage.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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Jericho had been making sure that Maradia's plug had been properly secured, the heavy duty electric hookup being bolt fastened to the plugin panel. "Relax dear, we're aboard the Spriggan now, and I have you all hooked up. Power, system link, and a safe corner here on the bridge right next to me," the mercenary softly reassured his large cyber reptilian companion. To say they were a pair was a bit tenuous, as the two had been keeping a close and growing correspondence over messages, but this was a chance for them to do something together in person for once. Reassuring armored hands rested themselves on her arm, in order to bring her attention to him being there.

Meanwhile, Vivian was at her own station for keeping tab on the ships technical statuses. Given the small size of said bridge, she had to only lean over steeply to be within whispering distance of Sachi. "Are those two normally this grouchy, they don't seem like they like even us being here?" she questioned to her wife quietly, knowing the current gaggle of a group would be stuck together for more then likely a month on the same ship.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko looked at those assembled on the bridge, a serene smile gracing her face. The sight of her loyal crew filled her with a profound sense of satisfaction. Each member was a testament to the strength and unity of their team, and she was pleased they could join her on this pivotal mission.

Her thoughts briefly wandered to her aunt, Sparrow, likely already in the medical bay, preparing for any emergencies. Sparrow’s expertise and unwavering calm in the face of adversity made her an invaluable asset to the crew. Knowing Sparrow was on board gave Sachiko an extra layer of reassurance.

As her gaze swept across the bridge, she observed the twins, Komoe and Tomoe, with their usual attitudes. Their synchronized movements and near-telepathic communication always amazed her.

Her eyes then settled on Maradia, their Cyborg-enhanced Naga. Maradia was plugged into the ship's systems, her enhancements glowing softly as she interfaced with the Spriggan. Sachiko felt a pang of guilt. Sachiko had not yet found a way to upgrade her cybernetics to allow her more independence. The sight of Maradia connected to the ship, dependent on its systems for full functionality, tugged at Sachiko’s heart. She vowed silently that this trip would result in something beneficial for Maradia as well.

The bridge hummed with the quiet efficiency of a well-oiled machine. The crew members were busy at their stations, preparing for the journey ahead. The soft glow of the control panels illuminated their focused faces, each person absorbed in their tasks. Sachiko felt a swell of pride. This was her family, not by blood, but by choice and circumstance. Each of them had chosen to be here, to follow her, and to trust in her leadership.

She took a deep breath, absorbing the scene and the gravity of their mission. The Porcaria System awaited, a treasure trove of forgotten starships and potential discoveries. Sachiko knew the risks were high, but the rewards could be even greater. With her crew by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Sachiko's thoughts turned once more to the future. This mission was more than a salvage operation; it was an opportunity to advance their technology, to find something extraordinary that could change their lives. And perhaps, in the process, she could find a way to help Maradia gain the independence she deserved.

With a final, determined glance at her crew, Sachiko took her place in the captain's chair. The journey was about to begin, and she was ready to lead them into the unknown.

"Yeah, they don't seem to like us being here, do they?" Sachiko whispered back, her voice barely audible over the hum of the ship's systems. Her eyes flicked towards the twins, Komoe and Tomoe, who were busy at their stations. Their synchronized movements and focused expressions showed their readiness, but Sachiko could sense the underlying tension.

She continued in a hushed tone, "Hopefully, they can tolerate us until we can salvage a ship. Then we won't have to rely on the Spriggan anymore." The idea of finding a new ship was both a practical necessity and a strategic advantage. The Sadistic Spriggan had served them well, but they needed a vessel with more advanced capabilities for the missions they were planning.

Sachiko finished her whisper with a heartfelt addition, "And like I said, thank you for being here." She reached out and lightly touched Vivi's hand, the simple gesture conveying her gratitude. Vivi's presence was a constant source of support and strength, and Sachiko appreciated her more than words could express.

Resting back in the captain's chair, Sachiko allowed herself a moment of reflection. The chair was more than just a seat; it was a symbol of her leadership and the responsibility she bore. She felt the weight of her duties, but also the satisfaction of knowing she was steering her crew towards their goals.

Her mind wandered briefly to the mission ahead. The Porcaria System was a vast and perilous region, filled with the wreckage of countless starships. Each derelict vessel held the potential for new technologies and discoveries, but also unknown dangers. The prospect of shadow demons and pirates loomed large, yet Sachiko was confident in her crew's ability to handle any threats.

She glanced around the bridge, taking in the faces of her crew members. Each one was focused and ready, their expertise and dedication shining through. Komoe and Tomoe, with their boundless energy and sharp instincts; Jerico, with his steady presence and tactical acumen; Maradia, ever vigilant and connected to the ship's systems. And, of course, Vivi, whose calm and supportive nature was an anchor for Sachiko.

The mission was about more than just salvage. It was about pushing the boundaries of what they knew, discovering new technologies, and finding a way to help Maradia. Sachiko's resolve hardened as she thought of the cyborg Naga, plugged into the ship and dependent on its systems. She promised herself that this mission would bring about the changes Maradia needed.

With a deep breath, Sachiko settled into the captain's chair, feeling its familiar contours. The bridge was a symphony of activity, each crew member playing their part in the intricate dance of starship operations. She felt a sense of unity and purpose, knowing they were all in this together.

The adventure was about to begin, and with her crew by her side, Sachiko felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The future was uncertain, but with determination and teamwork, they would navigate the dangers of the Porcaria System and emerge victorious. The journey was just beginning, and Sachiko was prepared to lead her crew to success.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Maradia beeped and tensed up when she heard Jericho, she wasn't used to physically being around him. She felt embarrassed, she usually only appeared to him as a sprite that didn't share her cyborg appearance. She blinked at the electrical panel and examined the bolted connection. Without the tools, she wouldn't be able to remove the plug tethering her to the ship, although she would power down if she did anyway. "Jericho...? Is this really necessary?" she asked, not quite understanding why it had to be secured to the wall like this. Perhaps it was because of all the times she'd unplugged herself from the station, both intentionally and unintentionally; she didn't understand how her own implants worked or why they needed external power, and being quite a strong cyborg Lamia, it was quite easy for her to accidentally pull her cables out of the wall. It reminded her of when they kept her trapped in her prison on the other station while they were trying to rescue her. She moved to wrap her cold metallic arms around Jericho subconsciously, just remembering.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Sparrow was not actually in the medbay, surprisingly. In a rare feeling of Malaise she was half sprawled out on a rather pomp C-shaped half moon couch sunken below the main floor with every single silken purple and velvet and royal blue tasseled pillow piled up around her while a small pile of three juice-pouches sat next to her like a partner as she vigorously and sucked the entire contents of a fourth pomegranate juice concentrate from its pouch to fight the sharp pain behind her eyes.

It was in the quiet times that it was the worst. When she saw without really seeing and heard like a whisper in her ears that distant feeling that came from everywhere and nowhere that pervaded her when she lost concentration. She knew if she looked in a mirror her eyes were likely the black and saphire that the cults had been back on Falke Station where she had nearly killed Tarkus, where she had lost herself in something new that even the thought of made her want to pull her lips into an unnatural Cheshire grin and laugh merrily. She had to make an effort of will to suppress it until the pain went away and her eyes faded back to normal and her lips stopped trying to force an uncharacteristic manic grin.

It was half the reason she chose to go on the trip. Beyond just watching over Sachiko. She had to get away, to get far enough from Tarkus who was liable to check up on her and would no doubt recognize the symptoms and expose her secret.

She also didn't want to speak with him on the matter at all. Wanted to forget the whole ordeal with the red moon cult and what had happened. A couple months away into the void from home would be a challenge but it was perhaps the most isolating thing she could think of to hone herself, master her mind, and overcome the deep-rooted corruption of her mind.

So with a final draw a sweet but sour juice she sighed, laid back in the pillows, drew her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes as the quiet in her mind was filled with the distant cheerful laughter of catharsis brought by the release of bloodletting towards everlasting peace that only she would be able to find if she only opened her eyes to the sanguinette and tore everyone in the ship asunder.

"I alone am strong." She mumbled to herself her usual mantra.

It was going to be a long trip.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko smiled, giving Vivi’s hand a gentle squeeze before letting her fingers slip away. The warmth of that simple touch lingered, offering her a brief moment of peace amidst the excitement that buzzed through her. Leaning back into the captain’s seat, Sachiko couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of strangeness settle in. This was her mother’s seat, after all. The weight of its legacy pressed on her shoulders. To sit here now, as captain, leading her crew into the unknown, filled her with both pride and a subtle sense of awe.

The seat wasn’t just a piece of furniture; it carried the history of leadership, of decisions made under pressure, of victories and losses. Her mother had once commanded from here, steering the ship and their clan through turbulent times. Now, it was Sachiko's turn. She glanced down at the armrests, fingers tracing the worn edges where her mother’s hands must have gripped during countless missions. The responsibility felt tangible, yet she welcomed it.

With a burst of energy in her voice, she spoke up, her excitement bubbling to the surface. "Alright, onwards to adventure and salvage!" The words were filled with enthusiasm, reverberating around the bridge like the first call to action.

The ship’s helmsman, skilled and steady, initiated the departure. The Sadistic Spriggan slowly disengaged from the station’s docking arms, gliding effortlessly into open space. Sachiko watched the vast expanse of stars grow larger on the viewscreen, her heart skipping a beat as they left the familiar safety of the station behind. The Spriggan’s engines hummed softly beneath her, a powerful reminder of the ship’s potential and the mission ahead.

As the helmsman smoothly transitioned the vessel into faster-than-light travel, the stars outside blurred into streaks of light. The ship surged forward, plunging into the infinite stretch of the galaxy, leaving behind the station and all its familiarity in an instant. Sachiko felt the subtle shift in her body as the ship accelerated, and a sense of exhilaration washed over her.

Her mind began to whirl with thoughts of the Porcaria System—their destination. It was a region known for its mysteries, filled with the wreckage of countless starships, many of them ancient and packed with advanced technology just waiting to be uncovered. Sachiko's heart raced at the possibilities. What treasures might they find? What lost knowledge could they salvage and bring back to enhance their own systems, or perhaps create something entirely new?

The idea of recovering long-forgotten technology sent a thrill through her. Her company, SachiTech, specialized in such discoveries, and this mission had the potential to push them to the next level. New propulsion systems, weapon enhancements, defense technologies—there was no telling what they might stumble upon. Every salvage operation held promise, but this one felt special. This one felt like it could be the key to unlocking something revolutionary.

Yet, alongside the excitement was a hum of nervous energy. The Porcaria System wasn’t without its dangers. Shadow demons, pirates, and other hostile forces lurked in the dark corners of space, ready to pounce on unsuspecting crews. Sachiko wasn’t naïve to the risks, but the thrill of discovery outweighed her concerns. They were prepared, and she trusted her crew implicitly.

As the ship surged through the FTL corridor, Sachiko allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. Her mother’s legacy, the crew’s loyalty, and Vivi’s love—it all combined into a powerful force within her. She knew that whatever they faced out there, they would overcome it together.

Leaning back into the captain's chair, Sachiko closed her eyes for a moment, the hum of the ship’s engines lulling her into a state of focused calm. This was where she belonged. This was her adventure, her crew, her journey. And with each passing second, they drew closer to the unknown, closer to whatever awaited them in the Porcaria System.

The thrill of the unknown filled her, and her excitement only grew as the Sadistic Spriggan hurtled toward its next great discovery.

Meanwhile, In the lower areas of the ship, Sparrow will find herself joined by another more furry companion, Whiskers the robotic dog that Sachiko created wagging her tail as she walked by, especially walked by the strange device Sachiko had brought on board the ship.